
The 20 classic Hangzhou dishes for foreign leaders in China

At the G20 meeting in Hangzhou, the state banquet hosted by leaders will focus on the exquisite Hangzhou cuisine. Among the most striking was the selection of 20 Hangzhou specialties, including 16 dishes and 4 snacks.
Most of these dishes are famous historic dishes in Hangzhou, but they also incorporate some new cooking techniques, which make them more contemporary. The chefs said they were ready to let foreign friends forget the good taste of Hangzhou. Here are 20 classic Hangzhou Cuisine:

1. jing xia ren (井虾仁)
It is a shrimp that is cooked with the tender shoots of Longjing tea. It is a famous dish rich in Hangzhou's local characteristics. The shrimps are white, fresh and tender; the buds and leaves are green, fragrant, elegant in color and lustre, and have a unique taste.

2. xī hú cù yú (西湖醋鱼)
West Lake vinegar fish, also known as the "Uncle", is a traditional local flavor in Zhejiang Hangzhou. According to legend, in the Song Dynasty, two elder brothers and sisters-in-law realized the sweet and sour taste of life and created this dish for their brother and husband.
Usually grass carp is used as raw material for cooking. After burning, pour a layer of smooth and oily sugar and vinegar, pectoral fins erect, tender and delicious fish, crab flavor, fresh and tender sour and sweet.

3. dōng pō mèn ròu (东坡焖肉)
Dongpo meat is also called roll meat and braised pork. It is a famous traditional dish in Jiangnan area. It belongs to the Department of Zhejiang cuisine, and pork is the main ingredient. The dish is thin, tender and tender, with a bright red color. It is rich in alcohol and juice, crispy and not broken. It is fragrant and glutinous but not greasy. Dongpo meat is very popular because of its color, aroma and taste. Slow fire, less water and more wine are the knack of making this dish. Boiled meat is a well-known dish in Putian, Fujian Province. Boiled meat in Putian has a high status in the local area. It can be known as boiled meat by stewing and rolling. Dongpo meat, braised pork and pork are a kind of meat.

4. jiào huà tóng jī (叫化童鸡)
There is also a legend about the origin of "Hua Hua chicken". Legend has it that in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Changshu Yushan Piedmont has a caller, one day occasionally a chicken, but no cooking utensils condiment, helplessly, the chicken will be slaughtered to remove the internal organs, coated with mud, take dead branches and leaves piled into a fire, the chicken into a roast, to dry mud, knock off the mud shell, chicken feathers with the shell and overflowing aroma, called. The fossilist was overjoyed, so he hugged the chicken and gobbled it up. Qian Muzhai, a college student living in Yushan, passed by. He tasted the fragrance and thought it was unique. He went home and ordered his family to make it a little more seasoning, which was even more delicious. Later, this method of cooking spread among the people, and people called the chicken cooked out of this "Called Chicken". Later on, this practice was learned by the people in the restaurant, and its production method is also improved, and added a variety of seasoning accessories, so won the praise of many diners, reputation, admirers, year after year.
Nowadays, "Called Chicken" has been listed in Jiangsu Recipe and Chinese Famous Recipe. The old dishes are bringing forth new delicacies.

5. gàn zhà xiǎng líng (干炸响铃)
Dry fried bell is one of the famous traditional dishes in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Dry-fried ringing bell made from the famous specialty bean curd skin of Sixiang in Hangzhou area is regarded as one of the famous dishes with Hangzhou special flavor and is welcomed by the eaters. Dry fried bell rings are thin, like cicada wings, which are crisp as bell rings when eating vegetables. In 1956, Zhejiang recognized one of the 36 famous dishes in Hangzhou.

6. xī hú yú yuán (西湖鱼元)
It is slippery, the fish balls are fresh and tender, and the soup is delicious.

7. mì zhī huǒ fāng (蜜汁火方)
The honey juice fire party is a famous traditional food in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Mainly made of Jinhua ham, its color is red and its juice is transparent.

8.nán sòng xiè niàng chéng (南宋蟹酿橙)
This is a handed down Southern Song dish, very distinctive, crab meat added to orange meat, accompanied by rice vinegar and Shaoxing snow wine, the taste is thought to be drooling.

9.xuě yú shī zǐ tóu  (鳕鱼狮子头)
Deep-sea whitefish boneless peeled, marinated, diced, pasted specially made, "lion head" is made of whitefish, especially soup, very delicious, high nutritional value.

10.mò chá jú dà xiā   (抹茶焗大虾)
The ingredients are deep sea prawn, shelled, shrimp cut with peony flower knives, unique in shape.

11. sǔn gàn lǎo yā bāo (笋干老鸭煲)
Unlike the traditional way of cooking whole ducks, the entries cut duck breasts into pieces, tied them with dried ham and baked them.

12. zòng xiāng huā xī biē  (粽香花溪鳖)
The ratio is about 7:3. The process of bone picking is time-consuming, difficult and long after firing. Delicious, fragrant, soft and soft.

13. qiān dǎo bā yú liǎn (千岛扒鱼脸)
With Zhejiang Qiandao Lake authentic Baotou fish, steamed bone, only take part of the fish face, making fine, difficult, mellow taste, retain the original flavor of the ingredients.

14. guì huā nuò mǐ ǒu  (桂花糯米藕)
Hangzhou sweet scented osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root is soft and sweet. Lotus root of West Lake is the best in lotus root. Because of sweet, crisp, osmanthus fragrance is strong and enjoy word of mouth.

15. xiāng kǎo chāng yú (香烤鲳鱼)
After the marinated fish, they taste fragrant, fragrant and tender.

16. shuāng wèi dì huáng xiè (双味帝皇蟹)
Double flavored crab is very colorful whether it is shape or taste. Salt and pepper are especially suitable for crab meat. Crab feet are rich in protein, trace elements and other nutrients, and have a good nourishing effect on the body.

17. guì huā shuǐ jīng gāo (桂花水晶糕)
Unique style, bright color, sweet taste, the entrance is changed.

18. xiè huáng xiǎo lóng bāo (蟹黄小笼包)
Xiaolong Bao added crab roe, rich in soup and delicious in entrance. Through the continuous research and improvement of chefs of past dynasties, the technology has become more and more mature and the flavor has become more prominent. It is well-known in the areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

19. lóng jǐng wèn chá (龙井问茶)
On the basis of Hangzhou snack "cat's ears", Longjing inquiry tea is blended into Longjing of Hangzhou famous tea Xihu. The flour and vegetables are made into Longjing tea, which is made with chicken soup, and is very delicious.

20. mù lián xīn  (木莲芯)
The core is made of special manglietian powder, similar to the traditional manglietian bean curd, coupled with special mold shape, with bright rose petals, unique shape, fresh taste.

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