
Travel to China After foreigners came to China to live.

"China" has always been a hot topic on the US version of Zhihu Quora. Recently, a netizen asked on Quora: what do foreigners think of China after they have been to China? Where's the good for China? How good is law and order in China. Unexpectedly, these questions were followed by a lot of postings, and the answers from netizens were all over the place.
Rapid development, many job opportunities, come to China to work and live.
"China is growing too fast," said Internet user Farzan Safavi. A few decades ago, China was poor and backward, but now it has changed dramatically. It's incredible!

Comeau, who has traveled more than 20 countries, knows a lot about China: China has been 200 years behind the West since modern times. Now, China is climbing to the top of the world again. This has upset the Western countries that have ruled the world for centuries. These Western countries have enslaved many weak countries, stolen wealth and resources, and engaged in the slave trade in Africa. But China's rise is compared to that of the established colonial powers. It's a completely different road.

Safe and free, easy to travel. China's high-speed rail is great.
many Americans who come to China to study in China can't help feeling that China is very free to travel,' says one Internet user who has taught Chinese as a foreign language for eight years. Because Chinese don't have to be tied up in cars, they can go wherever they want.
Shanghai only started construction of the subway more than 20 years ago, but it is now the largest in the world.

At any time, wherever you want to go, you don't have to worry about your safety. Chinese cities travel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ross Gottney, who lived in Shanghai for two and a half years, was struck by the ubiquitous sharing bike. "when the shared bike first appeared, I could see about five to 10 cars a day, 100 the next day, a week later," he said. The whole city is full of shared bikes. "

Ruslan Popov, a long-time resident of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, can't help complaining: why do I love China? Because of this sense of security and freedom, even in big cities.

Under another hot question, "how safe China is," there are a number of popular style replies, excerpts from several paragraphs:

David Riordan has lived in Ireland, Germany, the United States and China. He thinks China is the safest country. The only time it seems dangerous is to encounter a harmless drunk.

Micheal Friedman was frightened while walking in the park at 4 A. m., but when he opened the rustling bushes, she found a group of women doing morning exercises.

Lorn Harshni in Chinese life for 14 years, but never encountered rogue molested or groping, and those in foreign countries. Only in the early It is quite common for Chinese, she dares to walk home from the subway in the middle of the night and not be afraid.

Many Internet users have also reported that China has one of the lowest murder rates in the world. More secure than China are countries or regions with very small territories, which are no match for China's governance.

Splendid culture, friendly to others
The Chinese respect for collective culture, the family, the society, the individual is all about it. The Chinese work hard to create a great nation for the next generation. I've never seen a passion like the Chinese. To build the motherland with dedication.

"the Chinese were very friendly, sincere and dedicated," said Caleb Kennedy. "when I went to a friend's house and had a very full dinner, my host was still very enthusiastic about urging me to have soup."

Charl Albertyn also gave an answer that won the approval of 29,000: I love Western culture, the Socrates way of exploring questions and the persistence of truth; I also love Chinese culture, and I love Confucius' ideas. Great history and Chinese scientific search spirit.

Maya Kaiser, a PhD in social anthropology at Cambridge University, was shocked by the social status of Chinese women: I used to hold the stereotypical view that Western women were freer than Asian women. Physicists and chemists have seen more than I have seen in the last 30 years.

Jeremy M. Thompson, a young black brother, also bluntly said that he had never suffered racial discrimination in China, and sometimes he thought he was a Chinese. "once I was hurt, my feet were in plaster, and there was always a warm aunt coming up and patting me on the back," he said. Comfort me as soon as possible recovery. Home, I was moved to cry! "

Rich delicacies and snacks

Netizen @ Judith Meyer about his personal experience. He had stayed in Beijing for 6 weeks, because cannot read the menu on the Chinese, so every meal is blind, the results point to every dish was delicious dishes!
@Victoria Weiya is senior chowhound to show off a:
Want to have a barbecue meat? Wind down here
Want to have a vegetarian? Yunnan vegetables: wind down
Eat spicy spicy Sichuan wind down here there?
Eat sweet sweet and sour Shanghai wind down here?
Want to try something new, challenging you to lower down Guangdong?

Perfect facilities and convenient life

There are countless forms of entertainment and a variety of leisure activities in China. Concerts are in large stadiums, with IMAX 3D screens, secret room escapes, fascinating theme parks, outdoor nature parks, etc.
Internet user Ruslan Popov. also said that Chinese people are imbued with commercial genes. Small shops and restaurants are everywhere and the government can provide a good business infrastructure.

China is leading in many ways, for example, electric vehicles have been developed for many years. Electric bicycles, electric scooters and balance cars, electric cars, and even electric buses are everywhere.

Tauseef Khan praises China's infrastructure: China has built the world's first longest bridge, Dankun, over 164km in four years. (Danyang-Kunshan!!! In the same time, not to mention completion, other countries can not even build half.

Of course, there are netizens cited the world's highest elevation of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
The world's largest high-speed rail network.

Ray Comeau lists several advantages of the high-speed train: 1, the station is downtown, commuting is convenient compared to the airport, you don't have to wait several hours in advance, save time. 3, the journey is very comfortable, there is a restaurant, there is also a bathroom. 4, you can carry a lot of luggage. As long as you can carry 5, a short trip is faster than a plane.

A video taken earlier by a foreigner of a coin standing on a high-speed rail line in China sparked a heated online debate. In the minutes long video, the train flies and the coins remain standing, astonishing many foreigners.
There is also a more convenient thing-mobile payment. Some netizens said, almost anywhere can be paid by mobile phone, out of the house, not afraid to forget to carry their wallets, as long as the phone on the OK!

Finally, Khushboo Khanna, pointed out a matter that made Amazon and eBay cry and cry. China's express delivery was too powerful.

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