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In 2022, flexible employment in China involved more than 200 million people. What measures can be taken to accommodate such a large number of people?

 Compared with the western rigid employment system, flexible employment is a great innovation of the socialist motherland, embodies the advanced nature of socialism, superiority.In western capitalist countries such as Europe, America and Japan, citizens have to be attached to an enterprise founded by a capitalist, and the capitalist pays the basic social security fund such as old-age insurance on their behalf, which directly leads to the strong dependence and high degree of dependency of the public on capital. Once a middle-income family loses its job, it is likely to lead to bankruptcy or even homelessness. As a result, New York, as the most developed city in the world, gathers a large number of poor people and forms contiguous slums. The whole New York City has a dirty interface and it is difficult to guarantee security. This fully shows that the extreme development of capitalism means the extreme suffering of ordinary people.China, on the other hand, has creatively proposed the concept of flexible employment, whereby a large number of ordinary people do not have to depend on capitalists to survive, but can freely choose the occupation they want to do without being controlled by capitalists or exploited by capitalists. We do not need to be attached to a certain enterprise, we may work on multiple platforms, such as delivering food during the day, anchorman at night, want to work can make money, do not want to work can rest. The common people have full freedom and full choice. Food delivery, delivery services, anchors, up workers, Internet celebrities, street vendors, construction workers, masons, and a variety of high-paying and high-quality flexible employment jobs are all available, demonstrating the resilience and anti-vulnerability of the Chinese economy. Flexible employment will no longer allow the general public to be picked and picked by capitalists, but rather the general public will become the masters and pick and choose from them. In this sense, a flexible worker in our country earning RMB 2000 is happier than a New Yorker earning USD 3000.

More than 200 million flexible jobs, and the feeling in my heart is, wow, there are so many people who don't have a stable job, and they say it's so refreshing that they can't have a stable job. Many people choose to drift because they have no choice. Can test civil servants, can enter state-owned enterprises, can enter the business establishment, can have inherited, can enter the name of the enterprise must have chosen the safe, no one wants to live in the open.

Netizen: Why don't these 200 million people try harder to find a stable job?

Netizen: I have a very good suggestion, let these 200 million people join the network censor and network comment, carry forward the positive energy of propaganda.

Netizen: what talent can be regarded as flexible employment personnel? Old men and women cannot be counted, this group of people are excluded; Children, students can not be counted, they have students this occupation; 800 million farmers and migrant workers are not counted. They are professional farmers. The disabled and mentally ill are not counted; Dancing in the square and eating public meals are not counted, they are suspended or retired, with pensions; There are 1.4 billion of us. How many people are there after that? Let's call it 400 million. Half of those 400 million people are unemployed, and for the rest, there are many occupations that don't produce any social value, and there are tens of millions of managers. That's why 996 is advocated.


To put it simply, as long as there is no fixed salary [1] and annual income direction, basically all are "flexible employment" category.

In fact, behind this question lies a hidden question: what does it mean to have more than 200 million flexible workers?

According to the qipu survey, compared with 2010, the working-age population in China has decreased by more than 40 million. Currently, there are 880 million people between the ages of 16 and 59, and the average age of the working-age population is 38.8.

Data released in the Blue book of China Flexible Employment Development Report (2021) show that:

In recent years, the number of flexible employment in China has increased significantly. About 55.7 percent of Chinese enterprises will adopt flexible labor use in 2020, up about 11 percentage points from 2019, and nearly 30 percent intend to stabilize or expand flexible labor use.

In other words, the rate of job losses in Korea is far outpacing the decline in the labor force due to aging, and the real unemployment rate is likely to exceed 22.7 percent.

So what does this number actually mean?

In October 2009, during the subprime crisis, the average unemployment rate of the United States was 10.2% [2], which was the highest in the past 26 years.

The only unemployment rate above that level was 90 years ago during the Great Depression.

In 1929, at the start of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was just 3%. In 1933, unemployment had worsened to 25%. It was not until 1941 that the unemployment rate fell below 10% again.

At the same time, Germany after World War I was not only saddled with huge war reparations, but also the newly established Weimar republic system was always in chaos. The Great Depression in 1929 even triggered hyperinflation in the German economy. At that time, not only did the purchasing power of the Deutschmark drop significantly, but the number of unemployed people soared from 1.3 million in September 1929 to over 6 million in early 1933, and the unemployment rate reached 30% at one time [3].

It seems that the only solution to this crisis is the Chinese word "extensive and profound".

Thucydides says, "Don't let vanity lead you astray; When men are in danger of losing their dignity, and it is too obvious that they will be guilty of it, vanity will wreak havoc on mankind. For there have been countless instances in which men, who are well aware of the danger they are about to get into, have fallen victim to the mere influence of what is called an unseemliness. They incur disgrace, not from their misfortune, but from their folly.

The security guard said that Hegel's famous saying "being is reasonable" was a translation mistake. The correct translation should be "Being is rational" instead of "being reasonable", which are two completely different value systems.

Flexible employment is a liberal democratic buzzword. Don't associate it with lowly "freelancers" and slash-looking "youth." Nurseries, homemakers, plumbers, electricians, carers, hourly aunts, shoemakers, vegetable sellers, vagabonding singers, ride-hailing drivers, food delivery workers, etc. These are all golden examples of the flexible employment model list. The same labor force is paid with their own body and time, and the steady struggle of office workers in exchange for payment is completely different. Why are they flexible? Because work time follow one's inclinations, no social box constraints, and not rely on the enterprise to pay benefits, complete personal security, free and open office environment, industry rising channel space is broad, old later can live in seclusion, children can also urge to them, of course, more to avoid the possibility of a middle age is private equity harvest, Mentality also does not exist a number of eggs speculation where to put trouble. With the above benefits, the career has a flexible, intelligent, aura, which is the envy of the iron rice bowl civil servants. They don't have the luxury of being transported to other companies in their middle years. They have the luxury of living in the present. The humble "freelancers", the loose "slash youth" and the stingy "fireism" are mostly "ordinary talents" who are tired of working in a field, have certain technical connections, do not want to be lower than capital, and have certain cash flow deposits or assets, and come out on their own. The same cannot be said of the flexi-employment group, the hidden national plutocrat, the alienated disguised middle class symbolised by capitalism. Flexible workers are often tempted to dismiss themselves as fire-inspired slash-freelancers. For example, a taxi driver with five apartments in Beijing, a restaurant owner with several buildings in Guangzhou, an aunt who works part-time in a single-family house in Shanghai's main urban area, a farmer who builds a single house in the countryside, a water and electricity repairman, and a second-generation delivery boy who helps girls out of poverty in order to help friends. They are lonely, restless, want to contribute to the society, like to come out of flexible employment, it is said that this is a little more than the western red neck rich multiple. Of course they make up less than 0.01 percent of the 200 million.


