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In 2022, flexible employment in China involved more than 200 million people. What measures can be taken to accommodate such a large number of people?

 Compared with the western rigid employment system, flexible employment is a great innovation of the socialist motherland, embodies the advanced nature of socialism, superiority.In western capitalist countries such as Europe, America and Japan, citizens have to be attached to an enterprise founded by a capitalist, and the capitalist pays the basic social security fund such as old-age insurance on their behalf, which directly leads to the strong dependence and high degree of dependency of the public on capital. Once a middle-income family loses its job, it is likely to lead to bankruptcy or even homelessness. As a result, New York, as the most developed city in the world, gathers a large number of poor people and forms contiguous slums. The whole New York City has a dirty interface and it is difficult to guarantee security. This fully shows that the extreme development of capitalism means the extreme suffering of ordinary people.China, on the other hand, has creatively proposed the concept of flexible employment, whereby a large number of ordinary people do not have to depend on capitalists to survive, but can freely choose the occupation they want to do without being controlled by capitalists or exploited by capitalists. We do not need to be attached to a certain enterprise, we may work on multiple platforms, such as delivering food during the day, anchorman at night, want to work can make money, do not want to work can rest. The common people have full freedom and full choice. Food delivery, delivery services, anchors, up workers, Internet celebrities, street vendors, construction workers, masons, and a variety of high-paying and high-quality flexible employment jobs are all available, demonstrating the resilience and anti-vulnerability of the Chinese economy. Flexible employment will no longer allow the general public to be picked and picked by capitalists, but rather the general public will become the masters and pick and choose from them. In this sense, a flexible worker in our country earning RMB 2000 is happier than a New Yorker earning USD 3000.

More than 200 million flexible jobs, and the feeling in my heart is, wow, there are so many people who don't have a stable job, and they say it's so refreshing that they can't have a stable job. Many people choose to drift because they have no choice. Can test civil servants, can enter state-owned enterprises, can enter the business establishment, can have inherited, can enter the name of the enterprise must have chosen the safe, no one wants to live in the open.

Netizen: Why don't these 200 million people try harder to find a stable job?

Netizen: I have a very good suggestion, let these 200 million people join the network censor and network comment, carry forward the positive energy of propaganda.

Netizen: what talent can be regarded as flexible employment personnel? Old men and women cannot be counted, this group of people are excluded; Children, students can not be counted, they have students this occupation; 800 million farmers and migrant workers are not counted. They are professional farmers. The disabled and mentally ill are not counted; Dancing in the square and eating public meals are not counted, they are suspended or retired, with pensions; There are 1.4 billion of us. How many people are there after that? Let's call it 400 million. Half of those 400 million people are unemployed, and for the rest, there are many occupations that don't produce any social value, and there are tens of millions of managers. That's why 996 is advocated.


To put it simply, as long as there is no fixed salary [1] and annual income direction, basically all are "flexible employment" category.

In fact, behind this question lies a hidden question: what does it mean to have more than 200 million flexible workers?

According to the qipu survey, compared with 2010, the working-age population in China has decreased by more than 40 million. Currently, there are 880 million people between the ages of 16 and 59, and the average age of the working-age population is 38.8.

Data released in the Blue book of China Flexible Employment Development Report (2021) show that:

In recent years, the number of flexible employment in China has increased significantly. About 55.7 percent of Chinese enterprises will adopt flexible labor use in 2020, up about 11 percentage points from 2019, and nearly 30 percent intend to stabilize or expand flexible labor use.

In other words, the rate of job losses in Korea is far outpacing the decline in the labor force due to aging, and the real unemployment rate is likely to exceed 22.7 percent.

So what does this number actually mean?

In October 2009, during the subprime crisis, the average unemployment rate of the United States was 10.2% [2], which was the highest in the past 26 years.

The only unemployment rate above that level was 90 years ago during the Great Depression.

In 1929, at the start of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was just 3%. In 1933, unemployment had worsened to 25%. It was not until 1941 that the unemployment rate fell below 10% again.

At the same time, Germany after World War I was not only saddled with huge war reparations, but also the newly established Weimar republic system was always in chaos. The Great Depression in 1929 even triggered hyperinflation in the German economy. At that time, not only did the purchasing power of the Deutschmark drop significantly, but the number of unemployed people soared from 1.3 million in September 1929 to over 6 million in early 1933, and the unemployment rate reached 30% at one time [3].

It seems that the only solution to this crisis is the Chinese word "extensive and profound".

Thucydides says, "Don't let vanity lead you astray; When men are in danger of losing their dignity, and it is too obvious that they will be guilty of it, vanity will wreak havoc on mankind. For there have been countless instances in which men, who are well aware of the danger they are about to get into, have fallen victim to the mere influence of what is called an unseemliness. They incur disgrace, not from their misfortune, but from their folly.

The security guard said that Hegel's famous saying "being is reasonable" was a translation mistake. The correct translation should be "Being is rational" instead of "being reasonable", which are two completely different value systems.

Flexible employment is a liberal democratic buzzword. Don't associate it with lowly "freelancers" and slash-looking "youth." Nurseries, homemakers, plumbers, electricians, carers, hourly aunts, shoemakers, vegetable sellers, vagabonding singers, ride-hailing drivers, food delivery workers, etc. These are all golden examples of the flexible employment model list. The same labor force is paid with their own body and time, and the steady struggle of office workers in exchange for payment is completely different. Why are they flexible? Because work time follow one's inclinations, no social box constraints, and not rely on the enterprise to pay benefits, complete personal security, free and open office environment, industry rising channel space is broad, old later can live in seclusion, children can also urge to them, of course, more to avoid the possibility of a middle age is private equity harvest, Mentality also does not exist a number of eggs speculation where to put trouble. With the above benefits, the career has a flexible, intelligent, aura, which is the envy of the iron rice bowl civil servants. They don't have the luxury of being transported to other companies in their middle years. They have the luxury of living in the present. The humble "freelancers", the loose "slash youth" and the stingy "fireism" are mostly "ordinary talents" who are tired of working in a field, have certain technical connections, do not want to be lower than capital, and have certain cash flow deposits or assets, and come out on their own. The same cannot be said of the flexi-employment group, the hidden national plutocrat, the alienated disguised middle class symbolised by capitalism. Flexible workers are often tempted to dismiss themselves as fire-inspired slash-freelancers. For example, a taxi driver with five apartments in Beijing, a restaurant owner with several buildings in Guangzhou, an aunt who works part-time in a single-family house in Shanghai's main urban area, a farmer who builds a single house in the countryside, a water and electricity repairman, and a second-generation delivery boy who helps girls out of poverty in order to help friends. They are lonely, restless, want to contribute to the society, like to come out of flexible employment, it is said that this is a little more than the western red neck rich multiple. Of course they make up less than 0.01 percent of the 200 million.


Main indicators of China's Software and Information Technology Service Industry in 2021

Source: China Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau

Main indicators of the national software and information technology service industry in 2021

Indicator name


Cumulative this period

Year-on-year cumulative

Year-on-year increase or decrease

number of units





Total software business revenue





Of which: 1. Software product revenue





      2. Information technology service revenue





      3. Information Security Income





      4. Embedded system software revenue





Software business export

One hundred million U.S. dollars




The total profit





Average number of employees

10,000 people




Note: The statistical scope of software and information technology service industry is:
1. A software enterprise registered in my country (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions), mainly engaged in software research and development, system integration and related information technology services, with an annual income of more than 5 million yuan from the main business, and with independent legal personality;
2. An independent legal entity registered in my country, with an annual income of more than 10 million yuan from the main business, and income from software research and development, system integration and related information technology services, and the income accounts for more than 30% of the company's main business income;
3. An independent legal entity that is registered in my country and is mainly engaged in integrated circuit design or whose income from integrated circuit design and testing accounts for more than 60% of the company's main business income, and whose main business annual income exceeds 5 million yuan.


What do we expect the new world of "Web3" to look like?

