
Lolita dress is more distinctive after mixing Chinese style

I think it's great as a cultural fusion.

Lo dress with Han elements is cute.

And lo dress in Chinese style is more everyday.

Lolita, the Chinese wind, is literally the Chinese wind similar to qipao han clothing and lolita style combined, showing a unique Chinese wind, the rapid development of the past two years.

Lolita is now a lot of girls are very like a kind of clothes, gorgeous and lovely, and our Chinese wind is also very lasting appeal, when Lolita added the Chinese wind lasting appeal, also the United States became hot. 

"Chinese style" Lolita into a big hit, lovely and Chinese style charm, even hanfu niang can not help.

dress show:

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style

lolita clothing show chinese-style show, to be continued.


What are the practical disadvantages of Microsoft Blazor compared to other technology stacks?

Let's start with the weaknesses mentioned by the subject.

WASM packaging starts slowly

Is defect. Initial startup requires downloading and initializing the necessary parts of the runtime, class libraries, and so on. Officials are still refining the cropping feature to reduce the volume of content loaded on first launch, but that's about it for now.

WASM+AOT packs large volume

Larger pack size after AOT is expected, not a drawback. Used conditionally, AOT is not a panacea.

Server mode occupies Socket and Server memory

That's not a weakness... This is a project design pattern supported at the framework level, where the interaction between the front and back ends is handled through long connections and the logic is mostly done on the back end. If you use such a design, the back end of course takes up sockets and memory. This is a statement, not an evaluation.

(P.S. I prefer to learn the Client mode, which is closer to the general front-end development)

Let me take a personal view.

Blazor has two major disadvantages:

Wasm's popularity and support is not widespread enough

Ecological problems

The ceiling Blazor develops is definitely constrained by WASM. For the 2C market, where browsers such as IE 9-11 do not support WASM or only partially support it, adopting Blazor means abandoning a large number of lower-level users. The 2B market is up for grab, but there are many enterprise and corporate hardware environments that don't support WASM, and that's where Blazor can't get its cake. In summary, in the short term, there is a relatively limited buyer's market for enterprises or individuals to choose Blazor as their product.

The ecological issues are divided into two parts: one is that Blazor itself has not been around long, and the various open source components, applications, designs, and best practices still need to be enriched and matured; Another is that the domestic C# ecology is relatively weak. The combination of these two can easily lead to a vicious circle of "many people who offer, few people who contribute", and finally both sides give up. If the community doesn't come alive, Microsoft machete might...

For now, Blazor has a late-mover advantage, and many of the design ideas are in line with mainstream front-end development, with fewer twists and turns.

Looking ahead, browsers that don't support WASM will become obsolete, so the first (inherent) drawback isn't the most serious. Perhaps the most serious "drawback" is the open source community. For example, the domestic open source project Ant-Design-Blazor provides a set of enterprise-oriented components. As far as I know, the project managers have spent a lot of time and energy in their spare time, but there are many known problems that need to be solved by manpower. I have personally experienced a significant improvement in development efficiency while using ANTD-Blazor, and have also contributed PR for some of the issues I have encountered. This is a two-way process, so I hope to get more of my peers involved in the open source community.

If developers who have used open source products always look to "off-the-shelf" and do not actively participate in its efforts to "mature", then Blazor's future is indeed bleak.

BTW, as for my friends who regard it as a "weakness" that they can't replace the js/ TS-based three frameworks... I think too much...

The performance of WebAssembly is better than that of Js, and although Js is now JIT enabled with V8 engines, the loss caused by repeated unboxing and predictive errors in dynamic languages is not to be underestimated. So for example function add(a,b)


return a+b;


Like this code, the compiler looks at it, it's an addition, and it compiles it, but in the actual process, it passes in a string and the compiler blinks and recompiles it, and if someone's code repeatedly jumps around this function, it's going to be very bad performance. To solve this problem, experts have come up with another method, which is ASM. let x = a | 0;   // let y = +a; / / y floating-point number this thing just provide the two types, | 0 integers +? Floating-point, which improves compilation accuracy on supported machines and reduces the number of cases described above, does not change the result if it is not supported, further improving performance. But there was still room to explore, and WebAssembly emerged. Originally designed to develop web pages in C/C++, Microsoft built Blazor on this basis. I was there at the time, and Blazor still has some drawbacks. Server versions consume Server performance. WebAssembly is not lean enough, requires downloading a lot of native libraries, takes up time and lacks a developer base. (The more it lacks, if developers don't work hard, it's a vicious cycle. Blazor WebAssembly also needs to do dynamic loading of components to speed up the loading even further. Make a beautiful, single-page application.

