
Foreigners who make money from 'I Love China' help Bilibili find a new 'wealth code'

In China, What's the next "wealth code"?

"Hello everyone, I am a foreigner suffering from cancer. My parents died when I was young. I came across the ocean to China, only to suffer from depression due to language barriers, be harassed by street gangs, beaten to pieces, develop schizophrenia, and have multiple personalities. After being rescued, he suffered online violence because he was gay, and his videos were copied by other writers, so there was no way to complain. In the face of injustice in this world, I still believe that there is love. Finally, I just want to express my heart in one word: 'I love China! '"

The intro is so overwrought and seemingly illogical that many people recognize it as a made-up joke at first sight. But, if you break it down and use it as a video opener. Or in the form of eye-catching headlines, such as "How does a foreigner in China fall in love with this country?" So, its credibility will naturally improve a lot.

At the same time, congratulations, you have preliminarily mastered the "wealth code" of video creation. The next thing you know, your video is likely to be a phenomenal play, and you may even have a loyal fan base chanting "Support you" and "protect you" that will help you on your way to success.

Simply put, the Wealth code can be understood as a template for content creation. It can be a theme or a presentation. But they all have one key characteristic in common -- these "codes" can help authors gain a lot of popularity, attention and even money in a short period of time.

A foreigner on Tiktok took the lead in mastering the art of "password" creation. He, like our example above, relies on an "I love China!" , on the master such as Lin douyin, broke out of their own day.

The Russian brother, who goes by the ID Volaf, has gained more than six million followers on Douyin. Just click on one of his short videos, and the number of likes starts at 200,000. Several videos with high heat easily break a million. Similarly, the number of comments, forwarding is also mostly able to break ten thousand. That's not bad for a platform with a huge user base for short videos.

But after watching a few of his videos, it's not hard to see the problem -- the foreigner, who speaks fluent Chinese and loves hot pot, seems to follow an established formula in all his videos.

For one thing, he would make a spectacle of himself for the camera -- wide-eyed, innocently innocent smile, open-mouthed surprise, and sometimes a thumbs-up.

As the feature begins, the man explodes into his sonorous, penetrating voice and begins to extol all manner of Chinese things, his face still exaggerated, coupled with slightly more grandiose body movements, to convey a sense of shock that he is in heaven.

His lines are often filled with phrases such as "Chinese XX is so great" and "I applaud Chinese products", which even fast local anchors would not use nowadays.

"I love China!" ", a patriotic short video full of magical overtones, and the job is done.

Of course, his "love" for China will take on other forms.

Such as eating a variety of bizarre hotpot dishes to praise Chinese cuisine.

Take your parents to a scenic spot in China and do "China awesome" again for the camera

More than once he even stressed in his video that he wanted to become a "real Chinese" and settle here permanently.

In the comments section of Volaf's video, there were many voices questioning him.

In the comments section of his video, many people questioned whether he was using the "Love China" gimmick as an opportunity to "suck money".

Others have been trolling the comment section with "Fortune Password," mocking the sameness of his videos

Such doubts are not unreasonable, and if we look closely, we can indeed find many contradictions in his previous videos.

For example, he claimed to have owned three generations of Huawei phones, but in the previous video, he was holding an iPhone.

He said he came to Heihe at the age of six, but immediately changed his story to say he had been in China for seven years.

Of course, for Volaf, these doubts are completely trivial. He even went so far as to make a video about all the criticism he received that he didn't sleep well for a week. But the next moment, the painting changes, "because I am real, love China!" ", instantly swept away the previous fatigue, back to the old mood.

If you look at the early videos of Volaf's contributions, they are almost completely different from today's. In his early days, he was a little awkward in front of the camera. Her expression was much more normal than it is now. The content is no different from tiktok's many small-theater productions. At best, he used his status as a foreign student to a lukewarm reception.

He has since tried other video formats, but none has had the same impact as the "Love China" video. "Love China" "wealth code", so that he quickly became popular.

It is not hard to guess that behind this patriotic foreigner, there must be an experienced marketing team who make good use of the particularities of Volaf's identity to create such a "real Chinese".

Of course, not every budding video writer has the same innate advantages as Volaf, and for them to succeed, they need to find other "money codes."

At Bilibili, there has been a craze for creating "Maisao" as a password.

Friends familiar with B station know that B station has such a group of special UP owners. They are suffering from diseases and fighting against them all the time. They will record their lives in the form of videos, so that more audiences suffering from diseases or ordinary people who do not know much about diseases can learn relevant knowledge and regain hope of life through their own stories.

Gradually, you will find that the so-called "anti-wealth password" has become a new "wealth password" itself. It allows more people to find creative inspiration and shortcuts, and so on and so forth, infinite nesting dolls.

It is an inevitable process for video platform users to sink, but in today's Internet era where anyone can become famous by a video, traffic almost represents all the value of a work.

As more and more "wealth code" works appear, the speed of this sinking will be greatly accelerated. In the past, an excellent work needed several days or even months to finish, from conception to production and film. The whole process goes into it.

And who also does not know, tomorrow will have a new "wealth password" appear.

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