
Lolita dress is more distinctive after mixing Chinese style

I think it's great as a cultural fusion.

Lo dress with Han elements is cute.

And lo dress in Chinese style is more everyday.

Lolita, the Chinese wind, is literally the Chinese wind similar to qipao han clothing and lolita style combined, showing a unique Chinese wind, the rapid development of the past two years.

Lolita is now a lot of girls are very like a kind of clothes, gorgeous and lovely, and our Chinese wind is also very lasting appeal, when Lolita added the Chinese wind lasting appeal, also the United States became hot. 

"Chinese style" Lolita into a big hit, lovely and Chinese style charm, even hanfu niang can not help.

dress show:

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style show, to be continued.


What are the practical disadvantages of Microsoft Blazor compared to other technology stacks?

Let's start with the weaknesses mentioned by the subject.

WASM packaging starts slowly

Is defect. Initial startup requires downloading and initializing the necessary parts of the runtime, class libraries, and so on. Officials are still refining the cropping feature to reduce the volume of content loaded on first launch, but that's about it for now.

WASM+AOT packs large volume

Larger pack size after AOT is expected, not a drawback. Used conditionally, AOT is not a panacea.

Server mode occupies Socket and Server memory

That's not a weakness... This is a project design pattern supported at the framework level, where the interaction between the front and back ends is handled through long connections and the logic is mostly done on the back end. If you use such a design, the back end of course takes up sockets and memory. This is a statement, not an evaluation.

(P.S. I prefer to learn the Client mode, which is closer to the general front-end development)

Let me take a personal view.

Blazor has two major disadvantages:

Wasm's popularity and support is not widespread enough

Ecological problems

The ceiling Blazor develops is definitely constrained by WASM. For the 2C market, where browsers such as IE 9-11 do not support WASM or only partially support it, adopting Blazor means abandoning a large number of lower-level users. The 2B market is up for grab, but there are many enterprise and corporate hardware environments that don't support WASM, and that's where Blazor can't get its cake. In summary, in the short term, there is a relatively limited buyer's market for enterprises or individuals to choose Blazor as their product.

The ecological issues are divided into two parts: one is that Blazor itself has not been around long, and the various open source components, applications, designs, and best practices still need to be enriched and matured; Another is that the domestic C# ecology is relatively weak. The combination of these two can easily lead to a vicious circle of "many people who offer, few people who contribute", and finally both sides give up. If the community doesn't come alive, Microsoft machete might...

For now, Blazor has a late-mover advantage, and many of the design ideas are in line with mainstream front-end development, with fewer twists and turns.

Looking ahead, browsers that don't support WASM will become obsolete, so the first (inherent) drawback isn't the most serious. Perhaps the most serious "drawback" is the open source community. For example, the domestic open source project Ant-Design-Blazor provides a set of enterprise-oriented components. As far as I know, the project managers have spent a lot of time and energy in their spare time, but there are many known problems that need to be solved by manpower. I have personally experienced a significant improvement in development efficiency while using ANTD-Blazor, and have also contributed PR for some of the issues I have encountered. This is a two-way process, so I hope to get more of my peers involved in the open source community.

If developers who have used open source products always look to "off-the-shelf" and do not actively participate in its efforts to "mature", then Blazor's future is indeed bleak.

BTW, as for my friends who regard it as a "weakness" that they can't replace the js/ TS-based three frameworks... I think too much...

The performance of WebAssembly is better than that of Js, and although Js is now JIT enabled with V8 engines, the loss caused by repeated unboxing and predictive errors in dynamic languages is not to be underestimated. So for example function add(a,b)


return a+b;


Like this code, the compiler looks at it, it's an addition, and it compiles it, but in the actual process, it passes in a string and the compiler blinks and recompiles it, and if someone's code repeatedly jumps around this function, it's going to be very bad performance. To solve this problem, experts have come up with another method, which is ASM. let x = a | 0;   // let y = +a; / / y floating-point number this thing just provide the two types, | 0 integers +? Floating-point, which improves compilation accuracy on supported machines and reduces the number of cases described above, does not change the result if it is not supported, further improving performance. But there was still room to explore, and WebAssembly emerged. Originally designed to develop web pages in C/C++, Microsoft built Blazor on this basis. I was there at the time, and Blazor still has some drawbacks. Server versions consume Server performance. WebAssembly is not lean enough, requires downloading a lot of native libraries, takes up time and lacks a developer base. (The more it lacks, if developers don't work hard, it's a vicious cycle. Blazor WebAssembly also needs to do dynamic loading of components to speed up the loading even further. Make a beautiful, single-page application.

By the way, I am a game developer, running game-related calculations every frame on the web side, as well as physical collisions, and a little bit of performance is very sensitive to the game. I have actually tested WebAssembly and the performance improvement is huge, and unity-generated H5 games already use WebAssembly. Quite a few other WebGL projects use WebAssembly.