By the way, I am a game developer, running game-related calculations every frame on the web side, as well as physical collisions, and a little bit of performance is very sensitive to the game. I have actually tested WebAssembly and the performance improvement is huge, and unity-generated H5 games already use WebAssembly. Quite a few other WebGL projects use WebAssembly.

1. Because blazor uses Microsoft C# to develop front-end rendered web pages! 2. C# is an object-oriented software released by Microsoft that runs on. Framework and. A high-level programming language on top of NETCore(fully open source, cross-platform). In other words, write front-end pages in back-end languages. Why would you do that? C# in the Internet industry used to write the back end is basically a corner, now also used to write the front end, will there be market recognition? This, among other things, is a weakness in itself. If blazor is currently written in JAVA as the popular choice, look at the response. 3. Why Blazor? The reason for this is that browsers support WebAssembly, a new way of coding that can run binary format files in modern Web browsers with near-native performance. Blazor attempts to use WebAssembly and DotNetAnywhere. NET brings back to the browser. However, although the version is now iterative, it is only suitable for developing management systems because the response is still a bit slow. 4. Back to C#, if blazor is to be used, the front end needs to learn C#. It is not necessary to give up the current vue/ React framework to accumulate, although you can call JS, but always feel useless. In conclusion, I think it is suitable for those who know C# to write management projects. The rest is in the eye of the beholder!

Blazor is currently good in my opinion except for the following three drawbacks: 1. It is not suitable for JS developers, that is, the mainstream front-end developers 2. The initial load is slow and the subsequent load is a bit slow (correction, the subsequent load is actually quite fast, the first load currently takes about 2 to 5 seconds) 3. 4. While it is useful enough to use, Blazor has been cut down by Microsoft. Despite these shortcomings, Blazor has taken off. It looks like another WebForm product, but to be honest, WebForm really doesn't deserve to be compared to Blazor, WebForm is not a thing of its time. However, due to the second and third drawbacks, Blazor is currently not comparable to React and others. Our company was transferred from WebForm to React. We also planned to transfer to Blazor half a year ago, because we were busy all the time and put it on hold. I myself have tried to build some basic functionality based on the requirements of our existing projects, the process of writing code is very comfortable, and there is a lot of logic to share with the back end (our back end is C#). For those of us already familiar with C#, Blazor is much better than the React stream. While I would love to see our project ported to Blazor as soon as possible, I am not in a hurry to move forward with Blazor due to its current critical shortcomings.


In 2022, flexible employment in China involved more than 200 million people. What measures can be taken to accommodate such a large number of people?

 Compared with the western rigid employment system, flexible employment is a great innovation of the socialist motherland, embodies the advanced nature of socialism, superiority.In western capitalist countries such as Europe, America and Japan, citizens have to be attached to an enterprise founded by a capitalist, and the capitalist pays the basic social security fund such as old-age insurance on their behalf, which directly leads to the strong dependence and high degree of dependency of the public on capital. Once a middle-income family loses its job, it is likely to lead to bankruptcy or even homelessness. As a result, New York, as the most developed city in the world, gathers a large number of poor people and forms contiguous slums. The whole New York City has a dirty interface and it is difficult to guarantee security. This fully shows that the extreme development of capitalism means the extreme suffering of ordinary people.China, on the other hand, has creatively proposed the concept of flexible employment, whereby a large number of ordinary people do not have to depend on capitalists to survive, but can freely choose the occupation they want to do without being controlled by capitalists or exploited by capitalists. We do not need to be attached to a certain enterprise, we may work on multiple platforms, such as delivering food during the day, anchorman at night, want to work can make money, do not want to work can rest. The common people have full freedom and full choice. Food delivery, delivery services, anchors, up workers, Internet celebrities, street vendors, construction workers, masons, and a variety of high-paying and high-quality flexible employment jobs are all available, demonstrating the resilience and anti-vulnerability of the Chinese economy. Flexible employment will no longer allow the general public to be picked and picked by capitalists, but rather the general public will become the masters and pick and choose from them. In this sense, a flexible worker in our country earning RMB 2000 is happier than a New Yorker earning USD 3000.

