
To pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease,the incidence of stomach disease in China is on the rise.

The rate of disease in the Chinese stomach is rising. The incidence of gastric cancer in young people aged 19 to 35 has doubled from 30 years ago, and it has become a "new disease" and "heart disease" for many young people.
There is a group of people around us who have a stomachache and stomachache at work. Some work a busy stomach also can often ache, eat what have no appetite; Others even become the "old disease" of chronic gastritis and need to carry medicine with them. Intense work and life, too much pressure makes people with stomach trouble more and more.
To pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease,the incidence of stomach disease in China is on the rise.

To pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Gastroesophageal reflux is due to the abnormal gastric contents reflux to the esophagus, causing the mucosal injury and chronic syndrome, this is a very common gastrointestinal diseases, a high incidence in the crowd, even healthy people after the improper diet, sometimes also can appear the phenomenon of heartburn and reflux.

About 30 percent of people report symptoms of reflux almost every day, while 40 percent report at least once a month, according to the survey.
Therefore, esophageal reflux disease and its symptoms are very common and should be taken seriously. With the improvement of the quality of modern life, the diet structure has changed, and the obesity population has also increased, which can lead to the increase of the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The expression of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Reflux stimulation causes esophageal symptoms: heartburn, chest pain, acid, belching, reflux, dysphagia, etc.
Symptoms other than esophagus: laryngitis, laryngitis, laryngopharyngeal foreign body sensation, throat congestion, chronic cough, asthma, aspiration pneumonia, snoring, etc.
Complications: upper gastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal stenosis, Barrett esophagus, etc.

Eight Suggestions for preventing gastroesophageal reflux disease.
1. Reduce the intake, the satiety causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax. Eat slowly and eat a small number of meals.
Dinner is especially unfavorable for food; Avoid eating four hours before bedtime. Patients with esophageal stricture, fast food intolerance, depending on the severity, select the pap, semifluid or liquid, the slow swallow a bite, or swallow soon by taking the soda for food.

2.Drink less acidic beverages, alcohol, etc., in order to prevent the lower end of the esophageal sphincter tension, especially the alcohol can reduce the frequency of peristaltic contraction of the esophagus.

3.Eat less food that slows the stomach. Gastric emptying delay not only indirectly increases the chance of reflux, but also causes abdominal distension and belching. This kind of food mainly includes some sticky food, such as zongzi, rice cake, yuanxiao, wine and so on.

4.Increase protein intake, stimulate gastrin secretion and increase the pressure of the esophageal sphincter. Therefore, some proteins can be appropriately added in the food, such as lean meat, milk, soy products, egg white, etc.

5.Eat less irritant, eat less chocolate, cook less spices, such as chili, curry, pepper, garlic, mint, etc.

6.Try to minimize the increase in abdominal pressure, such as over bending, wearing tights, and tying a belt.

7.Gastroesophageal reflux often relapse when the hypothesis, because the hypothesis when the reflux is horizontal movement, vertical than sit a bottom-up movement is easier, at the same time, when in a state of sleep, stomach mouth up and down the two doors of sphincter is in a state of relaxation, the role of inhibition of gastroesophageal reflux. Like sleeping on the bed, the bed mat can be 15~20 centimeters high, this is an effective way to reduce the counterflow, if necessary, you can also take a tablet before bed.

8.Medication should be administered under the guidance of a physician to avoid side effects of drug abuse.

Why do we have stomach trouble when we are young?

Why do we have stomach trouble when we are young?
1. In China, Because a lot of young people just graduated from school, soon to step into society, so the economic pressure will be bigger, because the job is not very stable, the guarantee of life in big cities is not completely, many people are often in the company have a cheap fast food, eat quickly will continue to work, so long the comprehensive nutrition, cause the body immune system problems, also can affect the function of intestines and stomach, resulting in some stomach trouble.

2.Because of life pressure and work pressure is too large, often can make young people feel very nervous, can't let up, so there will be work and rest time is not fixed, lead to increased the risk of stomach trouble, so can make a lot of young people intestines and stomach problems.

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