1. Because blazor uses Microsoft C# to develop front-end rendered web pages! 2. C# is an object-oriented software released by Microsoft that runs on. Framework and. A high-level programming language on top of NETCore(fully open source, cross-platform). In other words, write front-end pages in back-end languages. Why would you do that? C# in the Internet industry used to write the back end is basically a corner, now also used to write the front end, will there be market recognition? This, among other things, is a weakness in itself. If blazor is currently written in JAVA as the popular choice, look at the response. 3. Why Blazor? The reason for this is that browsers support WebAssembly, a new way of coding that can run binary format files in modern Web browsers with near-native performance. Blazor attempts to use WebAssembly and DotNetAnywhere. NET brings back to the browser. However, although the version is now iterative, it is only suitable for developing management systems because the response is still a bit slow. 4. Back to C#, if blazor is to be used, the front end needs to learn C#. It is not necessary to give up the current vue/ React framework to accumulate, although you can call JS, but always feel useless. In conclusion, I think it is suitable for those who know C# to write management projects. The rest is in the eye of the beholder!

Blazor is currently good in my opinion except for the following three drawbacks: 1. It is not suitable for JS developers, that is, the mainstream front-end developers 2. The initial load is slow and the subsequent load is a bit slow (correction, the subsequent load is actually quite fast, the first load currently takes about 2 to 5 seconds) 3. 4. While it is useful enough to use, Blazor has been cut down by Microsoft. Despite these shortcomings, Blazor has taken off. It looks like another WebForm product, but to be honest, WebForm really doesn't deserve to be compared to Blazor, WebForm is not a thing of its time. However, due to the second and third drawbacks, Blazor is currently not comparable to React and others. Our company was transferred from WebForm to React. We also planned to transfer to Blazor half a year ago, because we were busy all the time and put it on hold. I myself have tried to build some basic functionality based on the requirements of our existing projects, the process of writing code is very comfortable, and there is a lot of logic to share with the back end (our back end is C#). For those of us already familiar with C#, Blazor is much better than the React stream. While I would love to see our project ported to Blazor as soon as possible, I am not in a hurry to move forward with Blazor due to its current critical shortcomings.


In 2022, flexible employment in China involved more than 200 million people. What measures can be taken to accommodate such a large number of people?

 Compared with the western rigid employment system, flexible employment is a great innovation of the socialist motherland, embodies the advanced nature of socialism, superiority.In western capitalist countries such as Europe, America and Japan, citizens have to be attached to an enterprise founded by a capitalist, and the capitalist pays the basic social security fund such as old-age insurance on their behalf, which directly leads to the strong dependence and high degree of dependency of the public on capital. Once a middle-income family loses its job, it is likely to lead to bankruptcy or even homelessness. As a result, New York, as the most developed city in the world, gathers a large number of poor people and forms contiguous slums. The whole New York City has a dirty interface and it is difficult to guarantee security. This fully shows that the extreme development of capitalism means the extreme suffering of ordinary people.China, on the other hand, has creatively proposed the concept of flexible employment, whereby a large number of ordinary people do not have to depend on capitalists to survive, but can freely choose the occupation they want to do without being controlled by capitalists or exploited by capitalists. We do not need to be attached to a certain enterprise, we may work on multiple platforms, such as delivering food during the day, anchorman at night, want to work can make money, do not want to work can rest. The common people have full freedom and full choice. Food delivery, delivery services, anchors, up workers, Internet celebrities, street vendors, construction workers, masons, and a variety of high-paying and high-quality flexible employment jobs are all available, demonstrating the resilience and anti-vulnerability of the Chinese economy. Flexible employment will no longer allow the general public to be picked and picked by capitalists, but rather the general public will become the masters and pick and choose from them. In this sense, a flexible worker in our country earning RMB 2000 is happier than a New Yorker earning USD 3000.

More than 200 million flexible jobs, and the feeling in my heart is, wow, there are so many people who don't have a stable job, and they say it's so refreshing that they can't have a stable job. Many people choose to drift because they have no choice. Can test civil servants, can enter state-owned enterprises, can enter the business establishment, can have inherited, can enter the name of the enterprise must have chosen the safe, no one wants to live in the open.

Netizen: Why don't these 200 million people try harder to find a stable job?

Netizen: I have a very good suggestion, let these 200 million people join the network censor and network comment, carry forward the positive energy of propaganda.

Netizen: what talent can be regarded as flexible employment personnel? Old men and women cannot be counted, this group of people are excluded; Children, students can not be counted, they have students this occupation; 800 million farmers and migrant workers are not counted. They are professional farmers. The disabled and mentally ill are not counted; Dancing in the square and eating public meals are not counted, they are suspended or retired, with pensions; There are 1.4 billion of us. How many people are there after that? Let's call it 400 million. Half of those 400 million people are unemployed, and for the rest, there are many occupations that don't produce any social value, and there are tens of millions of managers. That's why 996 is advocated.


To put it simply, as long as there is no fixed salary [1] and annual income direction, basically all are "flexible employment" category.

In fact, behind this question lies a hidden question: what does it mean to have more than 200 million flexible workers?