More than 200 million flexible jobs, and the feeling in my heart is, wow, there are so many people who don't have a stable job, and they say it's so refreshing that they can't have a stable job. Many people choose to drift because they have no choice. Can test civil servants, can enter state-owned enterprises, can enter the business establishment, can have inherited, can enter the name of the enterprise must have chosen the safe, no one wants to live in the open.

Netizen: Why don't these 200 million people try harder to find a stable job?

Netizen: I have a very good suggestion, let these 200 million people join the network censor and network comment, carry forward the positive energy of propaganda.

Netizen: what talent can be regarded as flexible employment personnel? Old men and women cannot be counted, this group of people are excluded; Children, students can not be counted, they have students this occupation; 800 million farmers and migrant workers are not counted. They are professional farmers. The disabled and mentally ill are not counted; Dancing in the square and eating public meals are not counted, they are suspended or retired, with pensions; There are 1.4 billion of us. How many people are there after that? Let's call it 400 million. Half of those 400 million people are unemployed, and for the rest, there are many occupations that don't produce any social value, and there are tens of millions of managers. That's why 996 is advocated.


To put it simply, as long as there is no fixed salary [1] and annual income direction, basically all are "flexible employment" category.

In fact, behind this question lies a hidden question: what does it mean to have more than 200 million flexible workers?

According to the qipu survey, compared with 2010, the working-age population in China has decreased by more than 40 million. Currently, there are 880 million people between the ages of 16 and 59, and the average age of the working-age population is 38.8.

Data released in the Blue book of China Flexible Employment Development Report (2021) show that:

In recent years, the number of flexible employment in China has increased significantly. About 55.7 percent of Chinese enterprises will adopt flexible labor use in 2020, up about 11 percentage points from 2019, and nearly 30 percent intend to stabilize or expand flexible labor use.

In other words, the rate of job losses in Korea is far outpacing the decline in the labor force due to aging, and the real unemployment rate is likely to exceed 22.7 percent.

So what does this number actually mean?

In October 2009, during the subprime crisis, the average unemployment rate of the United States was 10.2% [2], which was the highest in the past 26 years.

The only unemployment rate above that level was 90 years ago during the Great Depression.

In 1929, at the start of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was just 3%. In 1933, unemployment had worsened to 25%. It was not until 1941 that the unemployment rate fell below 10% again.

At the same time, Germany after World War I was not only saddled with huge war reparations, but also the newly established Weimar republic system was always in chaos. The Great Depression in 1929 even triggered hyperinflation in the German economy. At that time, not only did the purchasing power of the Deutschmark drop significantly, but the number of unemployed people soared from 1.3 million in September 1929 to over 6 million in early 1933, and the unemployment rate reached 30% at one time [3].

It seems that the only solution to this crisis is the Chinese word "extensive and profound".

Thucydides says, "Don't let vanity lead you astray; When men are in danger of losing their dignity, and it is too obvious that they will be guilty of it, vanity will wreak havoc on mankind. For there have been countless instances in which men, who are well aware of the danger they are about to get into, have fallen victim to the mere influence of what is called an unseemliness. They incur disgrace, not from their misfortune, but from their folly.

The security guard said that Hegel's famous saying "being is reasonable" was a translation mistake. The correct translation should be "Being is rational" instead of "being reasonable", which are two completely different value systems.

Flexible employment is a liberal democratic buzzword. Don't associate it with lowly "freelancers" and slash-looking "youth." Nurseries, homemakers, plumbers, electricians, carers, hourly aunts, shoemakers, vegetable sellers, vagabonding singers, ride-hailing drivers, food delivery workers, etc. These are all golden examples of the flexible employment model list. The same labor force is paid with their own body and time, and the steady struggle of office workers in exchange for payment is completely different. Why are they flexible? Because work time follow one's inclinations, no social box constraints, and not rely on the enterprise to pay benefits, complete personal security, free and open office environment, industry rising channel space is broad, old later can live in seclusion, children can also urge to them, of course, more to avoid the possibility of a middle age is private equity harvest, Mentality also does not exist a number of eggs speculation where to put trouble. With the above benefits, the career has a flexible, intelligent, aura, which is the envy of the iron rice bowl civil servants. They don't have the luxury of being transported to other companies in their middle years. They have the luxury of living in the present. The humble "freelancers", the loose "slash youth" and the stingy "fireism" are mostly "ordinary talents" who are tired of working in a field, have certain technical connections, do not want to be lower than capital, and have certain cash flow deposits or assets, and come out on their own. The same cannot be said of the flexi-employment group, the hidden national plutocrat, the alienated disguised middle class symbolised by capitalism. Flexible workers are often tempted to dismiss themselves as fire-inspired slash-freelancers. For example, a taxi driver with five apartments in Beijing, a restaurant owner with several buildings in Guangzhou, an aunt who works part-time in a single-family house in Shanghai's main urban area, a farmer who builds a single house in the countryside, a water and electricity repairman, and a second-generation delivery boy who helps girls out of poverty in order to help friends. They are lonely, restless, want to contribute to the society, like to come out of flexible employment, it is said that this is a little more than the western red neck rich multiple. Of course they make up less than 0.01 percent of the 200 million.