Foreigners who make money from 'I Love China' help Bilibili find a new 'wealth code'

In China, What's the next "wealth code"?

"Hello everyone, I am a foreigner suffering from cancer. My parents died when I was young. I came across the ocean to China, only to suffer from depression due to language barriers, be harassed by street gangs, beaten to pieces, develop schizophrenia, and have multiple personalities. After being rescued, he suffered online violence because he was gay, and his videos were copied by other writers, so there was no way to complain. In the face of injustice in this world, I still believe that there is love. Finally, I just want to express my heart in one word: 'I love China! '"

The intro is so overwrought and seemingly illogical that many people recognize it as a made-up joke at first sight. But, if you break it down and use it as a video opener. Or in the form of eye-catching headlines, such as "How does a foreigner in China fall in love with this country?" So, its credibility will naturally improve a lot.

At the same time, congratulations, you have preliminarily mastered the "wealth code" of video creation. The next thing you know, your video is likely to be a phenomenal play, and you may even have a loyal fan base chanting "Support you" and "protect you" that will help you on your way to success.

Simply put, the Wealth code can be understood as a template for content creation. It can be a theme or a presentation. But they all have one key characteristic in common -- these "codes" can help authors gain a lot of popularity, attention and even money in a short period of time.

A foreigner on Tiktok took the lead in mastering the art of "password" creation. He, like our example above, relies on an "I love China!" , on the master such as Lin douyin, broke out of their own day.

The Russian brother, who goes by the ID Volaf, has gained more than six million followers on Douyin. Just click on one of his short videos, and the number of likes starts at 200,000. Several videos with high heat easily break a million. Similarly, the number of comments, forwarding is also mostly able to break ten thousand. That's not bad for a platform with a huge user base for short videos.

But after watching a few of his videos, it's not hard to see the problem -- the foreigner, who speaks fluent Chinese and loves hot pot, seems to follow an established formula in all his videos.

For one thing, he would make a spectacle of himself for the camera -- wide-eyed, innocently innocent smile, open-mouthed surprise, and sometimes a thumbs-up.

As the feature begins, the man explodes into his sonorous, penetrating voice and begins to extol all manner of Chinese things, his face still exaggerated, coupled with slightly more grandiose body movements, to convey a sense of shock that he is in heaven.

His lines are often filled with phrases such as "Chinese XX is so great" and "I applaud Chinese products", which even fast local anchors would not use nowadays.

"I love China!" ", a patriotic short video full of magical overtones, and the job is done.

Of course, his "love" for China will take on other forms.

Such as eating a variety of bizarre hotpot dishes to praise Chinese cuisine.

Take your parents to a scenic spot in China and do "China awesome" again for the camera

More than once he even stressed in his video that he wanted to become a "real Chinese" and settle here permanently.

In the comments section of Volaf's video, there were many voices questioning him.

In the comments section of his video, many people questioned whether he was using the "Love China" gimmick as an opportunity to "suck money".

Others have been trolling the comment section with "Fortune Password," mocking the sameness of his videos

Such doubts are not unreasonable, and if we look closely, we can indeed find many contradictions in his previous videos.

For example, he claimed to have owned three generations of Huawei phones, but in the previous video, he was holding an iPhone.

He said he came to Heihe at the age of six, but immediately changed his story to say he had been in China for seven years.

Of course, for Volaf, these doubts are completely trivial. He even went so far as to make a video about all the criticism he received that he didn't sleep well for a week. But the next moment, the painting changes, "because I am real, love China!" ", instantly swept away the previous fatigue, back to the old mood.

If you look at the early videos of Volaf's contributions, they are almost completely different from today's. In his early days, he was a little awkward in front of the camera. Her expression was much more normal than it is now. The content is no different from tiktok's many small-theater productions. At best, he used his status as a foreign student to a lukewarm reception.

He has since tried other video formats, but none has had the same impact as the "Love China" video. "Love China" "wealth code", so that he quickly became popular.

It is not hard to guess that behind this patriotic foreigner, there must be an experienced marketing team who make good use of the particularities of Volaf's identity to create such a "real Chinese".

Of course, not every budding video writer has the same innate advantages as Volaf, and for them to succeed, they need to find other "money codes."

At Bilibili, there has been a craze for creating "Maisao" as a password.

Friends familiar with B station know that B station has such a group of special UP owners. They are suffering from diseases and fighting against them all the time. They will record their lives in the form of videos, so that more audiences suffering from diseases or ordinary people who do not know much about diseases can learn relevant knowledge and regain hope of life through their own stories.

Gradually, you will find that the so-called "anti-wealth password" has become a new "wealth password" itself. It allows more people to find creative inspiration and shortcuts, and so on and so forth, infinite nesting dolls.

It is an inevitable process for video platform users to sink, but in today's Internet era where anyone can become famous by a video, traffic almost represents all the value of a work.

As more and more "wealth code" works appear, the speed of this sinking will be greatly accelerated. In the past, an excellent work needed several days or even months to finish, from conception to production and film. The whole process goes into it.

And who also does not know, tomorrow will have a new "wealth password" appear.


Black pepper pork hamburger - Foreign recipes with Chinese-style

Some Western recipes have been improved in China.
This has enabled foreign friends to come to China to adapt to the Chinese diet, and these recipes have been well received by foreign friends.

