
big body odour or smell bad? some tips to help you solve your "awkwardness"!

On a hot summer day, if you have body odour, you will definitely be shunned. But some people are born with a strong body odor. Even in winter, it's hard to cover up your own. How can ability alleviate oneself body odour, have what good method? In fact, in addition to regular bathing, also pay attention to diet, because a lot of food will accentuate your body taste. Here's what to eat if you're overweight.

Foods that are too heavy to avoid
If you're constantly obsessed with Fox stink, you shouldn't drink coffee, because caffeine stimulates secretion of the glands, causing excessive sweating and overtasting, and worsening the body odor.

Garlic and onion
Garlic and onions are stimulating foods. If you have a taste of them, and you eat them, you will sweat the flavors of the two foods, causing a heavier taste, so people with a taste of garlic and onions are better off not eating them.

Cauliflower is what we commonly call cauliflower. Cauliflower contains a lot of sulfur. This substance will decompose in our body and transmit through the blood, causing our body to emit an unpleasant smell. So people with taste should not eat cauliflower.

Spicy food
Spicy food is also a stimulating food, after eating will make our skin pores open, stimulate sweat glands, releasing unpleasant odor, so people with a taste of the best not to eat spicy food.

Drinking alcohol interferes with your sweat glands, causing you to sweat too much, sweat too much and naturally smell bad.

How to avoid body odor?
1. change clothes frequently.
If you're sweating a lot and you still have a smell, you should always change clothes and use antiperspirants to control sweating.
2. eat less and stimulate diet.
As mentioned above, we should eat less food that causes body odor, such as garlic, onions and other stimulating foods should be noted when eating on weekdays.
3. keep it clean and clean.
Take frequent baths to remove the odor of sweat, or often use towels or handkerchiefs to dry the sweat to avoid odor.

Some people choose to use perfume to cover bad smell.But sometimes the smell of perfume mixed with body odor can be even worse.
Almost everyone in the West (much lighter in East Asia) uses perfume just to hide it.Should choose appropriate body odor remover according to oneself odour characteristic or use sweat suppression spray instead of perfume.A large intake of water and flavour fruits, neutralizing acidic substances in the body.

95% of the Chinese people carry this mutation gene, so the body odor has become a minority. The rest of the world is not so lucky. In Japan, just 84% of the population is odorless, only 30% of the Oceanians are indigenous, only 10% of the whites are odorless, the blacks are the most miserable, and only 0.5% are odorless.

In animals, body odor plays a great role, such as identifying the territory, attracting mates, warning the enemy, etc. Therefore, the body odor gene has been preserved in the long term evolution and become something that everyone has. Therefore, it is said that body odor is the unique taste of human beings, and the body odor is the normal state of human beings.
Fox stink is of great significance to ancient humans, but it has long lost its inherent role in human reproduction to today, and has become a "peculiar smell".
Because this "odor" can cause discomfort, so people around the fox smelly people tend to detour, and no one wants to stay with them in the same space. Even a glance and inadvertent action from the people around them can make the fox stinker nervous for fear that he will be abandoned.
This leads to people with body odor, their interpersonal problems often occur, even because of mental stress and lead to depression.

Method of body odor removal made from Chinese herbal medicine
Formula: aloes, sandalwood, woody, Lingling incense, musk and so on.
Method: each research is finely finished and mixed up.
Efficacy: heat clearing and deodorizing. Attending the body odor.
Usage: spread the tea in water or directly spread to the affected area, 1~2 times a day, 10 days for 1 courses.

The second one: the red carpet powder.
It is said that this prescription is very good. First of all, look at its origin: from the Jinjian of the Medical Emperor, and then look at the specific formula.
Formula: realgar, sulfur, Fructus Cnidii 12g, 6g, light yellow powder 3g.
Making method: study the finely end together and store evenly.
Efficacy: dispel wind and kill insects. Indications for vitiligo, tinea versicolor, body odor and so on.
Usage: rice vinegar, paste or apply to the affected area.

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