From 1989, Bernas put forward the concept of the World Wide Web to now, has experienced Web1.0, Web2.0, Web3.0, now the concept of Web3.0 is becoming the eyes of investors. In this article, the author combined with practical experience on Web3 launched a series of narration, interested partners come to have a look

We have massive and low-cost access to advanced technology through centralized networks, but the downside of this approach is that it stifles innovation.

The enterprise that owns the network has unilateral power, such as who can get the right to use the network, which functions are supported, how to distribute the economy, etc.

That will make it harder for other groups like startups and creators to grow their businesses because they have to worry and focus on central platforms changing the rules and taking away their users or profits.

Delegating power to communities rather than individual businesses is what Web3 hopes to address.

1. What is Web3

I prefer to think of the term "Web3" as an evolution of what we used to call the "crypto world" with a more decentralized meaning.

Interestingly, people are more receptive to the term because it sounds less rebellious and more technologically revolutionary.

So what is Web3?

In the 1980s, when the Internet was in its earliest days, the way people interacted with the Internet belonged to Web1: Internet websites published information and consultation, and ordinary users could only browse as passive receivers of information.

The leading news portals at that time were Sina and Yahoo, also known as the PGC era (website professionals produce content).

This model is like presenting newspapers/articles/books electronically and delivering them to all Internet users beyond the time and space constraints.

What has changed is only the way information is transmitted, but it is enough to make people sigh with technological progress.

Hiring special writers is easy to control the content quality of the website, but it also results in low production efficiency, less than a few articles a day. Coupled with the limitations of each person, the content of the Internet is small and narrow.

In Web2.0, people can not only passively receive information, but also actively create content, giving people the right to express, also known as UGC.

The current public account authors, toutiao Zhihu bloggers, douyin BIG V is due to the development of web2 era.

Once you start creating for all, information finally explodes. Two obvious problems with the explosion of information are the ease with which content can be copied and transferred (web1.0 also exists, but conflicts arise when there are enough information and editors), and identity and privacy leakage.

Both can be blamed on one problem: ownership.

Web3.0 addresses this problem through a series of blockchain technologies. By returning ownership to each creator, we own the content of the Internet and give users the rights they have.

Web3 makes users the owners of the Internet, rather than a monopoly.

To sum up, the accurate Web3 concept explanation I have seen so far is as follows:

The opportunity to upgrade the network to an economy centered around crypto assets, and to build systems where the incentives for network owners, network participants, and third-party developers are exactly aligned.

The biggest attraction of Web3 compared to Web2 is the new way of ownership redistribution and value capture. In this world of decentralized, the user is no longer to be selling goods (that is, the "flow"), but one can directly join the network and capture value of participants, each participant was actually owns all the property of the network (ownership), to participate in the formulation and vote of all the major decisions, can also how much contribution by capture much value.

In Web3 project, the essence of value formation is the flow of ownership, that is, the mutual flow of asset ownership, governance rights and privacy rights among individuals.

Value itself is "demand" and "supply", while demand and supply are all kinds of ownership of different individuals. Only when demand and supply flow with each other can "value" be formed.

The value of Web3 projects is not the ownership of users (such as their identity, assets, privacy, etc., which are only owned by individuals), but the flow of individual ownership, including asset mobility, governance participation, etc.

The current phase is similar to the Web2 Internet circa 1995.

As the Web3 infrastructure stack matures over the 2020-2025 period, we expect to see the first wave of viable Web3 applications around 2023, and expect Web3 applications to be as good as or better than Web2 by 2025.

Over the past year or so, the financial sector in the Web3 world has seen significant development: multiple DeFi protocols and their stacks, multi-chain cross-chain DeFi, and so on. After the financial sector, I personally expect to focus on the development of the following sectors:

Culture and entertainment: NFT, GameFi, Creator Economy, etc.
Underlying infrastructure services: native Web3 infrastructure/tools;
Governance: Community management tools/services;

2. The Web3 world
The most amazing thing about Web3 stacks is that they don't need any centralized coordination to be put together; they are an interoperable set of networks.

In this wonderful new world, there is a series of puzzle pieces that are increasingly complete.

First, the multiple public chains are the tracks that drive it all. Addresses and domain names are our passport to identity.

Cryptocurrencies (FT) and NFTs are the digital goods of this new world economy.

Currently, cryptocurrencies (FT) are highly interoperable, such as the DeFi protocol, where users can use a cryptocurrency to communicate with each other across protocols. That means there is tremendous convenience in the digital world.

NFT is our digital identity and proof of ownership in this new world, but NFTs is a central tool for the economy of creators, enabling them to connect directly with their fans and monetize their knowledge without an intermediary.

The NFT tracking advantage of blockchain technology itself could also help creators generate more revenue from subsequent transactions.

A basket of digital infrastructure is the guarantee.

Cross-computing, indexing, data management, hosting, storage and other critical services are essential software infrastructure, as are decentralized hardware infrastructure such as video, sensors, and so on.

In addition, privacy cannot be ignored. It not only protects users' personal data, but also fundamentally expands the application design space.

Given the backdrop of massive data leaks in the Web 2.0 era, data protection may become the core of Web3 technology innovation.

DeFi is a decentralized financial system.

DeFi refers to the decentralized application of the financial sector (savings, loans and exchange).

Cryptocurrencies themselves enable low-cost, real-time, borderless, point-to-point value transfer with very low barriers to entry.

At the same time, compare any DeFi savings rate with Wall Street's and you can see the difference, and it's on a decentralized basis.

Stablecoins and central bank digital currencies.

Staboins offer the advantages of cryptocurrencies with little volatility, helping to enable the real landing of on-chain transactions and payments, including digital currency global cross-border payment systems and other broader financial services.

The central bank digital currency is a necessary means for the digital economy of all countries and the most direct way for them to join Web3.

Daos are the way to manage new domains.

The DAO is a community shared by network participants, managed by consensus rather than centralized leadership. It is a new model of network governance for people in a decentralized world. Participants make decisions and vote on proposals, and the statistics of votes and whether to implement them follow the logic of smart contracts, removing elements of human intervention and realizing true autonomy.

Gamefi and Metaverse are entertainment.

Games like Axie are examples of how decentralized technology can create new ways for creators to monetize.

In-game items such as tools and skins are NFT owned by the player and can be sold for real world money, traded on the secondary market, and passed between games. Players can also earn coins or NFT through quests and participation.

In Web3.0, production relationships, organizational governance, business competition, and value capture logic will all be restructured.

Like a world where all we have to do is keep an identity system and we can go anywhere.

This set of identities will hold all of a user's transaction data and asset data, and any application can access this information with one click if we agree.

With this identity, we can log in to any app with a click of a signature. The holding of NFT assets also allows all applications to identify user access (or other event) permissions.

In fact, this is already happening.

For example, the production of a product or content in Web2 is promoted from top to bottom, led by the team and making decisions, which naturally has certain authority.

In Web3, we encourage bottom-up innovation and community autonomy for all participants. Xiaomi "Sense of participation" period quite has this taste.

For example, the way projects compete has changed. Anything a user does on the chain is recorded and can be viewed by anyone.

It's like aggregating and publicizing all of web2's tightly guarded user data.

As a result, all project partners can target and incentivize seed users through open on-chain data analysis.

For example, Looksrare recently launched on the eve of its launch with an airdrop of users trading more than 1E on Opensea, perfectly tapping the core target users to achieve a cold launch.

This approach gives many start-up teams a fair chance to compete and acquire target users at low cost.

In addition, the migration cost of blockchain products is very low (as mentioned above, it is a set of identity system), so in the Web3 world, the products that remain will be useful and valuable to users.

In addition, on-chain achievements and data analytics will be important components of Web3, as it can map out an address's identity, user profile, and behavior patterns.

3. Trend of imagination

 The incremental market of Web2 enterprises has gradually peaked in recent years, and their growth businesses are all carried out around the stock market. Faced with this new industry, they will also be afraid of missing out. So, in 2022, there will be a lot of Web2 companies thinking about how to enter this new world and quickly build their new business models. Similar to the "Internet +" when the Internet was popular at that time, helping these Web2 enterprises to carry out "Web3 +" may be an entrepreneurial opportunity.