According to the qipu survey, compared with 2010, the working-age population in China has decreased by more than 40 million. Currently, there are 880 million people between the ages of 16 and 59, and the average age of the working-age population is 38.8.

Data released in the Blue book of China Flexible Employment Development Report (2021) show that:

In recent years, the number of flexible employment in China has increased significantly. About 55.7 percent of Chinese enterprises will adopt flexible labor use in 2020, up about 11 percentage points from 2019, and nearly 30 percent intend to stabilize or expand flexible labor use.

In other words, the rate of job losses in Korea is far outpacing the decline in the labor force due to aging, and the real unemployment rate is likely to exceed 22.7 percent.

So what does this number actually mean?

In October 2009, during the subprime crisis, the average unemployment rate of the United States was 10.2% [2], which was the highest in the past 26 years.

The only unemployment rate above that level was 90 years ago during the Great Depression.

In 1929, at the start of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was just 3%. In 1933, unemployment had worsened to 25%. It was not until 1941 that the unemployment rate fell below 10% again.

At the same time, Germany after World War I was not only saddled with huge war reparations, but also the newly established Weimar republic system was always in chaos. The Great Depression in 1929 even triggered hyperinflation in the German economy. At that time, not only did the purchasing power of the Deutschmark drop significantly, but the number of unemployed people soared from 1.3 million in September 1929 to over 6 million in early 1933, and the unemployment rate reached 30% at one time [3].

It seems that the only solution to this crisis is the Chinese word "extensive and profound".

Thucydides says, "Don't let vanity lead you astray; When men are in danger of losing their dignity, and it is too obvious that they will be guilty of it, vanity will wreak havoc on mankind. For there have been countless instances in which men, who are well aware of the danger they are about to get into, have fallen victim to the mere influence of what is called an unseemliness. They incur disgrace, not from their misfortune, but from their folly.

The security guard said that Hegel's famous saying "being is reasonable" was a translation mistake. The correct translation should be "Being is rational" instead of "being reasonable", which are two completely different value systems.

Flexible employment is a liberal democratic buzzword. Don't associate it with lowly "freelancers" and slash-looking "youth." Nurseries, homemakers, plumbers, electricians, carers, hourly aunts, shoemakers, vegetable sellers, vagabonding singers, ride-hailing drivers, food delivery workers, etc. These are all golden examples of the flexible employment model list. The same labor force is paid with their own body and time, and the steady struggle of office workers in exchange for payment is completely different. Why are they flexible? Because work time follow one's inclinations, no social box constraints, and not rely on the enterprise to pay benefits, complete personal security, free and open office environment, industry rising channel space is broad, old later can live in seclusion, children can also urge to them, of course, more to avoid the possibility of a middle age is private equity harvest, Mentality also does not exist a number of eggs speculation where to put trouble. With the above benefits, the career has a flexible, intelligent, aura, which is the envy of the iron rice bowl civil servants. They don't have the luxury of being transported to other companies in their middle years. They have the luxury of living in the present. The humble "freelancers", the loose "slash youth" and the stingy "fireism" are mostly "ordinary talents" who are tired of working in a field, have certain technical connections, do not want to be lower than capital, and have certain cash flow deposits or assets, and come out on their own. The same cannot be said of the flexi-employment group, the hidden national plutocrat, the alienated disguised middle class symbolised by capitalism. Flexible workers are often tempted to dismiss themselves as fire-inspired slash-freelancers. For example, a taxi driver with five apartments in Beijing, a restaurant owner with several buildings in Guangzhou, an aunt who works part-time in a single-family house in Shanghai's main urban area, a farmer who builds a single house in the countryside, a water and electricity repairman, and a second-generation delivery boy who helps girls out of poverty in order to help friends. They are lonely, restless, want to contribute to the society, like to come out of flexible employment, it is said that this is a little more than the western red neck rich multiple. Of course they make up less than 0.01 percent of the 200 million.


Main indicators of China's Software and Information Technology Service Industry in 2021

Source: China Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau

Main indicators of the national software and information technology service industry in 2021

Indicator name


Cumulative this period

Year-on-year cumulative

Year-on-year increase or decrease

number of units





Total software business revenue





Of which: 1. Software product revenue





      2. Information technology service revenue





      3. Information Security Income





      4. Embedded system software revenue





Software business export

One hundred million U.S. dollars




The total profit





Average number of employees

10,000 people




Note: The statistical scope of software and information technology service industry is:
1. A software enterprise registered in my country (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions), mainly engaged in software research and development, system integration and related information technology services, with an annual income of more than 5 million yuan from the main business, and with independent legal personality;
2. An independent legal entity registered in my country, with an annual income of more than 10 million yuan from the main business, and income from software research and development, system integration and related information technology services, and the income accounts for more than 30% of the company's main business income;
3. An independent legal entity that is registered in my country and is mainly engaged in integrated circuit design or whose income from integrated circuit design and testing accounts for more than 60% of the company's main business income, and whose main business annual income exceeds 5 million yuan.

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