
The problems about Opening Chinese restaurants abroad

Chinese food and beverage enterprises go abroad and face three problems:
1. Insufficient research and analysis ability in overseas markets
The target customers are local people, and there are still some deficiencies in how to choose the location and how to adjust the taste of dishes.

2. scarcity of managerial talent
Although the characteristic vegetables and cooking seasoning can be transported by air, it is still difficult for bilingual catering talents to calculate the local purchasing and rent, and make the accurate price and gross profit rate.

3. not familiar with local laws and regulations
Chinese enterprises to go out often several legal problems are: overseas recruitment problem, technology to send problems, food safety and so on, if do not pay attention to easy to trigger a labor dispute between the two sides, even cause legal problems.

Important question: how can Chinese enterprises better go abroad?

Li yongtai, a professor of cantonese cuisine and former headmaster of guangdong provincial vocational school of tourism and commerce, said that for Chinese enterprises to go abroad, they must practice their "internal skills" :

1. Food safety is very important. Both at home and abroad, food safety should be the first factor.

2. Understand and learn the laws and regulations of the country where catering enterprises are located. Be familiar with the culture of the country including catering culture. Grounding gas is the first thing to do to avoid the occurrence of cultural violation.

3, restaurants to achieve standardization, to cook, to the waiter, this is not only going abroad to do things, is also in domestic food and beverage market competition in the future to do things, this is one of the current trend of the development of the catering.

Dig deep into your traditional food and upgrade it. Chinese food out of the overseas is not only a commercial purpose, catering enterprises but also shoulder the important task of promoting Chinese culture, Chinese traditional food, especially the traditional snacks is an important part of our culture, dig and raise the grade to develop China's cultural soft power and get rid of the Chinese food "cheap cheap" label.

5, restaurants to vogue, recreational, social, and fans, the fans consumer digital, this is one of the current trend of the development of the catering, to make the dining entertainment integration, want to use big data analytics fans dining habits.


According to the current development status of Chinese food and beverage enterprises that have successfully gone abroad, there are four characteristics as follows:

Targeting the Chinese market

In fact, the overseas Chinese have become an important part of global cities, for Chinese enterprises, it is a very potential market, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, Canada and so on countries with large Chinese communities, the generally high acceptance of Chinese for Chinese food, easy to form a stable customer group, for example, haidilao Chinese community in Singapore are flawed, in Los Angeles during the Chinese New Year, the eyebrow states dongpo stores almost all of them are Chinese guests for dinner.

Cooperate with foreign capital to expand overseas market

The river just outside the city set up a company specialized in investment Singapore, its investors miele group not only in foreign countries has food branch, and in Singapore has a rich experience in restaurant operations management, make the river just outside the city less detours.

Huang ji huang develops overseas markets mainly by developing local franchisees. Huang ji huang is responsible for exporting core materials such as brand, management and sauce.

Hua jia yi yuan and a five Yellow River carp are set up overseas through cooperation with overseas companies.

Although the east slope of meizhou is dominated by direct stores, it has also reached strategic cooperation with local real estate developers to facilitate the location of its stores.

Goubuli is the direct acquisition of overseas catering companies to expand its brand influence.

Centrally located in the area

Dongpo eyebrow states, for example, the eyebrow states dongpo group several big Chinese communities are opened a branch in Los Angeles, is now up to four, and has set up a company in the United States, with the central kitchen unified management, according to the way of the development of modern chain restaurant. Although the eastern slope of meizhou is still in the loss, but the operation is also gradually on the right track.

Casual dining has an advantage

And dongpo eyebrow states, for example, as early as 2013 in the United States eyebrow states dongpo's first store will give priority to in order to provide a casual dining, or just go out and the Yang Mingyu conger chicken rice, qinfeng costs is to go out in the form of casual dining, in the ground by a lot of people chase after hold in both hands. According to some experts, casual dining is easier to operate, more standardized and more in line with the trend of catering.

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