
Gan Mao Ling and She Dan Pi Pa Gao ,Chinese medicine for treating colds and coughing

It is understood that foreign doctors never easily give antibiotics to cold people, but let them pay more attention to diet and rest. However, the  symptoms of a cold are particularly uncomfortable. In China, Chinese medicine can relieve symptoms and there is no resistance to Western medicine.
 fù fāng gǎn mào líng kē lì (Fufang Ganmaoling Keli)-Chinese medicine for treating colds and coughing
 fù fāng gǎn mào líng kē lì (Fufang Ganmaoling Keli)
Drug Name
Chinese pinyin : fù fāng gǎn mào líng kē lì (Fufang Ganmaoling Keli)
This product is brown to dark brown particles, sweet, slightly bitter.
Group party
Honeysuckle, Wuzhigan, wild chrysanthemum, trigeminal bitter, southern Banlangen, Kongmei, acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate, and caffeine. Accessories are sucrose.
Function and Indications
Xin Liang solution, Qingrejiedu. It is used for fever of wind-heat fever, slight cold, cold head, pain in the head, dry mouth and thirst, stuffy nose, phlegm, sore throat, cough, thick yellow sputum.
No drug resistance, drug resistance, weak side effects.
China, standing, medicine.
With hot water, 14 grams a day, 3 times a day; two days for a course of treatment.
Severe liver and kidney dysfunction disabled
1, avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food.

2. It is not appropriate to take nourishing Chinese herbs at the same time during medication.

3, cold cold does not apply, its performance is severe cold, fever, no sweat, headache, nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy throat cough.

4, this product contains acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate, caffeine. Do not drink alcohol or alcoholic beverages while taking this product. Do not take other anti-flu medicines similar to this product at the same time. Be careful with liver and kidney dysfunction; Bladder neck obstruction, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma, hypertension, and prostatic hypertrophy The use of caution; pregnant women and lactating women with caution; during the medication can not drive aircraft, vehicles, boats, engaged in high-altitude operations, mechanical operations and operating precision instruments.

5. Patients with diabetes and severe chronic diseases such as heart disease should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

6, in strict accordance with usage and dosage, children, the elderly and the infirm should be taken under the guidance of a physician.

7. No symptoms are relieved after taking the medicine for 2 days. You should go to the hospital for treatment.

8, disabled for this product allergy, allergic caution.

9, prohibit the use of this product when the traits change.

10. Children must be used under adult supervision.

11. Please place this product in a place that children cannot touch.

12. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.

shé dǎn chuān bèi pí pá gāo(Shedan Chuanbei PiPaGao)-Chinese medicine for treating colds and coughing
shé dǎn chuān bèi pí pá gāo(Shedan Chuanbei PiPaGao)

Drug Name
Chinese pinyin : shé dǎn chuān bèi pí pá gāo(Shedan Chuanbei PiPaGao)
This product is a brown to brown semi-liquid; gas smell, sweet, slightly cool
Group party
Snake bile, Fritillaria cirrhosa, Loquat leaves, Campanulaceae, Pinellia ternate, and menthol. Accessories are sucrose and honey.
Function and Indications
Lungs and cough, expectorant asthma. For dry evil caused by the lungs cough expectoration, chest tightness, wheezing, dry nose, itching throat throat embolism.
Orally, once 22 grams (about 1 tablespoon), 3 times a day


1. Avoid smoke, alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food.
2. It is not advisable to take nourishing Chinese medicine while taking medicine.
3. Have bronchiectasis, lung abscess, pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis patients should go to the hospital for cough.
4. Chill out due to cold cough.
5. No symptoms are relieved after 3 days of medication, and you should go to the hospital.
6. Children, old and weak, pregnant women should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
7. For those who are allergic to this product, allergic persons should be used with caution.
8. It is forbidden to use when the traits of this product change.
9. Children must be used under adult supervision.
10. Please place this product in a place where children cannot touch it.
11. If you are using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.

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