Black pepper pork hamburger

Main material
The main dough contains 400g high flour, 80g sugar, 5g salt, 24g milk powder, 2G yeast, 80g egg white, 100g water, 110g cream cheese, 40g butter, 100g Polish high flour, 100g water, 4G yeast.
1. Polish seed materials into a pot, stir with chopsticks, cover the film room temperature fermentation for 1 hour, put in the refrigerator refrigeration for about 12 hours. In addition to the main butter, other ingredients of the dough are added to the Poland variety.
2. knead until smooth, then butter, knead until you can pull out the tough film.
3. dough was fermented at 28 degrees Celsius.
4. to 2 times larger. Dip the fingers into the flour and put a small hole in the dough. The hole will slowly retract and not collapse.
5. dough is divided into about 80-100 grams each, and the roll is relaxed for about 20 minutes.
6. gently round again, brush the egg on the surface, dip it in white sesame, and place it in the baking tray.
Fermentation at 7.35 to 2 times.
8. put in a preheated oven, set fire to 170 degrees, fire at 175 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.
9. a good black pepper filling.
10. mix well the black pepper meat (I use the pure meat, also chopped onion chopped to join) each 100 grams flat.
11. pour a small amount of oil into a saucepan, cook a small fire, and cook the meat pie on both sides.
12. prepare lettuce. Tomato slice, cheese slice, hamburger embryo, meat pie, salad dressing.
13. half hamburger embryo, fry in a pan.
14. Place a slice of cheese on the patty, put it in the oven, heat 200 degrees, lower 150 degrees, bake for 3-5 minutes until the cheese is half-melted.
15. lettuce, meat pie and tomato slices in the hamburger embryo.


Shrimp pasta& Shrimps and spaghetti- Foreign recipes with Chinese-style

Some Western recipes have been improved in China. This has enabled foreign friends to come to China to adapt to the Chinese diet, and these recipes have been well received by foreign friends.

Shrimp pasta,Shrimps and spaghetti
Ingredients: 100 g pasta, 10 prawns, 1 small carrot, 1 half onion, 1 small radish seedling, 1 small rosemary, tomato sauce, salt, cooking wine, olive oil

1. Remove the skin and shrimps from the shrimp and put them in a bowl.
2, prepare all kinds of materials. Wash onion and radish seedlings.
3. Cook the carrots well.
4, the water in the pot, the fire will boil. Put the pasta in a little salt. Stir several times to avoid sticking pan. It takes about ten minutes to boil.
5. When boiling the noodles quickly, add the oil to the pot and stir fry the onion.
6. Add shrimp and stir fry.
7, add carrot, rosemary and ketchup, add a little salt to the color. Remove the spaghetti in the pot and continue to stir fry. If dry, you can add some boiled noodle water.
8, turn off the fire, and finally let the radish seedlings continue to stir fry.
9, get out of the pan, dish up, eat.
the above is Xiaobian teach everyone to do shrimp pasta, strong pasta with fresh shrimp flavor, delicious.


How to clean the wig correctly

The quality of the wig, if not cleaned properly will also make you disappointed.
A wig comb (antistatic) is used to comb the wig.
Put the wig in cold water for 5-10 minutes. When time is too long, the hair will fall off easily.
Wigs&Hair Extensions,Virgin Hair,Human Hair,Synthetic Hair,Hair Accessories
water temperature
In the wig use of water temperature is also required, water temperature should not be too high, warm water is more appropriate (about 20 degrees, but not higher than 25 degrees) or cold water. In order to better care for wig, some acidic care solution can be dissolved in water.

Immersion and cleaning
It is best to soak wig in water for 10 minutes or so, so that good cleaning effect can be achieved. Then, you can gently rinse it with your hands, and you can use some shampoo when you wash it. It's even more perfect with conditioner.

After washing, gently shake the water off the wig, and then use a clean soft towel to dry the remaining water. Isn't that troublesome? Isn't the hairdryer faster? Forget to remind, for the hair that just washed, suggest to do not use the method that the high temperature wind such as hairdryer undertakes blow dry (if be cold wind is blown, ok), lest hair silk falls off. Finally, place it in a cool and ventilated place to avoid damage from the hot sun.
Not carding after washing.
Maybe some beauties make the mistake of combing a wig immediately after it has been cleaned, but they don't know that this will inadvertently damage the wig. It's best to take care of it after it has dried up.

Nursing damaged wig
If you encounter a wig fork, damage, dry hair restlessness, knotting (do not pull hard, in case of breaking hair), it can be sprayed on the top of the wig special care fluid, and then combing will be much better. But it is best not to wash and comb it more, because this damage to the wig is very large.

The time that gives wig cleans also shoulds not be too frequent, had better wash once a month can, in case of hair silk drops。

Wigs&Hair Extensions,Virgin Hair,Human Hair,Synthetic Hair,Hair Accessories

Cashless and mobile payment applications has led to ATM transformation in Banks: smart devices are the main force.

As mobile payment spread, many people have been unwittingly got to go out with mobile phones, the habit of leaving her wallet, there are a lot of people don't remember when was the last time went to the bank to withdraw money, and at the same time, ATM machine utilization ratio is lower, the market on the voice of the ATM opportunity will not be eliminated gradually.

Mobile payment In China
Mobile payment In China

The reporter visits found, the ATM machine "meets the cold" phenomenon and can not generalize. "There has been a decline in demand for traditional atms, but the notion that atms are being eliminated is overblown." A member of the settlement management department of a share bank told reporters.A number of bankers interviewed said there was no obvious sense that the ATM was being phased out. Instead, the upgraded bank intelligent machines are replacing the labor, which brings more convenient and faster service experience to customers.

ATM self-service.
ATM self-service.

Traditional ATM machines are no longer popular.
In crowded areas, ATM machines, the scenes of long queues, seems to emerge in your mind, but now, popular commercial area, hospital, subway station, and community bank ATM machine become very little activity.
Recently, the Beijing reporter in xidan hanguang department store, observes discovery, very long time not only the ATM machine has few people to visit, even the cashier desk in the department store, customer queuing phenomenon also rarely appeared. Many of the brands' counters can be paid by 'scanning the code (qrcode)'. Occasionally, customers will use cash or swipe CARDS, and the staff will open the documents to the cashier for payment." Hanguang department store, a saleswoman told reporters.

In a large community in fengtai, the self-service network of the bank found that the utilization rate of the deposit and withdrawal in the 24-hour self-service equipment was much higher than that of the ATM.
In half an hour, the vast majority of self-service customers are saving money.
"During the Spring Festival, a large number of red packet were received, and the cash payment was seldom used. Therefore, it is convenient and fast to deposit in the ATM." A customer who used an ATM during this period told reporters.