 The trend of good developers joining Web3 from Web2 is accelerating, and the use of development tools and blockchain infrastructure/middleware is increasing.

 The P2E model in Gamefi has creatively attracted many non-cryptocurrency users to the Web3 world (other products should also consider growth in this regard), and I think Gamefi has the best chance to be the first to break out in the Web3 world.

 Middleware/tools for software services will emerge. With the explosion of Web3 and decentralized organizations, there will be more emphasis on middleware. For example, provide first-class DAO management tools, covering software for token-holder relationships, governance, money management, and stakeholder management.

 User profile + decentralized identity. The abundance of on-chain and off-chain data can facilitate better data analysis, make user profiles self-aligned, and build a foundation for differentiated services.

It may take another 3-5 years for Web3 to reach mass adoption.

Before that, there will be an intermediate state of Web2.5, where decentralization and centralization coexist for a long time.


In China, six industries with potential for development in 2022

It looks like 2021 will be a tough year for all walks of life. The primary market financing is difficult, the secondary market share price is depressed, the capital has lost its former high spirited.

In 2021, large enterprises will downsize, increase source and reduce expenditure, while small companies will guard the city cautiously. Survival is the biggest belief. All walks of life are revising and upgrading, which also means that enterprises begin to go from virtual to reality, return to the main business and focus on user needs.

What new opportunities are there in the middle of winter? Which industries will explode in 2022? Deep combustion communicated with a number of senior investors and industry researchers, trying to find answers and give some direction and confidence to the entrepreneurs.

1. New consumption counterattack line, consumer goods health can be done

After years of booming Internet business, the consumer industry is fighting back offline.

One obvious phenomenon is that there are more and more "new species" in shopping malls. Coffee brands such as Manner, baking brands such as Momo Dim Sum And Hutou, and electronic goods brands such as Perfect Diary and Ubras have all opened their stores. Fashion stores and beauty stores are expanding rapidly. Funding for these types of projects is also growing.

Na Mingyuan, co-founder of Dolphin Club, analyzed that this is because: first, online traffic is too expensive, the volume between brands is serious, offline traffic is very good and there is preferential space for offline rent after the epidemic; Second, the current opportunity to do business platform is not big, there is still room for new consumer brands, and if the brand does not want to tie with the platform, it is necessary to open the store, some both brand and cable store projects, attracted a lot of capital to invest; Third, most people should consume and consume, the offline demand has been in.

Originally, if one shop does well online, it can serve the whole country with higher efficiency. However, due to fierce online competition, it is not as easy as offline business within 3 kilometers. More than ever, new opportunities are emerging offline again.

Na Mingyuan has invested in a number of offline projects this year. In his view, at this time, financing is difficult for enterprises, valuations are relatively low, and institutions willing to pay will have the opportunity to get cheap good projects. He predicted that in 2022, the chain rate of offline business will increase.

In terms of investment logic, "we pay more attention to good models and data. For example, the average return of offline stores is 18 months, and some of our investments are three or four months. We are more optimistic about veteran entrepreneurs with industry background, projects with supply chain resources and offline resources."

Chen Momo, a senior investor in the consumer industry, found that the rise of offline content consumption and experiential consumption items is also obvious. "It may be that the epidemic in the past two years has made many people stay at home, which has aroused their desire for scene or experiential consumption. From escape rooms and werewolf kills in previous years to script Kills this year, it's an iteration of the content organization supply chain and an upgrade of the experience."

She sees a continuing opportunity for future scenario-type projects that focus on the actual needs of users, but in a different form. This kind of project is equivalent to the offline real version of the game. In essence, it is the interactive real entertainment of IP and has strong content consumption attribute like the game.

Another trend in the consumer sector is the awakening of health-conscious consumption.

Be optimistic about the trend of healthy consumption. "Today, most people thought of prevention before they will appear in the body, also produced a lot of model solution", she, for example, fire over the past two years several major categories are related to health, the effect of healthy skin protect skin to taste, health without size underwear, meal, plant milk, from forest is because caught drink health bonuses.

"Next I think every consumer category, there is room for health." However, she is not optimistic about some enterprises without core product capabilities. For example, some projects of meal replacement milkshakes in the industry only integrate some supply chain schemes and have no product research and development capabilities. At this time, if there is no special channel ability, can only be rolled inside each other.

In 2021, the consumer industry will be hot at the beginning of the year and then cold. The market will be enthusiastic at the beginning of the year, and the attitude of the capital market towards new consumption will change 180 degrees in the second half of the year. Consumption industry flow type play in this stage of the opportunity has not, with the consumption track into the red sea, the promotion of input-output is not proportional to the flow driven new brand into the dark moment.

As for the performance of the new consumer industry in 2022, Wu believes that it will be the opposite of this year, with the first cold and then hot. In his view, consumption is always a "sinking boat side of a thousand sails, before the sick tree ten thousand wood spring", no matter how difficult the time, there are always old brands die, new brands come out.

In the future consumer industry, enterprises should bid farewell to flow-type gameplay, practice internal skills more, grasp core users and core business, slow is fast.

2. Core technologies have been exploded, and energy storage has become a new favorite of new energy

In 2021, hard technology has completely become the consensus of all investors, and now almost no one in the investment community is not talking about hard technology.

In 2021, hard technology has completely become the consensus of all investors, and now almost no one in the investment community is not talking about hard technology.

In 2021, the overall investment environment was cold, "about 60 hard technology projects were invested in the past year. Now the investment circle is also inside the volume, many institutions used to invest in hard science and technology projects less, began to make up for the lessons, the project valuation was inflated, and some institutions do not even do the due diligence on the investment. It used to be projects chasing investors, now investors are chasing projects."

The core of hard technology is that it is the real underlying driving force of the entire economic development. Mi Lei pointed out that in the past ten years, the enterprise is more on the basis of the previous generation of technology dividend application level exploration, at present, the attempt has basically reached the top, so today's mobile phone hardware, APP are difficult to have a big innovation.

"This wave of hard technology explosion is about getting the new technology infrastructure in place so that future applications can develop. This is the confluence cycle of 60 years, there must be a new round of scientific and technological revolution rise, application can be thoroughly, this is the big logic."

Semiconductors are the hottest of the hard technologies, thanks to changing global trade relations, the rise of new energy vehicles, the full certainty of a dual carbon policy, and increasingly mature technologies. Over the past three years, ningde Times and Longji have seen their share prices soar by more than 700%.

In semiconductor, the current Moore's Law (the core content is: the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double every 18 months or so) has entered the bottleneck. The opportunity for enterprises lies in core materials and equipment, core software, and breakthroughs in high-end technology such as optical chips.

Meanwhile, in 2021, the new energy industry will be exploded, and carbon neutrality has become a new keyword. Further down the line, the hottest area of carbon neutrality is energy storage.

Event increased energy storage aspects of financing in 2021, March 26, grade sodium group announced that completed the hundreds of millions of yuan in A round of funding, in November, store it announced A complete 180 million yuan in the Pre - A round of funding, by ZhaoYin kechuang, magnitude of the association of international investment, in December, the singularity energy announced A complete A round of funding from IDG capital, the source of capital.

Energy storage is taking off quickly because it can harness the power generated by wind and solar on a massive scale. For years, energy storage projects had been a bottleneck from a low base, but now wind and solar plants are required to deploy energy storage.

The most important thing for energy storage entrepreneurs is to seize the opportunity of the development of the industry, rapidly expand capacity, really seize and land this opportunity, and turn the demand into the industrial scale and industrial advantage of the enterprise. In addition, this is a trillion-level market, and there are still opportunities for new enterprises to enter the market. What enterprises need to solve are energy storage efficiency, product technology maturity, cost and safety issues.

However, entrepreneurs still need to be more calm, can not be carried away by the hot market, investors give money is not what, customers give money is the real success of the enterprise." Mi Lei predicted that there are still 5-10 years to complete this round of infrastructure construction, which leaves a lot of opportunities for hard technology enterprises. In the future, metasexes, 5G, 6G, data centers, cloud computing, optical waveguide AR glasses, etc., are all technological development opportunities.