Main indicators of China's Software and Information Technology Service Industry in 2021

Source: China Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau

Main indicators of the national software and information technology service industry in 2021

Indicator name


Cumulative this period

Year-on-year cumulative

Year-on-year increase or decrease

number of units





Total software business revenue





Of which: 1. Software product revenue





      2. Information technology service revenue





      3. Information Security Income





      4. Embedded system software revenue





Software business export

One hundred million U.S. dollars




The total profit





Average number of employees

10,000 people




Note: The statistical scope of software and information technology service industry is:
1. A software enterprise registered in my country (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions), mainly engaged in software research and development, system integration and related information technology services, with an annual income of more than 5 million yuan from the main business, and with independent legal personality;
2. An independent legal entity registered in my country, with an annual income of more than 10 million yuan from the main business, and income from software research and development, system integration and related information technology services, and the income accounts for more than 30% of the company's main business income;
3. An independent legal entity that is registered in my country and is mainly engaged in integrated circuit design or whose income from integrated circuit design and testing accounts for more than 60% of the company's main business income, and whose main business annual income exceeds 5 million yuan.


How long does it take for express delivery from China to Australia?

 The fastest express DHL will arrive in about 3 days. Small and urgent items are most appropriate.

DHL needs about 3 days to arrive, and EMS needs about 7 days to arrive.

UPS takes about 3-5 days to arrive and so on.

As for the freight, it depends on what the goods are and how heavy they are.

Australia is China's 10th largest export customer. In fact, More than a quarter of Australia's manufactured imports come from China. A September 2019 report described trade between the two countries as "booming".

If you are exporting from China to Australia for the first time, or you are looking for an easier way to transport your goods by international Courier, the contents are varied, including detailed information on sea and air transport from China to Australia, as well as guidance on securing customs clearance. You can also find an overview of major airports and seaports in China and Australia, as well as shipping times, from E-Q International Express.

Find out the options for shipping goods from China to Australia

Sea and air transport is the only way to ship goods from China to Australia. Each mode of transportation has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's best to know what they are before you make a choice. So let's look at both in more detail:

By sea from China to Australia

LCL: By LCL sea, your cargo shares container space with the products of other companies importing from China into Australia. LCL is popular with businesses that carry smaller cargoes - less than 33 cubic metres of the smallest container.

Full Container Load (FCL) : The FCL Shipping service provides you with the use and transportation of containers from China to Australia without having to share space with others. This is usually the most cost-effective option for goods large enough to fill at least 12 standard pallets in a 40-foot container or six standard pallets in a 20-foot container.

Air freight from China to Australia

Air freight is by far the fastest way to import or export your goods from China to Australia. Some shipments can be completed in as little as two days. However, it is the most expensive way to transport goods internationally.

How much does it cost to ship goods from China to Australia?

Your quotation for shipping from China to Australia will be considered:

The type of item you are sending

You choose by sea or air

The weight, volume and dimensions of your consignment

Your preferred delivery method - door to door, port to port, port to door or door to port

Not sure whether to choose air or sea? If your shipment weighs less than 100kg, sending it as air freight is almost as economical and faster as using a sea carrier. If you ship goods weighing more than 100kg from China to Australia by sea, the shipping cost will usually be lower.

How long does it take to ship goods from China to Australia?

Delivery time will undoubtedly affect your choice between shipping and airfreight from China to Australia. Air freight is even faster, with some goods being delivered in just two days.