It has been a win-win project for business districts, subway stations and office buildings. It is convenient for customers to add water and promote their brands.
ATM machine utilization rate significantly decreased in the past two years, business district, a lot of Banks for the rent cost, maintenance cost and other factors taken into account to remove some of the old equipment, but most of the bank's actions and not so fast, also in a 'wait-and-see'." A Chinese state-owned banker said.

According to the overall statistics of China's central bank payment system, the total number of atms in the country was 92.42 million by the end of 2016, an increase of 5.75 million over the previous year, with a growth rate of 6.63%.
By the end of the third quarter of 2017, the number of ATM machines in China was 94.77 million, up 4202 units from the end of last quarter, and the number of ATM machines per 10,000 people was 6.85, up by 3.53% year on year.
It is worth noting that in 2012 and 2013, the annual growth rate of ATM machines in China was about 25%.

Reporters to Beijing and some Banks in hebei to check whether the ATM machine is being phased out.
In this regard, many Banks have said that they still need ATM machines, but many kinds and functions are the direction of future development.
"Cash transaction service, ATM machine mainly do before now through bank technology updates, and the cooperation, ATM is becoming a comprehensive intelligent equipment trading, in financial field, can complete more complicated business, handling in the field of life service, can pay the utility costs, bus card prepaid phone, ticket booking, etc." A bank worker in Beijing said.

At a joint-stock bank headquarters, he says: "according to its understanding, at present the bank have no plan of new ATM machine in shopping malls, subway station, but new outlets must be equipped with 24-hour automatic equipment. ATM machines are not limited by time and are convenient for customers. They are necessary for a long time.

"There is also a reason for the decline in ATM machines due to the closure of branches due to comprehensive consideration." At the headquarters of the joint-stock Banks, he says, is "physical light-duty outlets are many Banks to take the train of thought, some branches off leaving only self-service ATM service, and some even removed with ATM, but looking from the existing data, and cannot accurately judge the ATM machines are pulling out of the market, and transformation is the development direction of the bank."

Intelligent equipment becomes the main force of transformation.
The increase in cashless applications does pose a challenge to bank atms, but it also accelerates the pace of its transformation. Under the background of financial science and technology, bank branch construction is developing towards "smart" and "light", and the upgrade and transformation of ATM machine is also the meaning of the problem.

A bank's ATM machine staff told reporters that the company ATM project team is committed to business functions update, only traditional deposit and withdrawal, transfer and check balances ATM machines are being upgraded to a more intelligent, more convenient self-service machine."Today's ATM ATM has added feature business modules in addition to its basic functions," the business insider said. That is, in addition to deposit and withdrawal, transfer, check balance, etc., also support time deposit, buy financial management and query financial evaluation and so on.

"Customer group is given priority to with elderly people in the city, they are keen to high interest rates of deposit or financial products, especially the old people not so proficient in operating, and have free time, more inclined to personally to the bank to transact business." The business people said.

Asked whether the bank ATM machine existence phenomenon, the declining use of hebei competent a subbranch of a bank settlement, said a deputy governor of the bank ATM machine not only has not been eliminated, instead became the main force of business.

"For example, in our bank for the one-year deposit and withdrawal business, the interest rate for manual handling at the counter is 1.95%, and the interest rate of the ATM machine is 2.10%. Since the use of self-service equipment to handle the deposit business interest rate is high, it is easy to be accepted by customers, and the upgraded ATM machine is very popular.
"In addition, our bank certificates of deposit and CD machine, recycling machine, card machine, electronic banking experience and so on, customers are not familiar with machine operation at the beginning, rather than in a long time some such as window, but the Banks with a large number of machines used to guide personnel, some customers have used a few times, can skilled operate by himself."

It is worth noting that the bank also has a "money cabinet" machine, an upgraded ATM. This device to save atms much higher recognition rate than the average, ordinary ATM machine only once in a less than 100 face value is RMB 100 yuan, and "till" machines at a time can even access to hundreds of thousands of yuan, for customers with large demand, can save a lot of time, also avoid a customer in front of the ATM machine operation caused a large number of customers waiting in line for a long time.

At the same time, deputy governor of the above said, toward the window where the branch is almost only business need to be dealt with artificial, individual business is only the passbook and report the loss of business, other business basic can be done on self-service equipment intelligent machines to their bank has brought great changes.


The problems of professionally trained programmers in China.

I do not know when I have heard the Chinese mention the word "programmer" in front of the Japanese, from the scalp to the heel. And Japanese companies trained to "coding program man" from the appellation, connotation and focus are completely different.

the problems of professionally trained programmers in China.

The China Technology Open Day delegation paid a week-long visit to Japan. The author followed the first two days to the Slush Asia conference and visited two enterprises, Gungho and Deloitte. Although they had lived in Japan for four years, But this kind of experience is very few, to China and Japan's technical strength has a lot of thinking.

If you've been a programmer for a long time, if you've made writing a program the most important thing in your life, you might find the content of this article unpleasant. It is hoped that through the observation and analysis of some phenomena, the reader will think. If you can get inspiration or reflection from it, then the purpose of this article will be achieved.

What is the difference between Chinese and Japanese programmers?

In China, professionally trained "programmers" may be referred to as: Java engineers, iOS engineers, engineers, and so on.These names refer to professional programmers and have been subdivided by language or tools.In Japan, however, such a term is almost impossible to see.

There are two professions closest to Chinese programmer: programmer (プログラマー)and IT engineer(ITエンジニア).However, they are not deliberately classified by programming language or tool.In addition, there are many professions that write programs, but their address and focus are not coded, such as:
1, Web designer. then, Partial design requires fine arts.
2. Web producer. Mainly planning, analysis, market survey, budget adjustment, etc.
3, system engineer. Mainly write system requirements and specifications, many arts students in the post.
These occupations are programmed, but are equivalent to part-time jobs.
A real full-time "programmer" who basically writes in any language, does anything, doesn't divide it into Java / C, front-end engineers, back-end engineers, and the like.
And programmer status is not high, the Japanese do not want to be called that.
At this point, readers must understand why I get numb when I hear the word "programmer".