In 2022 and beyond, the main story of the innovation economy must be hard technology, an industry that anchors the industry's upgrading chariot and has a great future.

3. E-commerce companies turn to short video platform and seize the opportunity to go overseas

Over the past year, the e-commerce industry has lost its usual buzz. Against the background of anti-monopoly, tax recovery and other regulatory background, there was no war on June 18, no battle report on November 11, and Double 12 was quiet, and several major e-commerce festivals were very low-key. Platform side and brand side, what are the opportunities?

Although alibaba, JINGdong, Pinduoduo and other established e-commerce companies are still growing, it is a fact that the growth rate has declined. Among them, short video platforms represented by Douyin and Kuaishou have made efforts to promote e-commerce, taking a share of the stock market. Bilibili also recently began testing a "yellow car" feature that allows users to order goods while watching a live stream. Some say the Internet ends with selling goods.

The further popularization of live streaming has played a key role in boosting the popularity of live streaming. Take Douyin for example, Luo Yonghao's team, star artists such as Jia Nailiang and Hua Shao, anchors who have grown up on douyin platform, and many brands that have joined douyin have made douyin e-commerce rise quickly.

The momentum of Douyin should continue, and its share in the e-commerce field will increase in the future, and its e-commerce business scale is likely to surpass jingdong and Pinduoduo

But the problem is that as a content platform, rather than an e-commerce platform, Douyin needs to balance video content with merchandise, so its scale is limited. In addition, Douyin's e-commerce closed loop is not good enough, and it also faces key problems such as user retention, repurchase and after-sales.

For the brand side, in douyin, Kuaishou and other video platforms to do e-commerce, we must add the play of private domain traffic, can not establish private domain traffic, brand development is difficult to last.

Whether Tik Tok (Douyin,In China) can recreate Ali is, of course, hard.
Several established e-commerce companies have complete infrastructure and incomparable advantages over other platforms. However, Douyin is a good channel for discovery interest consumption, because it is a recommendation logic, which is more suitable for the consumption of interest, discovery, non-demand, low unit price and instant decision. Station B is suitable for specific groups or subdivided content related categories, such as "three pits" (Han clothing, Lolita clothing, JK uniforms) and other aspects of the e-commerce. These niche supply chains, traditional e-commerce services are not perfect, pre-sale, customization and other games have not been fully used.

All vertical categories that are not well served by traditional e-commerce have opportunities for new platforms to enter the office to do e-commerce if the single scale is large enough.

Another big opportunity for the e-commerce industry is going overseas. "Because of the epidemic, many overseas supply chains have problems, and they are more dependent on China's supply chain, as countries in Europe and the United States, Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea have such opportunities," Wu noted.

In 2022, if we make overseas business, we should seize the opportunity of gap flow, set up a team with overseas gene, and strive to achieve full-channel and full-network operation, intensive cultivation, and really study more efficient overseas business

By strategically seizing the opportunities of new platforms and new ways of playing, e-tailers may have a new way to go in 2022.

4. The meta-universe integrates online and offline, with large enterprises playing the stage and startups playing the role

Just when you thought the metasverse was a concept and hype, some of the world's leading tech giants are making plans and starting to bear fruit.

In 2021, the metasemes are the only new vents to emerge out of nowhere.

A lot of people think that the meta-universe is the next generation of mobile Internet, Web3.0. It will completely change the existing carrier and infrastructure, and create a new virtual reality world.

Some people come out to refute that the meta-universe is only at the stage of imagination. In addition to VR/AR and game applications, it is difficult to imagine more applications that can be really implemented. It is difficult for the meta-universe to change the industry immediately.

Now the head can solve the problem of vision and hearing, did not solve the problem of other senses, such as smell, touch, sense of balance, which is also the reason why many people feel dizzy after experiencing. I'm not optimistic about the progress of the Meta-universe because the infrastructure is not ready yet, the equipment, the content, the setting.

However, the consensus of many practitioners is that the metasomes, although not yet fully arrived, is a deterministic, directional and tendency existence.

The metasverse is a big wave, and it has a long cycle. The metasverse is like the Internet in 1999. The Internet has gone through several waves of development, and so has the metasverse, which is still very early. In the future, the meta-universe will definitely bring online and offline through.

The possible development path of the universe is that "Dachang sets the stage and entrepreneurs play the role". After dachang sets up the infrastructure, entrepreneurs will develop more applications and content, and experience offline scenes, e-commerce and car-mounted scenes are all possible directions. For example, car is a good scene of Meta. Augmented reality can be used to help drivers see more information in their field of vision, which is equivalent to a large screen that can accommodate everything in their field of vision.

In addition to online and offline, the combination of virtual and real is also possible in the meta-universe. "For example, games will be a big part of content consumption or spiritual consumption. Physical consumption will also be an important part."

The metasverse is fertile ground for future entrepreneurs to compete on.

5. New energy vehicles continue to leap forward, battery innovation, autonomous driving save new opportunities

In 2021, the new forces of car making will make a big splash in the car industry.

Let's start with Tesla. Tesla delivered 241,300 vehicles globally in the third quarter, up 73 per cent from a year earlier, as carmakers around the world struggled with supply constraints on chips, batteries and components. In the first three quarters of 2021, Tesla has delivered 624,000 vehicles.

Let's take a look at the first echelon of enterprises represented by "Wei Xiaoli", the new power of Car manufacturing in China.

At present, NiO, Ideal, Xiaopeng three companies have been listed, and sales have a qualitative leap. Several companies posted record sales in the first 11 months of 2021. As shown in the figure below, at the beginning of the year, the sales level of the three companies was still around 6000 units. In September, the sales volume of NiO and Xiaopeng exceeded 10,000 units for the first time, and in November, all of them exceeded 10,000 units.

The second tier of new car builders is no less impressive.

Since the second half of this year, Weima, Nezha, Zero Run have been reported to be preparing for IPO. At present, Zero Run has completed 4.5 billion yuan of pre-IPO round financing, Nezha has obtained 4 billion yuan of D round financing, and Weimar is expected to get more than 500 million DOLLARS of D+ round financing. These intensive fundraising activities may be in preparation for the IPO. In terms of sales, Ne Zha also sold 10,013 units in November.

In addition to the old players, new entrants are emerging. According to public reports, In March 2021, Xiaomi announced to build cars, and on September 1, Xiaomi Automobile Was officially established. As of December, it has established a research and development team of more than 500 people, and xiaomi Automobile plans to launch its first model in the first half of 2024.

Of course, behind the hot industry, the problems in the field of new vehicles are also worth noting, such as the high cost of new energy vehicles, dependence on subsidies, battery life, safety, charging facilities are to be improved. In general, "new energy vehicles are still in the primary stage of development, the industry concentration is not high, overcapacity is serious, the company's high proportion of car purchases are urgent to improve

The current new energy vehicle industry is just like the mobile phone industry ten years ago. At that time, Apple and a number of domestic mobile phones blossomed, and now Tesla and Wei Xiaoli are blooming everywhere.

Ningde times is expected to increase its battery output to 2.5 times that of 2021 by 2022, indicating its confidence in its market share and the overall market growth

In 2022, new energy vehicles will continue to expand with an unstoppable momentum.

6. The outbreak of vocational education, enterprise services on the fast track

In 2021, the education and training industry experienced a slump from the wind to the bottom. When subject training embarked on the road of universal benefit and public welfare, most of the education industry has given up the idea of capitalization. At the same time, however, vocational education is on the fast track as officials set the tone.

Listed companies, industry leaders and enterprises of all kinds are encouraged to offer vocational education in accordance with the law, the official document said, adding that by 2025, vocational undergraduate education should account for no less than 10 percent of higher vocational education enrollment.

Because vocational education solves employment problems and people's livelihood problems, rather than increasing internal problems and creating anxiety, Yao Yufei, founder of Whale Capital, believes that in the future, training programs for middle and high-end talents in technology and application are promising.