If your delivery deadline is not so tight, or your cargo is too big to fly, then sea transportation is for you. You should allow 12 to 62 days for your goods to be shipped from China to Australia by sea carrier.


Through Shopify, the key to the success of e-Commerce SaaS

All the needs of SaaS can not be separated from the business, more from the actual scene, and the needs of the business and from the user, so how to understand customer needs, into the user, is an important part of the e-commerce SaaS. This article will focus on Shopify versus SaaS. Check it out.

If there is Amazon, why is There Shopify?

That's a question that a lot of people ask me.

According to eMarketer, Amazon is the undisputed leader of the us e-commerce market, accounting for 38.7% of transactions.

By the second quarter of 2020, Shopify's GMV had overtaken ebay's, with a market share of about 6%. While that's still a long way from Amazon, Shopify is the most likely to become Amazon's main competitor. Because its revenue is growing so fast.

Shopify is growing at almost 110% a year. So, what kind of operation model, can have such a high growth rate?

On the surface, Shopify and Amazon have similar e-commerce business models, but in fact they are following very different paths.

Amazon is a third-party e-commerce platform; Shopify, on the other hand, is a standalone online store service, also known as an e-commerce standalone site, which is essentially an e-commerce SaaS.

What's the difference? Amazon, for example, is like a big supermarket, with the advantage of a concentration of buyers, hundreds of people coming in every day. But they're not specifically looking for your product, they're just passing by your stall.

The advantage of joining such a third-party platform is that its traffic can lead to significant sales opportunities.

The downside is that it doesn't matter how big your brand is or how good your marketing is; Just like other businesses, they struggled to attract customers in front of their stalls.

Shopify is a different story. It can build you a fancy independent store of your own.

So you don't have to be in a crowd of cookie-cutter booths, but you can do it your own way, using platform services.

As for the line and not, all depends on your management ability and method.

So Shopify and Amazon are two different kinds of companies.

Amazon is an e-commerce company through and through. In addition to providing a trading platform for outside merchants, Amazon also runs its own business on the platform.

Therefore, it is inevitable that they will treat themselves favourably, using data from other businesses to assist their own business decisions.

Shopify, on the other hand, is a pure e-commerce SaaS service that only provides tools and services, without its own business on the platform. Therefore, there is less conflict of interest with merchants.

At this point, it's possible to see a difference between Shopify's business model and Amazon's.

However, the purpose of this article is not to compare the merits of the two business models, but to explore how e-commerce SaaS can become as big as Shopify.

As of this writing, Shopify's market cap is $109.8 billion. Unlike most SaaS businesses, Shopify is profitable, with an ARR of over $4 billion and an NRR of around 110%.

In the SMB-dominated SaaS world, achieving this level of revenue is really not easy. So what is Shopify based on?

Why should Shopify compete with Amazon?

Some say Shopify has gotten to where it is today because of its better tools, while others say its low cost of setting up shop has helped it attract more merchants.

In fact, these statements can not stand scrutiny and disproof. It's like moving from a market to a single-family shopping mall. If you can't sell things, it doesn't matter how good the environment is and how low the property fees are.

Shopify has 1.7 million business merchants in 175 countries. They have generated more than $200 billion in sales using Shopify. So why on earth are merchants choosing Shopify?

As a SaaS provider, there is no other way to get ahead than to build on services.

Shopify's service apparently lured them in. But at the same time there are many e-commerce SaaS in the market, such as the current hot overseas e-commerce, their services, why is not so attractive?

In general, the value of SaaS services is mainly reflected in two dimensions: one is the depth of the service; The other is the scope of business covered by the service, which can be understood as the breadth of service.

The depth of the so-called service is the degree of refinement and depth of the service. Use automated tools to help merchants handle all the details. And the breadth of service, refers to the shop may experience all business links.

Shopify excels in both dimensions, so it's easy to see why merchants have flocked to Shopify.

In the early days of e-commerce, the slogan "make the world easy to do business" was very persuasive. But entering the era of full e-commerce, in fact, all business is more difficult to do.

Shopify is taking an unconventional approach (it can't actually compete head-on with Amazon), and its philosophy is to make things easier for customers.

In other words, Shopify's services take care of the rest, including the money.

If you are inexperienced in business and unfamiliar with tools and methods, there are Experts in various fields to help you. Of course, these services cost extra.