On Japan's Professional status from the Perspective of salary.
Money, though not the best measure of value, must be the least bad.
To see a career in a country's status, the simplest is to compare the level of wages.
Simple numerical comparisons, but just a few numbers are interesting to understand a country. (the current exchange rate is 1 yuan, about 16 yen, if necessary.)

The salary that a university student gets after graduation is commonly 200,000 yen, before and after rise 20,000 or so.
The gap between the rich and the poor in Japan is very small. Everyone earns about the same. After entering the job, according to the efficiency of the company, the annual increase is about 5,000 to 10,000 yen. Because of the ability of a new employee, And the sudden sharp rise in wages is hardly the case.

According to the average salary of a lifetime, people who are really "programmers" are paid about 320 thousand yen a month. Compare the other professions.

Electrician - 280,000
Firefighter - 310,000
Nurse - 320,000
Truck driver - 330,000
High school teacher - 370,000
National University associate professor - 510,000
Announcer - 560,000
Lawyer - 640,000
A physician - 860,000
Ophthalmologist - 900,000

What is the most profitable job?
Obstetricians with a salary of 1 million 300 thousand a month.

As you can see from the above data, the programmer or the IT industry does not take any advantage, as much as the truck driver.
What's more popular is the medical industry, the education industry, the judicial industry. The most profitable part is to become a doctor, even the most time dentists, the monthly salary is also 600 thousand, far beyond other industries.

Where there is money, talent will naturally gather.
China's hot money has poured into the Internet industry, resulting in excessive influx of talents. No matter learning news, electronics, machinery or management, they all want to go to Internet companies.Although the development of an industry has also hindered other industries.
In Japan, salaries are the same in most industries, so talent is equally distributed across industries.Since programmers don't have a special salary advantage, they won't gather top talent, nor will they break down into "Java programmers," "C programmers," "iOS programmers."
Therefore, write code has a huge image difference between China and Japan.
China is more extreme, either paying special attention to it or devaluing it.
Japan, on the other hand, is more balanced, treating it only as a very common occupation.
So, if Chinese students promote programming in Japan, it's generally counterproductive.
You can promote design, creative, planning, communication,But don't easily preach your programming skills, or you're in the dust.

What is the most important ability of Japanese enterprises?
There is often a situation in China:
A front-end engineer, who thinks he can only do the front-end, and can't do anything other than the front-end.A "Java engineer", he thinks he can only Java, the others do not want to do.
It was as if he had confined himself to a cage.
There are many people very confused, said that do not know which direction to develop, is to do front-end? Or linux? Or Node.js development? Incredible, can't we all develop? In other words, "give you a job, whether it's front-end, back-end, left-right, you can do it."
General-purpose and versatile ability [ユーティリティ性] is the most important ability of Japanese enterprises.In an enterprise, it means "the ability to respond to a variety of tasks." in the Chinese vernacular, "give you a job and you can do it."Therefore, Japanese companies recruit people, very little attention to the programming ability of candidates.
Japanese company training is very comprehensive, whether you are engineering arts, it will not take long after entering the job learned.Many companies also tend to find people who can't program to write programs.  And, to be honest, programming today is almost a basic skill, and programming languages are getting simpler and simpler, and anyone can learn, it's no big deal.

What Japan calls "universal ability" is a comprehensive index of technical, willpower, physical, thinking, emotional control, and social power.With this capability, it should be said that any project can be completed, far more important than the Chinese programmer's ability to master a certain framework.The highest level of learning a computer is not to master how many tools are used, but to have careful analysis and accurate judgment, so that any work done is faster than others, that is, "keeping a horse" is more efficient than most people.

There is a strange thing in China.During the interview, the technical officer may ask a very detailed question, such as how to call a function.Strange, can't remember these can't do development?
Can't use GOOGLE to get the answer? Programming needs all kinds of documentation, but there are people who rely on memory to develop it.In addition, in China, many training institutions teach only the use of a tool without exploring a pattern and a way of thinking. Education students "how to find solutions", I am afraid this is worth reflecting on the education of enterprises, and may find a good business model.

All in all,To learn any skill, one should learn that the more you learn, the more you can learn more skills and the more things you can do.


These points may be helpful for your job interview, In the programmer industry of China.

I want to share with you some details of the interview today. I hope it will help you.
These points may be helpful for your job interview, In the programmer industry of China.
These points may be helpful for your job interview, In the programmer industry of China.

1. Try not to mark the expected salary on your paper resume.
With regard to the expected salary, we will all make a very clear remark on the recruitment resume, so that the paper resume can no longer be written down on the expected salary. In the programmer industry, the first round of interviews is usually a written test. Or the company directly calls a technician to interview you.

If we start with the expected salary on our resume, let's assume that if you're doing well in the interview, the interviewer looks at the salary requirements you put on your resume, if you expect a salary much higher than his current salary. This is very bad for you. Don't ignore that people have a certain degree of subjective consciousness. In his eyes, your technical level is not as good as that of him, and you expect your salary to be above him. Just ask what others will think. Isn't this a sign that the expected salary is adding to your troubles?

2.Major key knowledge points should be firmly grasped.
There is no doubt that the basis of professional knowledge should be fully prepared, if time is tight, there is no time to make full preparation, at least we should have a rough look at the past, if you are a god, please ignore it.

3, to answer the questions of the interviewer
The general programmer's eloquence ability is relatively weak, if so, suggest that you should learn to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses in the interview process, for the interviewer put forward questions, whether technical issues or talk about life, should be targeted, grasp the key.

4. At ordinary times, we should cultivate the ability to think independently and solve problems alone
Some developers, a problem, like to immediately find the answer through the search engine, think that high efficiency, in fact, independent thinking is a very interesting work.
Development process, will inevitably encounter a variety of problems, at this time, it is recommended that you first think, it is not clear in search engines or other methods to solve.
I believe there are a lot of people around you who are more likely to learn to accept knowledge passively, get used to others, and always turn to others for reasons when they encounter problems.
There are also people around you, I believe: they always have their own views on problems, and they have new ideas and deep ideas.
It is the charm of independent thinking that those who can think independently tend to solve problems more realistically.
If you are an interviewee, what kind of job applicant are you more likely to choose?

What do you want to see in China, recruitment information, please leave a message.

Girls failed in 41 interviews, Interviewer: you have kids. Why are you still working?