First, the employment situation is grim. In 2022, the number of college students waiting for employment will reach 10 million, a record high, and employment will become a hot topic. However, some students trained by higher education are out of touch with the needs of society, and the market is in urgent need of high-quality vocational education. Second, professional talents are in great demand. Over the past years, the rapid development of science and technology Internet, emerging new outlets such as new energy vehicles, hard technology, meta-universe, integrated circuits, new materials and other fields continue to need talents.

At present, the country mainly encourages listed companies and head companies to do, so listed companies and head companies can first enjoy the dividend, but there are also opportunities for start-up companies.

Entrepreneurs should seize the opportunity of new vocational training, now the market is constantly in the birth of new professions, such as new media, live delivery and other professions that are not covered in the university.

At present, entrepreneurs in the field of vocational education face difficulties: "Long approval and approval cycles, shortage of teachers, not enough jobs, and, most importantly, the effectiveness of training remains to be seen. In the future, can highlight the encirclement of the enterprise, must be true word of mouth, employment situation outstanding enterprises.

The next step for entrepreneurs is to study the policy and direction, and find training content that is closer to the development of technology and the needs of enterprises. Grasping the emerging fields is one way, but it is more important to assess the situation, not just talk about hot topics.

Another big opportunity for 2022 lies in enterprise services.

Enterprise services, that is, to improve efficiency with digitization, with big data to solve the cost and scale of enterprises.

In fact, no matter from operation management, marketing to customer management and other services, enterprises need Internet. In recent years, enterprise services have been applied in more and more vertical fields. Every industry needs solutions to help enterprises improve management, operation and sales efficiency. In addition, in recent years, some partial traditional enterprises also began to pay attention to their own Internet.

Enterprise service is more like an unknown potential stock. In 2022, enterprise service projects that help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency will accumulate.

Outlook of China's export situation in 2022: the inflection point of high share has not yet arrived, but the boom of high growth will pass

1. China's export resilience in 2021 exceeds market expectations
At the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, the mainstream market forecast for China's export situation is that the export growth in 2021 will be stable, basically within 10% 1. Data from the General Administration of Customs show that China's export value (in DOLLAR terms, the same below) has maintained double-digit growth since October 2020 and increased by 29.9% for the whole of 2021, with nine months of actual export growth higher than the average market forecast. According to WTO data, since the second quarter of 2020, the global market share of exports has increased significantly, reaching 15.0% in the first three quarters of 2021, 0.5 percentage points higher than the same period last year, and significantly higher than the average 13.0% in the same period from 2015 to 2019.

Reasons for rapid export growth: the recovery of external demand drives the increase of quantity growth, and supply and demand factors jointly push up the contribution of price

Global demand has picked up, and export volumes have risen markedly. In 2021, the global economy recovered rapidly thanks to rising vaccination rates and support from loose fiscal and monetary policies. In January 2022, the World Bank released the latest Global Economic Outlook, which predicted that the global GDP would grow by 5.5% in 2021, with 5.0% growth in developed economies and 6.3% growth in emerging markets and developing economies. In October 2021, the WTO predicted that global trade volume would grow by 10.8% in 2021, up 2.8 percentage points from its march forecast.

Driven by supply and demand factors, export prices rose significantly. Due to the impact of COVID-19 and bad weather, the global supply chain has been disrupted, and the combined demand has recovered rapidly, significantly widening the gap between supply and demand. The global MANUFACTURING PMI output index has been consistently below the new orders index since March 2021, with the gap reaching 2.2 percentage points in October, the largest gap in 12 years. During the same period, the input price index and output price index both rose significantly, rising to 74.4% and 63.7% respectively in October, the highest since 2009.

From March to September 2021, global commodity export prices maintained double-digit year-on-year growth, rising to 15.8% in September, while export volume growth was only 3.0%. From July to September of 2021, the year-on-year growth rate of China's commodity export price expands. The growth rate of Export price in September and December is 10.6% and 9.3% respectively, which is higher than the growth rate of export quantity in that month of 8.4% and 7.3% respectively, and is the main contribution to the growth of export value. However, the growth rate of export value in other months is still dominated by the contribution of quantity.

Reasons for the increase in export share: epidemic prevention and control advantages, intensified supply-demand mismatch, export boom diffusion, supply chain layout optimization

Advantages of domestic epidemic prevention and control to ensure the smooth development of production activities. In the early stages of the Spread of The Delta virus in April 2021, countries intensified their epidemic prevention and control policies. Since then, however, as the global vaccine coverage rate has increased and countries have relatively sufficient medical resources to deal with confirmed cases, more and more countries have started to co-exist with the virus, and the overall epidemic prevention and control efforts have slowed down. However, as countries gradually relax social distancing measures, the risk of transmission of the virus is increasing as human contact increases.

For example, starting in mid-2021, Singapore switched from pursuing a zero-out policy to learning to live with the virus. Although the country had a high rate of full vaccination, it saw a resurgence of the disease after opening up, with more than 5,000 new confirmed cases in a single day at the end of October. On the contrary, While accelerating the vaccination campaign, China has continued to implement strict epidemic prevention policies. Despite the slight recurrence of the epidemic, there have been few new confirmed cases, thus avoiding the spread of the epidemic and ensuring the smooth operation of foreign trade enterprises. From April 2020 to the end of 2021, the correlation coefficient between monthly newly confirmed cases in the world (excluding China) and China's export value was as high as 0.75, indicating that the difference between domestic and foreign epidemic prevention and control had a great impact on China's export.

Since the outbreak, the pattern of overseas consumption and Chinese production has been further strengthened

After the epidemic, developed countries represented by the United States adopted extremely loose fiscal and monetary policies, and consumer demand recovered faster than production demand. In 2021, retail sales rose 17.8% from a year earlier, while industrial production grew just 5.5%. On the contrary, thanks to the resilience of the domestic supply chain, China's production recovered faster than consumption.

In the context of slow recovery of domestic demand and strong external demand, more domestic enterprises turn to export. In 2021, China will have 567,000 enterprises with solid import and export performance, an increase of 36,000. In particular, private enterprises, due to their strong adaptability and rapid adjustment, turn more to foreign trade: in 2021, private enterprises accounted for 56.0% of exports, up 2.0 percentage points from 2020. Moreover, with the support of the policy of stabilizing foreign trade, cross-border e-commerce, market procurement, overseas warehousing and other new forms and models of business have become an important force driving foreign trade growth. According to customs data, cross-border e-commerce exports grew by 24.5 percent in 2021. The export volume of market procurement increased by 32.1%, driving the export growth by 1.3 percentage points 2.

However, increased export competition has led to a deterioration in China's terms of trade, with the index consistently below 100 from February to December 2021. On the one hand, this means that domestic foreign trade enterprises in the international market bargaining space is compressed; On the other hand, it also shows that Chinese products occupy a larger share of the export market by virtue of their price advantage.

Industrial production advantage drives commodity export boom to spread further

According to WTO data, the global market share of China's manufactured exports increased by 1.7 percentage points in 2020 from 2019, slightly exceeding the 1.6 percentage point increase in the share of total exports. Among them, the share of textile exports increased by 7.8 percentage points from 2019. During the same period, the value of China's exports increased by us $90.5 billion from the previous year, with mechanical and electrical equipment, audio and video equipment, textile products, miscellaneous products (including furniture and toys, etc.) and plastic products (HS category 1) contributing the most, at 738%, 224%, 217% and 139%, respectively, according to the General Administration of Customs. It shows that epidemic prevention materials and household economy-related products are the main driving items of export growth in 2020.

However, in 2021, with the continuous increase of global vaccine coverage rate and gradual relaxation of epidemic prevention and control policies, the demand for epidemic prevention materials and household economy-related products will weaken, contributing less to the increase of China's export value (compared with 2019). However, thanks to the strong resilience of the domestic supply chain, Thirteen categories (HS category) including base metals contributed significantly, indicating that the export boom is spreading further.