Two days ago, Moments saw such a complaint in WeChat:
Go to the interview, unexpectedly all the companies ask me, "when to have children?
And one company said, "can you promise not to have children for three years?"
I do not want to live, but also can not promise to him ah!"

Many companies' hiring conditions say naked as long as men, single better, no single, who is on duty? Who's going to make a long run? Who's going to work in the field? It's nothing new for married unbred women to find a job.

I've seen this piece of news before:
Almost all businesses are wary of women during the reproductive period。
An unmarried woman means that she has to get married and take a marriage leave in the future, and then take maternity leave after giving birth to a child, and then take another maternity leave after giving birth to a second child. A woman who has given birth to a child means that she will take maternity leave at any time. A woman who has already given birth to a second child will take maternity leave at any time. Safety is safer, but she's probably out of work.

As a result, data surveys indicate that:
When the ratio of men and women in the workplace is 1: 1, the proportion of women entering senior leadership level is less than 25%.
64% agreed that men were more likely to be promoted in the workplace. 71 percent said the workplace ceiling was more severe among women.
Global women are 10 years behind men in wages, and the global gender pay gap is at least 118 years away.
When every girl goes to an interview, she hears the question: are you married? You got a date? When are you going to have a baby? You can't ask for a few days off every month. Can you nurse and get to work?

And most companies, after a lot of consideration, "let women go home and bring their children," after all, "We're working under a lot of stress, and you may not be able to balance it."

Especially after the implementation of China's comprehensive two-child policy, many employers are worried that women have a second child and raise the cost of employment, which affects women's performance at work, and thus gives women fewer opportunities for promotion and development.

Basically, our mothers are the hardest generation in the original jungle, with no modesty at all. And all sorts of single writers who haven't given birth to children are simply saying, "you can have a family and a career."

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, wrote a best-selling book, step forward, to encourage women to break through the gender barrier and take a step forward in the workplace.
The value of a woman can be earned on her own.


How to obtain a driver's license in China, foreigners?

How to obtain a driver's license in China, foreigners

How to obtain a driver's license in China, foreigners

Since our country is not a party to the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic, the international driver's license is not recognized in China, nor can it be replaced by a Chinese driver's license. Some foreigners who come to work and live in China need to apply for a Chinese driver's license. Foreigners handle a Chinese driver's license. If there are certain conditions, it must first be a foreigner who has lived, worked, and studied for a long time. A short stay, such as a foreigner visiting China, cannot be handled. Secondly, if a foreigner handles a Chinese driver's license, he must go to the vehicle management at his place of residence. The foreign-related management department handles.

For foreigners who already hold a foreign driver's license or international driving license, they only need to submit their passports, residence permits in China, foreign driver's licenses or international driving licenses, and medical examination qualification forms. After participating in the theoretical examinations, they can apply for a certificate without going to the road test. For foreigners who do not have a driver's license, applying for a Chinese driver's license requires submitting a residence permit in China, a passport and a medical examination form, and by registering for a theoretical exam and a road test, the applicant can apply for a driver's license after passing the exam. Driver's license.

Foreigner/Chinese/Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan/China Domestic Driver's License:

1. Photo - (1 inch color photo 4, reception office photocopy)
2. Passport and Visa (original and photocopy) - (Passport, Hong Kong and Macau Pass, Taiwan Taiwan Pass, Domestic ID Card, Beijing Temporary Residence Card)
3. Temporary residence registration form - (original and photocopy, must be stamped, foreign Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan people need to handle)
4. Valid overseas driver's license - (original and photocopy)
5. Translation of Foreign Driver's License – (Driving Official Designated Translation Document)
6. Authentication/Translation/Medical Examination/Teaching Material/Course Assist/Application/Interview/Appointment/Exam/Remedy/Certification – (Acceptance of Application and Examination Guidance)
7. Foreigner - (visa/residence permit allows for a stay of more than 3 months to apply for a long-term driving licence)
8. Foreigner - (visa/residence permit allows for a temporary driving licence for less than 3 months)

Chinese police have suggested that there are strict rules on applying for a domestic driver's license, and that the "foreign driver's license" widely circulated on the Internet is mostly a hoax, and similar warnings have already appeared in China. For this, the police remind: do not believe the online rumor, lest be deceived.

Foreigners to deal with the Chinese driver's license is must have certain conditions, first of all, must be the aliens live, work and study for a long time [r (stop) the retention period for 3 months or more valid visa or residence permit], and briefly, such as foreigners travel to China you can't handle, followed by foreigners to deal with the Chinese driver's license must deal with to the DMV concerning foreign affairs management section of residence.

For already hold overseas driver licence or an international driving permit foreigners, only need to submit the passport and residence permit in China, overseas driver licence or an international driving permit, medical examination table, and participate in the theory exam, do not need to take part in the road test you can apply for a driver's license to China; For foreigners itself without a driver's license, apply for the Chinese driver's license need to submit the residence permit in China, passport and medical examination qualified table, through the sign up for the theory test and road test, test passed, can apply for to Chinese driver's license.

How does this age make money? In China

If we return to the farming era, the way people support themselves is mainly to engage in agricultural production, do a little bit of business, do a little work, and get civil servants. In those days, most people faced the loess and faced the sky. People's production methods basically cannot be separated from the land.

How does this age make money? In China

People in the agricultural era can't imagine what happened today. People used to buy and sell in the past, and the products they provide are often tangible entities with physical quality concepts. However, the products provided now may no longer be tangible entities. When it comes to buying books, people can now buy physical books or buy e-books. E-books do not have any physical sense of quality. A U disk can hold a lot of this e-book. The biggest difference between e-books and physical books is that 10,000 copies of physical books are printed and sold out, but e-books are different. No matter how many copies are sold, there is no concept of out-of-stock.

No matter what era it is, something that happens to happen will happen. However, our era has greatly reduced the probability of its occurrence. The greatest benefit of this era is that there are many stages for people to show their personal talent. This has never been seen in the past. In the past years, a middle school teacher had a much higher level of teaching. However, if the leaders do not pay attention to you, then the individual talents will be difficult to display. Now this era is different. If your teaching level is really powerful, you can put your personal video on the Internet. If there is any expectation, naturally someone will come to the door and wait for a big profit.

There are some local tabloids, and there is a need to talk about relationships. If the editor is not familiar, even if the article is well written, it may not be published. If in the past, talented and unconnected people, indeed, have been wronged, but this time is different. If the article is worth something, the tabloids won't publish it, and what does it matter, in another place, that it won't necessarily be appreciated. Making these articles into e-books, and selling them for money, even on BBS, can bring unexpected benefits. Now, a lot of websites are open to the function of reward, so as long as the article is valuable, can move people, say not necessarily in the sleep also can receive money. On tianya BBS, some authors have received a reward of over one million RMB in a short period of time. It is no longer a dream to become rich overnight.

We have said goodbye to the age of scarcity, and people are no longer simply hungry for food, but rather for personal experience. When people are full, there is a huge demand for mental products. As long as the products you provide can meet people's needs, making money is easy. Putting personal video on the Internet can also bring unimaginable wealth. The most successful example is luo zhenyu, "Luo Ji Si Wei", personal network video,a Chinese man who relies on the platform to sell books for more than 100 million yuan a year.

How does this age make money? In China

How does this age make money? In China

One of the best ways to verify a talent is to give it to the market. Tangjiashan has been knocking on the keyboard at home, earning more than 100 million yuan a year. No matter how others negate the value of his novel, he at least gets the reader's support. In reality, there are always some people who feel that their articles are well written, but others will not appreciate him, so he is always complaining. In fact, the article is well written, it is not the final decision, the best way is to give it to the market. The article posted online, if a lot of people call you reward or thumb up to you, that this article is valuable, if many readers are denying it, so is the probability of good writing will become very low, especially in the big BBS has a master.

In this era, as long as your talent meets the market demand, even if you are now poor, it does not matter. Some people started the writing of WeChat public account number, attracting more and more attention with the quality of the article, and the result was that the amount of powder sucked reached millions. Some people earn millions of dollars a year through the WeChat account. Do not always say that you have no background, so you can't succeed. This is just a sign of weakness.

When others do not appreciate your talent, what you have to do is not to complain but to say ways to convince others. If you are complaining for a long time and you always feel that you are ill-informed, then it is difficult to make progress. To prove that you are talented, earning money is a strong testimony.

Travel to China After foreigners came to China to live.

"China" has always been a hot topic on the US version of Zhihu Quora. Recently, a netizen asked on Quora: what do foreigners think of China after they have been to China? Where's the good for China? How good is law and order in China. Unexpectedly, these questions were followed by a lot of postings, and the answers from netizens were all over the place.
Rapid development, many job opportunities, come to China to work and live.
"China is growing too fast," said Internet user Farzan Safavi. A few decades ago, China was poor and backward, but now it has changed dramatically. It's incredible!

Comeau, who has traveled more than 20 countries, knows a lot about China: China has been 200 years behind the West since modern times. Now, China is climbing to the top of the world again. This has upset the Western countries that have ruled the world for centuries. These Western countries have enslaved many weak countries, stolen wealth and resources, and engaged in the slave trade in Africa. But China's rise is compared to that of the established colonial powers. It's a completely different road.

Safe and free, easy to travel. China's high-speed rail is great.
many Americans who come to China to study in China can't help feeling that China is very free to travel,' says one Internet user who has taught Chinese as a foreign language for eight years. Because Chinese don't have to be tied up in cars, they can go wherever they want.
Shanghai only started construction of the subway more than 20 years ago, but it is now the largest in the world.

At any time, wherever you want to go, you don't have to worry about your safety. Chinese cities travel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ross Gottney, who lived in Shanghai for two and a half years, was struck by the ubiquitous sharing bike. "when the shared bike first appeared, I could see about five to 10 cars a day, 100 the next day, a week later," he said. The whole city is full of shared bikes. "

Ruslan Popov, a long-time resident of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, can't help complaining: why do I love China? Because of this sense of security and freedom, even in big cities.

Under another hot question, "how safe China is," there are a number of popular style replies, excerpts from several paragraphs:

David Riordan has lived in Ireland, Germany, the United States and China. He thinks China is the safest country. The only time it seems dangerous is to encounter a harmless drunk.

Micheal Friedman was frightened while walking in the park at 4 A. m., but when he opened the rustling bushes, she found a group of women doing morning exercises.

Lorn Harshni in Chinese life for 14 years, but never encountered rogue molested or groping, and those in foreign countries. Only in the early It is quite common for Chinese, she dares to walk home from the subway in the middle of the night and not be afraid.

Many Internet users have also reported that China has one of the lowest murder rates in the world. More secure than China are countries or regions with very small territories, which are no match for China's governance.

Splendid culture, friendly to others
The Chinese respect for collective culture, the family, the society, the individual is all about it. The Chinese work hard to create a great nation for the next generation. I've never seen a passion like the Chinese. To build the motherland with dedication.

"the Chinese were very friendly, sincere and dedicated," said Caleb Kennedy. "when I went to a friend's house and had a very full dinner, my host was still very enthusiastic about urging me to have soup."

Charl Albertyn also gave an answer that won the approval of 29,000: I love Western culture, the Socrates way of exploring questions and the persistence of truth; I also love Chinese culture, and I love Confucius' ideas. Great history and Chinese scientific search spirit.

Maya Kaiser, a PhD in social anthropology at Cambridge University, was shocked by the social status of Chinese women: I used to hold the stereotypical view that Western women were freer than Asian women. Physicists and chemists have seen more than I have seen in the last 30 years.

Jeremy M. Thompson, a young black brother, also bluntly said that he had never suffered racial discrimination in China, and sometimes he thought he was a Chinese. "once I was hurt, my feet were in plaster, and there was always a warm aunt coming up and patting me on the back," he said. Comfort me as soon as possible recovery. Home, I was moved to cry! "

Rich delicacies and snacks

Netizen @ Judith Meyer about his personal experience. He had stayed in Beijing for 6 weeks, because cannot read the menu on the Chinese, so every meal is blind, the results point to every dish was delicious dishes!
@Victoria Weiya is senior chowhound to show off a:
Want to have a barbecue meat? Wind down here
Want to have a vegetarian? Yunnan vegetables: wind down
Eat spicy spicy Sichuan wind down here there?
Eat sweet sweet and sour Shanghai wind down here?
Want to try something new, challenging you to lower down Guangdong?