Before the pandemic, China had taken the initiative to adjust the layout of the global supply chain

After its accession to the WTO, China has rapidly integrated into the global economy and trading system, and its share of imports and exports in the global market has increased. In 2019, the share of China's import and export was 10.8 percent and 13.3 percent, up 4.7 and 6.0 percentage points respectively from 2005. Despite the outbreak of Sino-US trade frictions in 2018, Thanks to China's initiative to adjust the layout of its supply chain, part of its exports to the US were shifted to ASEAN countries, and part of the US imports from China were also shifted to ASEAN countries, so China's export share did not decrease. As ASEAN countries mainly focus on processing trade, the proportion of intermediate goods in China's export in 2018 and 2019 increased by 1.3 and 0.5 percentage points respectively compared with the previous year. This proves once again the result of adjusting the layout of supply chain and maintaining the resilience of export growth.

2. Two basic judgments on China's export situation in 2022

Export market share is likely to rise steadily

With unequal distribution of vaccines, the impact of the epidemic in developed countries faded more quickly

In December 2021, WHO officials said that the COVID-19 pandemic is "very likely" to end in 2022 if the novel coronavirus transmission continues to be contained and deaths continue to be reduced, provided that existing vaccination measures are widely available. However, the emergence of a new mutant strain of omicron has once again added to the uncertainty of the epidemic. In January 2022, the World Bank and the INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund lowered their forecasts for global economic growth in 2022 by 0.2 percentage points and 0.5 percentage points respectively, to 4.1% and 4.4%, respectively, due to the new threat posed by the mutant strain of COVID-19.

Given the low severity and fatality rates associated with omicron, we are inclined to see a gradual improvement in the global outbreak in 2022, assuming no new mutant strains emerge. On January 24, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also said that if countries fully use all strategies and tools, the worst phase of the epidemic can be ended this year and COVID-19 will no longer be a global public health emergency. However, the global distribution of vaccines remains uneven. More than 75% of people in developed economies receive at least one dose of vaccine, 55% in emerging economies and developing countries, and only 8% in low-income countries. The World Bank predicts that if current vaccination rates continue, only a third of people in low-income countries will be vaccinated by the end of 2023. This means that developed countries are recovering faster due to high vaccination rates and reduced impact of the pandemic, while emerging economies and low-income countries are affected for longer.

Of course, if the virus mutates again or breaks through the immune barrier, the global economy will be hit again, and given the need to enhance vaccine protection through booster shots, the actual ideal vaccination rate should be higher than the current level of 70-80%, leaving China to enjoy the export dividend for much longer.

The consumption-oriented economic structure of developed countries makes China's production advantages continue to highlight

According to the real GDP composition data disclosed by the United Nations Statistics Division, in 2019, the manufacturing output of East and Southeast Asian countries accounted for nearly half of the global total, much higher than the 24.3% share of consumer spending, indicating that the global production capacity is mainly concentrated in these countries. In terms of vaccine coverage rate, as of January 18, 2022, the vaccine coverage rate in developed countries in East Asia, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Western Europe and North America has exceeded 70%. However, in these countries, the consumption expenditure of other countries except East Asia accounts for 50.9% in total, far exceeding the manufacturing output which accounts for 35.5%. As a result, even if these countries emerge from the pandemic faster than others, their economies are structured to be dominated by a recovery in consumption, particularly in services. China, on the other hand, will continue to play its role as a global manufacturing center and maintain the resilience of its exports by taking advantage of the epidemic prevention and control advantages.

The stickiness of foreign trade orders brought by high export growth has delayed the decline of China's export share

Thanks to the perfect domestic industrial production system, China's export products cover a wide range of categories and share distribution is relatively even. As mentioned above, China's export boom will further spread in 2021. This means that the international market that was not open to foreign trade enterprises before the epidemic has significantly expanded, and the products exported by enterprises are more familiar with and accepted by overseas consumers. Although the risk of backflow of foreign trade orders cannot be ruled out after the global epidemic improves and industrial production in other countries gradually returns to normal, for some commodities (especially those with strong homogeneity), overseas importers may continue to choose To import from China in the short term once their buying habits form.

The export boom may have ended

The global economic recovery continues, but has weakened further

After a strong rebound in 2021, the global economy is likely to see slower growth momentum in 2022. In January 2022, the World Bank predicted that global economic growth would slow down from 5.5% in 2021 to 4.1% in 2022. Slowing global economic recovery will lead to slower growth in the volume of trade in goods. In October 2021, the WTO forecast that growth in the volume of global trade in goods would slow to 4.7% from 10.8% in 2021, close to the upside scenario of its March trade forecast, although it stressed that this still depended on a number of assumptions, including accelerated production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

As noted earlier, the slow progress of vaccination in emerging economies, combined with the continuing impact of the pandemic and weak policy support, has made their economic recovery significantly weaker than that of developed economies. The World Bank forecasts that overall output in emerging markets and developing economies will remain 4% below pre-pandemic levels in 2023, with fragile and conflict-affected emerging economies more than 7% below pre-pandemic levels, but advanced economies are expected to return to pre-pandemic levels by 2023.

However, in terms of consumption demand and inventory replenishment demand, the recovery of developed economies plays a limited role in driving China's exports.

Consumption of goods has gradually shifted to service consumption, which has limited impact on exports. After the outbreak of COVID-19, the US consumer demand recovered faster than production due to loose policies. The significant increase of transfer payment income and employee compensation in personal income has driven commodity consumption far beyond the historical trend and become an important factor driving the growth of China's commodity export. Consumer service consumption has yet to return to pre-epidemic levels due to the restrictions of epidemic prevention and control and social isolation measures. In 2022, under the baseline scenario, as the epidemic gradually improves and social distancing measures are further relaxed in developed countries, excessive consumption of goods by residents may decrease, while increased service consumption may have a limited driving effect on China's export. However, given that labor shortages remain severe in the U.S., short-term wage increases are expected to continue, slowing the decline in consumer demand for goods.

The replenishment of inventory in the United States has a limited effect on China's export. We use PPI industry data to calculate the actual inventory levels of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers respectively. Based on the actual inventory data from 2010 to 2019, we use HP filter to extract trend terms and extrapolate and find that the actual inventory water in the three fields is lower than the trend value on average. Even if the real inventory gap were fully closed by the end of 2022, returning to its trend level of $1.9tn, about $280bn of real inventory would need to be added. Using November 2021 as the base, the nominal inventory needs to be increased by about $380 billion. From 2010 to 2019, imports accounted for an average of 11% of total inventories. Without taking into account changes in domestic sales and production, we calculate that restocking could boost US imports by about $42 billion in 2022. Since the us imports from China accounted for 20% of its total imports from 2010 to 2019, it is estimated that the us demand for inventory replenishment only led to an increase of us $8.4 billion in China's exports to the US, and the driving effect on China's export growth is still limited

Global supply chain problems are more likely to improve in the second half

The supplier delivery index in the global MANUFACTURING PMI fell to a record low of 34.8 in October 2021 (a lower delivery index indicates a longer delivery time). In theory, supply chain disruptions and increased demand due to economic recovery should extend delivery times. The ECB's breakdown of PMI supplier lead times globally (excluding the eurozone) suggests that while demand factors have played a major role, supply chain disruptions have accounted for a third of the increase in lead times over the past six months, with an increasing contribution. This is consistent with the trend of global Supply chain Stress index released by the New York Fed during the same period, which rose to 4.37 in October 2021, a record high. Although the two indicators showed signs of improvement in November and December, they still deviated significantly from normal levels, reflecting that supply chain problems are still severe. In addition, it should be pointed out that the delivery time of suppliers in developed economies is much longer than that in emerging economies, showing obvious heterogeneity, which may be related to the significantly faster recovery of demand in developed economies than in emerging economies.

Factors most associated with supply chain disruptions include logistical disruptions, semiconductor shortages and Labour shortages. These factors mainly promote the growth of China's export volume through two channels: one is to highlight the resilience advantage of China's supply chain and increase China's export volume; the other is to push up prices (especially producer prices) and increase the contribution of price factors to export volume. The ECB expects supply chain disruptions to improve gradually in the second half of 2022, but does not rule out the risk of further supply disruptions as the pandemic intensifies 5. In the third quarter of 2021, Duke University CFO survey also showed that most respondents believe supply chain problems are likely to improve in 2022, especially in the second half of the year.