Perfect facilities and convenient life

There are countless forms of entertainment and a variety of leisure activities in China. Concerts are in large stadiums, with IMAX 3D screens, secret room escapes, fascinating theme parks, outdoor nature parks, etc.
Internet user Ruslan Popov. also said that Chinese people are imbued with commercial genes. Small shops and restaurants are everywhere and the government can provide a good business infrastructure.

China is leading in many ways, for example, electric vehicles have been developed for many years. Electric bicycles, electric scooters and balance cars, electric cars, and even electric buses are everywhere.

Tauseef Khan praises China's infrastructure: China has built the world's first longest bridge, Dankun, over 164km in four years. (Danyang-Kunshan!!! In the same time, not to mention completion, other countries can not even build half.

Of course, there are netizens cited the world's highest elevation of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
The world's largest high-speed rail network.

Ray Comeau lists several advantages of the high-speed train: 1, the station is downtown, commuting is convenient compared to the airport, you don't have to wait several hours in advance, save time. 3, the journey is very comfortable, there is a restaurant, there is also a bathroom. 4, you can carry a lot of luggage. As long as you can carry 5, a short trip is faster than a plane.

A video taken earlier by a foreigner of a coin standing on a high-speed rail line in China sparked a heated online debate. In the minutes long video, the train flies and the coins remain standing, astonishing many foreigners.
There is also a more convenient thing-mobile payment. Some netizens said, almost anywhere can be paid by mobile phone, out of the house, not afraid to forget to carry their wallets, as long as the phone on the OK!

Finally, Khushboo Khanna, pointed out a matter that made Amazon and eBay cry and cry. China's express delivery was too powerful.


What is common in Chinese, something not common in foreign countries?

Preserved egg
The American media rated the preserved egg as "the most disgusting" food, and at one time the Chinese people were indignant and named the preserved egg.

In China, it is very delicious food.

Preserved egg

Preserved egg

Electric bicycle.

Electric bicycle.

Electric bicycle.

Electric bicycle.

mosquito net

mosquito net

Running raincoat

Running raincoat

 crowndaisy chrysanthemum

 crowndaisy chrysanthemum


My foreign friends are deeply in love with them unable to extricate themselves from indulging it!


Quora selection: able to quickly grasp the useful skills

What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?
What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?

Get 4.6k answers
@Cyndi Perlman Fink
How to buy strawberries...
Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they will taste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.

Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you're smelling the strawberries, let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.

Get 3.2k answers
@Akshat Jain
When a kid, table manners always confused me. Which hand to use for what while eating. Then, this simple hack helped.
Left (4 letters) hand for 4 lettered things – fork
Right (5 letters) hand for 5 lettered things - spoon, knife, glass

Get 1.7k answers
@Arpit Pareek

How to Fall Asleep Faster: I hate it when I am lying in the bed, trying to sleep. It used to take me too much time to get to sleep. I searched internet for few tricks to fall asleep faster. The next time you are lying awake in bed Unable to sleep, you can trick yourself to sleep by trying these natural tips:
Try to stay awake: Challenge yourself to stay awake – your mind will rebel! It's called the sleep paradox.
Keep your eyes wide open, repeat to yourself 'I will not sleep'. The brain doesn't process negatives well, so interprets this as an instruction to sleep and eye muscles tire quickly as sleep creeps up.
Rewind your day: Remembering the mundane detail in reverse order clears your mind of worries. Recall conversations, sights and sounds as you go. It helps you to reach a mental state that's ready for sleep.
Roll your eyes: Close your eyes and roll the balls up 3-5 times can do the job. It simulates what you do naturally when you fall asleep and may help trigger the release of your sleepy hormone, melatonin.

Find a Job in China Works

Nowadays, foreigners can find all kinds of jobs in China.The main way to find a job is a professional recruitment website, corporate recruitment, telephone recruitment ,etc. Some Chinese companies in the English version of the site, will recruit professionals related to foreigners, in addition, the recruitment of information from the company's website to get a job, a higher success rate.If you have a Chinese friend, you can get a job in China through recommendation.

Here are some areas of work:
1. Foreign language teachers
This is a relatively common work, can make full use of their language advantage.
However, the industry is also a highly competitive industry, the teacher's professional requirements are relatively high, the level of Chinese conversation is also required.

2.Translator, or corporate diplomat
International e-commerce companies, multinational corporations, foreign affairs departments to provide a good job for foreigners.

3. Senior technical personnel, scientific and technical personnel
As Chinese enterprises move towards the world, economic development requires the introduction of foreign technology.Therefore, many scientific and technological enterprises, to provide a position for foreign researchers.Such as, Artificial intelligence,VR Technology, etc.

4.Entrepreneurship in China
For foreign entrepreneurs in China, there are policy support.However, this put forward higher requirements for foreign personnel, China's economic environment, culture should have a lot of understanding.The United States is a very mature market, and in China, no one set the market must be what kind of, you have unlimited possibilities to achieve what you want to do.More,need to understand China's market rules.

October 2012, held in Beijing, foreign talent recruitment will attract 1200 job seekers, the participants of the 60 companies most want to recruit English teachers

In any case, working in China, learning Chinese is a prerequisite.

However, not all foreigners want to work in China.
Several reasons why foreigners do not want to come to China :
It is not easy for foreign talents to adapt to the work in China.
With the increase in the number of foreigners working in China, it is more and more difficult for foreign young people to find an ideal job in China.There are foreign media reports, 65% of jobs in English teaching positions.This means that it is very difficult for a foreigner to find a professional counterpart work.And other positions, such as information technology, sales, procurement management, these professional positions, fluent Mandarin is no longer an additional skill, but to become a prerequisite.In addition, with the expansion of the scale of Chinese students, with a large number of overseas study experience, multilingual and have international vision of the Chinese students choose to return, these people become a rival foreign university graduates to find a job in the China.
Between China and Western countries, a huge cultural and institutional differences, foreign concerns, but also eliminate the expectations of working in China.In addition, foreign students studying in China, this is a great help to China's environmental and cultural cognitive process, before working in China, there is a ready time to adapt and understand China, is also a good way.

On the evening of January 27, 2014, foreign students in China took red envelopes to celebrate the Chinese New Year in the Chinese school cafeteria

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