As a result, we believe that global supply chain constraints are likely to continue to support China's exports in the first half of 2022, but as supply chain issues gradually ease in the second half, China's export momentum may weaken.

Challenges faced by foreign trade enterprises

China has been deeply integrated into the global supply chain system, and its position in traditional trade network supply has significantly improved compared to more than a decade ago. China has replaced Japan as the core region of Asia. Therefore, in addition to highlighting the resilience of domestic supply chains and pushing up the contribution of prices to export value, global supply chain problems will also restrict the production and transportation of foreign trade enterprises, especially small, medium and micro foreign trade enterprises, and increase the operating pressure of enterprises. The preliminary investigation results of the Ministry of Commerce show that small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises are facing two main difficulties: high shipping costs, some raw material prices are still high, corporate profits are severely squeezed

In addition, since June 2020, both bilateral and multilateral exchange rates of RMB have accumulated a certain increase, which has had a serious impact on export enterprises. The impact of RMB appreciation in the early stage is mainly manifested as financial impact: The average closing price of three and five months 'lag increases by 4.9% and 7.3% respectively in November 2020, that is, the maximum exchange loss of export enterprises is 4.9% or 7.3%, which exceeds the export profit margin of most enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. The impact of the recent RMB appreciation is mainly reflected in the impact on export competitiveness: in the fourth quarter of 2021, the REAL effective exchange rate index of RMB compiled by BIS increased by 3.3% and reached 13.8% at an annual rate, which significantly increased the impact on export competitiveness.

At present, domestic small and medium-sized enterprises export generally exist "single dare not accept" or "increase income does not increase profit" phenomenon. Since May 2021, the Chinese manufacturing PMI index of new export orders continued to below 50, among them, the medium-sized and small enterprises for new export orders index gradually lower, small businesses to mention a new export orders index has been sustained since March 2021 below from the line, only in the past two years in January 2020 and October above 50

3. Forecast of China's export growth rate and share in 2022

The value of China's exports is expected to grow by 10.8%

As mentioned above, under the background of slowing global economic recovery, possible improvement of supply chain problems and greater operating pressure of domestic foreign trade enterprises, it is expected that China's export boom may have come to an end. However, the gradual improvement of global pandemic and supply chain issues should lead to better export growth in the first half of 2022 than in the second half. According to the seasonal pattern of sequential export growth, the year-on-year export growth in the first and second quarters is 16.0% and 16.6% respectively, and the year-on-year export growth in the third and fourth quarters is 6.5% and 6.1% respectively. For the full year, China's exports are expected to grow 10.8%. Further, we use CPI and PPI indicators to fit the export price index, and estimate that the export price will increase by 2% in 2022, and the corresponding export volume will increase by 8.8%.

China's export share is expected to rise to 15.5%

In the first three quarters of 2021, China's export share was 15.0 percent, ACCORDING to WTO data. Given that China's export share averaged 0.2 percentage points lower than its full-year share between 2015 and the first three quarters of 2019, we expect China's full-year export share to be around 15.2% in 2021, up 0.5 percentage points from the previous year. As mentioned in the above analysis, China's export share is likely to rise steadily in 2022. Based on WTO's forecast of 4.7% year-on-year growth in the volume of global trade in 2022, Bloomberg's forecast of 4.2% global CPI growth in 2022, and our forecast of 10.8% growth in The value of China's exports, we can estimate that China's export share will be about 15.5% in 2022, up 0.2 percentage points from the previous year. However, if a bad situation occurs, that is, the global epidemic worsens and supply chain problems do not improve significantly, then China's export dividend period will be further extended and China's export share may be higher.


Ubs Wealth: China's stock market recovery will be bright spot for emerging markets in 2022

Us inflation continues to hit a 40-year high. The US Consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.6 percent month-on-month in January and 7.5 percent year on year, the largest year-on-year increase since February 1982, according to the latest data released by the US Labor Department on February 10, 1982. The high inflation figures added to fears that the Federal Reserve would soon embark on aggressive monetary tightening. Federal Reserve Chairman Colin Powell also revealed recently that the Federal Reserve may raise interest rates several times this year to fight inflation, and the earliest rate hike may be in March.

Mark Haefele, global chief investment officer of UBS Wealth Management, said in an exclusive interview with "Global Financial Wire" that the Federal Reserve is expected to start raising interest rates in March and may raise them three times this year, but the market is also considering the possibility of four rate hikes.

Haefele also noted that stubbornly high inflation is probably the biggest risk to the economy and markets, and that tighter monetary policy and the first year of tightening will not be enough to stop the stock market rally or interrupt global growth momentum.

Haefele expects global GDP to grow by 4.7% year-on-year in 2022. He also believes the focus for emerging markets in 2022 will be the recovery of Chinese stocks.

Most of the world's central banks will tighten monetary policy in 2022. How will relatively tight monetary policy affect markets?

Mark Haefele: The effect of tighter monetary policy is that it removes some of the stimulus. When it comes to market impact, the first thing to do is look at history. When central banks start to tighten monetary policy, equities can still do well, judging by the s&p 500. Because policymakers' logic is that growth is strong, they can tighten monetary policy. Historically, in the first six months after policy makers start tightening, the S&P 500 has typically risen about 5% in the following five months.

But the pace at which inflation falls this year will determine when policymakers exit tightening or have to raise rates. The current base case is that tighter monetary policy and the first year of tightening will not be enough to stop the stock market rally or interrupt the momentum of national or global growth.

When do you think the Fed will start raising rates? How many rate hikes will there be this year?

Mark Haefele: We think the Fed will probably start raising rates in March, maybe three times this year, which is what the market is expecting. I think if our argument that inflation is starting to slow is confirmed, it could be positive for equities, which are geared up for higher interest rates.

The People's Bank of China has already started cutting reserve requirements. How would you comment on that?

Mark Haefele: We are very excited to see this move. Many people are envious of the way China manages its economy, dealing with different issues very pragmatically. For example, COVID-19 and other uncontrollable factors. At the same time, I think China has responded positively to the corporate debt problem and tried to steer the economy in a better direction. In the first half of this year, we expect western developed equity markets to do better, because that's where the growth is. But that leadership is likely to shift gradually and, later this year, more towards the Chinese market.

How will the current divergence in US and Chinese monetary policy affect global equity markets?

Mark Haefele: To use a common expression, for example, someone with their hand in an ice bucket will experience a different temperature than someone with their hand in a fire. I think this is not a bad thing if these policies are introduced based on the right judgment. In the West, where growth had reached strong highs, stimulus measures began to wane. And if China adds stimulus, it could indeed help Asia recover more quickly than expected, given moderate headline inflation throughout the year. So I think it's important to look at the total amount of global stimulus, to think about the world economy from China, the US and Europe, to look at what's happening with inflation, what's happening with COVID-19.

You can see that this balancing act has worked well so far, except for this spike in inflation. How this balance continues to move forward will be one of the priorities of this year's economic work.

Inflation may gradually normalize

What key words would you use to describe the economy in 2021? Why is that?

Mark Haefele: Last year was a year when the economy was resilient enough and the market was unbalanced. The global coronavirus pandemic, and the measures governments have taken to respond to it, have made economies more resilient. At the same time, government intervention leads to uneven economic performance -- for example, as the government shifts its focus to different areas, such as technology or health care.

Inflation will rise sharply in 2021. What will happen if inflation stays high for a long time?

Mark Haefele: Stubbornly high inflation is probably the biggest risk to the economy and markets. At present, I think the main concern in the market is that high inflation will not be brought under control even with the expected policy adjustment. Restarting the economy will require a stronger response from policymakers.

Typically, the economy recovers, central banks start raising rates and then fall into recession. That's something we have to worry about. If inflation remains high, that is what has happened many times in the past.

You mentioned that this year will be divided into two phases. Can you elaborate on that?

Mark Haefele: If you think about trends in growth and inflation, we expect the economy to grow well above normal in the first half of 2022 as excess household savings are consumed when the economy restarts and businesses replenish inventories for reopening; Inflation will also remain high for most of the first half.

But going into the second half, we expect some of the excess household savings and economic stimulus measures to continue to kick in and normalize growth. As people spend less on shopping, inflation will start to fall. Excessive consumption will lead to shortages of materials and goods. As the epidemic abates, people will shift their spending to services such as restaurants and travel, which could normalize inflation in the overall economy.

What about supply chain issues?

Mark Haefele: I think it's part of the conversation about normalizing inflation. If you look at the last two years, we are stuck at the port.

That creates supply chain problems, which are the real cause of inflation. So as we ease supply chain problems we also ease inflation. We may not go back to the highly globalised stage of a few years ago, where many companies are trying to localise their supply chains. It will increase expenses, it will increase capital expenditure, but it will also increase economic growth. When these things reach a new equilibrium, they may also fuel inflation.

You expect global GDP to grow by 4.7% yoy in 2022. What factors will drive GDP growth?

Mark Haefele: As I mentioned, there will be halves this year. The focus of consumption is now on buying goods, and we expect it to shift to buying services. As the blockade is lifted, buying services could be a strong driver of growth in the second half of the year.

While stimulus is being tightened, the pace of fiscal and monetary tightening is likely to be relatively moderate if inflation starts to fall. That gives the economy plenty of time to keep growing.

What are the downside risks to the economy this year?

Mark Haefele: There's always a risk. Inflation leads to an unfamiliar situation that leaves policymakers open to error. And with bond yields already at historic lows, it is easy to make mistakes. Government bonds are now trading at negative, near-zero and zero interest rates across much of the world. This means that the role of bonds in portfolios, or the ability of policymakers to use them to set interest rate policy, is clearly different than in the past.

Policy mistakes may therefore be the biggest risk. Other factors, of course, include a renewed rise in new infections due to the Novel coronavirus variant. Finally, we also need to watch the geopolitical situation.

China's stock market recovery will be the bright spot for emerging markets in 2022

What is your forecast of 10% global earnings growth in 2021 based on?

Mark Haefele: In 2021 we see a massive increase in GDP driving higher earnings. But as you know, we can still feel the strong level of global earnings growth from 4.7% GDP growth. What needs to be noted is the situation of COVID-19. Now, the overall number of coronavirus infections, including the daily number of new confirmed cases, has begun to decline, even in the United States and parts of Europe. This allowed some of them to reopen; Companies whose earnings were severely reduced due to the impact of the epidemic began to recover and their earnings improved.

Which industries do you think will have more opportunities?

Mark Haefele: At the beginning of the year, we're focusing on deals that are reopening. That brings attention to countries such as Europe and Japan. As I've said before, focus on cyclical stocks, financials and energy. At the same time, we are also starting to see healthcare as a more defensive sector as we are likely to be more deeply affected by policy tightening. With more elective surgery and the possibility of a resurgence, the health care industry is defensive both on the part of big Pharma and on the part of surgery. In addition, the healthcare industry has some growth potential because it includes elements of biotechnology. Healthcare is cheaper in the overall deal than technology.

How do you forecast The Chinese stock market in 2022?

Mark Haefele: We think last year was a tough year for the market. I am trying to understand the reform and policy steps that China is implementing, when will the policy end? We are now closely watching these stimulus and easing measures in China, which will help the Chinese market to take the lead, especially in the second half. I am optimistic that China's economy will do better this year.

What about emerging markets?

Mark Haefele: Our emerging market focus will shift to Asia later this year as the Asian economy is led by China. I think now is the time, in terms of commodity countries and commodity emerging markets, to look for places that can profit from strong commodity movements. But first, the story of emerging markets in 2022 will be about the recovery of Chinese equities.

What advice do you have for investors?

Mark Haefele: The most important thing is to look at the overall portfolio and how you allocate your money. We need to think about how much capital we need over the next few years, and liquidity issues. What parts of your portfolio can you hold for the long term? What is money that I don't need right away and can use for long-term investment growth? For those of you who are very lucky [in the investment markets], think about what you need to leave behind. What money you won't need in your lifetime that can be invested for the truly long term; And what assets can be left to the public, public, charitable and related organizations.

Strategically, I think it's going to be an interesting year. You know, we can't get too attached to the headlines we're talking about. In the US, at least, people are using social media to "binge" and get caught up in the headlines. So focusing on the headlines of the day is not a good strategy. Paying more attention to things like the interconnectedness of growth and policy, and judging what is likely to happen in markets from that, rather than just relying on sensational headlines, can make you a better forecaster.

So people need to focus on the longer term. That's what we're trying to help people manage their investment markets and their finances.

Profits of China's industrial enterprises above designated size will grow by 34.3% in 2021, with an average growth of 18.2% over the past two years

In 2021, China, the total profits of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 8.70921 trillion yuan, an increase of 34.3 percent over the previous year (calculated on a comparable basis, see Note II for details), an increase of 39.8 percent over 2019 and an average increase of 18.2 percent over the past two years.

In 2021, among industrial enterprises above designated size, the total profits of state-owned holding enterprises reached 2.27697 trillion yuan, up 56.0% over the previous year. Profits of joint-stock enterprises totaled 6.27022 trillion yuan, up 40.2%; Total profits of enterprises invested by foreign investors and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises reached 2.284.55 trillion yuan, up 21.1%; Profits of private enterprises totaled 2,915.04 billion yuan, up 27.6 percent.

In 2021, the mining industry made a total profit of 1.03908 billion yuan, 1.91 times more than the previous year. The total profit of the manufacturing industry reached 7.36122 trillion yuan, up 31.6%; Profits from electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply totaled 308.92 billion yuan, down 41.9 percent.

In 2021, among 41 industrial sectors, 32 saw their total profits increase, eight saw their profits decline and one saw their profits turn from surplus to deficit. Profits of main industries are as follows: The total profits of oil and natural gas exploitation increased by 5.85 times, oil, coal and other fuel processing by 2.24 times, coal mining and washing by 2.13 times, non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing by 1.16 times, and chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing by 87.8 percent. Ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing grew by 75.5%; computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing by 38.9%; non-metallic mineral products by 14.3%; electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing by 12.2%; special equipment manufacturing by 10.2%; general equipment manufacturing by 8.3%; textiles by 4.1%; Automobile manufacturing grew 1.9 percent, agricultural and sideline food processing fell 9.2 percent, and electricity and heat production and supply fell 57.1 percent.

In 2021, operating revenue of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 127.92 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.4 percent over the previous year. Operating cost of 107.12 trillion yuan, up 19.1%; Profit margin on operating income was 6.81%, 0.76 percentage points higher than the previous year.

By the end of 2021, the assets of industrial enterprises above designated size totaled 141.29 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9 percent over the previous year. Liabilities totaled 79.23 trillion yuan, up 9.6%; Owners' equity totaled 62.06 trillion yuan, up 10.2%; The asset-liability ratio was 56.1 percent, 0.1 percentage point lower than the previous year.

By the end of 2021, the receivables of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 18.87 trillion yuan, up 13.3 percent over the previous year. Finished goods inventory was 5.40 trillion yuan, up 17.1%.

In 2021, the cost per 100 yuan of operating revenue of industrial enterprises above designated size will be 83.74 yuan, 0.23 yuan less than the previous year. Expenses per 100 yuan of operating revenue were 8.59 yuan, 0.59 yuan less than the previous year.

By the end of 2021, the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size per 100 yuan of assets was 95.4 yuan, an increase of 7.7 yuan over the previous year. Per capita operating income was 1.720 million yuan, an increase of 284,000 yuan over the previous year. The turnover days of finished goods inventory were 16.8 days, 0.9 days less than last year. The average payback period for receivables was 49.5 days, 2.0 days less than the previous year.

In December 2021, industrial enterprises above designated size earned a total profit of 734.20 billion yuan, up 4.2 percent year on year.
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