To attract a large number of merchants, there is a key problem to solve. That is, from e-commerce platforms to independent stores, the problem of customer source must be solved.

Accustomed to the operation mode of e-commerce platform, also formed the inherent flow thinking pattern. Now separated from the e-commerce platform, no traffic how to do?

By offering channels and Buy buttons, Shopify takes a completely different approach to proactively reaching customers.

This can not only make merchants closer to customers, but also manage customer relationship one to one, and solve the problem of customer loyalty caused by traffic.

It's like fishing: Amazon puts fish in front of thousands of anglers and makes them compete for the catch. In this way, in addition to the profit thinning caused by low-price competition, the key is the lack of customer loyalty, which makes it difficult to form re-purchase.

Shopify outfitted anglers with top-of-the-line gear, then boated them separately to fish areas, where everyone caught their own fish. This way without price competition, easy to maintain a number of high loyalty customers.

In the field of e-commerce, it is very difficult to challenge the hegemony of e-commerce platform directly in the form of platform vs platform. However, with the SaaS business model, it is possible to take a different path through services.

SaaS+FinTech: How Shopify makes money

Shopify's main customer base is SMBS, so it can't charge too much. In fact, Shopify's pricing is already very low in the SaaS industry, as shown in the figure below.

Because the pricing is not high, it is still quite difficult to achieve an ARR of $4 billion only relying on SaaS subscription revenue. But raising subscription fees could drive some SMBS away.

As the saying goes, talking about money hurts one's feelings. In fact, the most hurt feelings, is never a good talk about money. Shopify's revenue design is an innovation in the SaaS industry, providing customers with value for money while ensuring their own revenue.

Analysis of Shopify's revenue composition shows that its payments and merchant services revenues account for more than 60% of Shopify's revenue. Strictly speaking, these revenues do not count as ARR.

Therefore, Shopify is not a pure SaaS company, but SaaS+FinTech. Specifically, monetize financial services by leveraging the acquisition and retention model of SaaS.

So why are businesses willing to pay these fees? The answer is to run a business "without money" and use the proceeds of sales to repay loans.

It's not hard to see why Shopify is primarily in the SMB business.

Demand for financial services is not as strong as for SMBS, because large businesses have ample capital of their own or easy access to low-cost funding.

Although Shopify has also launched a Plus version for large companies, the share of large companies' revenue has never exceeded 30 percent and is even declining.

The ecological necessity of Shopify:

E-commerce SaaS also requires customer success. But Shopify, on its own, clearly can't serve millions of merchants around the world. The only solution is ecology.

Shopify Ecology has a large Partner Program with partners all over the world who are proficient in every field, and partners actually undertake the work of CSM.

Partners operate through two platforms: the App Store, a tools platform, and the Experts Marketplace.

There are 6,000 + apps in the App Store. The core apps are provided by Shopify itself, such as Shopify POS in brick-and-mortar stores.

Other apps are provided by third parties to meet merchants' individual needs, such as product selection and tax services for different countries and regions.

Online stores seem to save a lot of hiring costs for salespeople, but in fact, a good online store needs more professionals, such as store design, product selection analysis, marketing channels, data processing, etc., all of which are indispensable.

Opening an online shop employing a lot of employees is obviously unrealistic.

Finding the right expert on the Experts Marketplace is a low-cost way to solve a problem. Even for trivial questions like "don't know what to sell to make money," experts provide data analysis results.

In an ecosystem like Shopify, it's safe to say that any problem a merchant encounters will find a solution. So making it easier for customers is not really a slogan.

Conversely, Shopify could not have grown quickly without ecology. Knowing this, Shopify takes a relaxed approach to partnerships, rather than being too granular.

You can see this in its revenue streams: 20% of revenue came from partners in 2020, but only 8% in 2018.

Ecology is integral to Shopify's success.

The reference significance of e-Commerce SaaS

1. Think outside of traffic
In the early stage of e-commerce development, the platform e-commerce of Internet + merchants was the mainstream. This business model is built on the basis of traffic flow, such as Amazon and eBay abroad, Taobao and Padoduo in China.

With the emergence of vertical e-commerce platforms, the traffic is constantly shunted; With the rise of social e-commerce businesses such as FB, Douyin and Kuaishou, traffic is not only further diverted, but also continuously "cut off".

As the business of traffic becomes more and more difficult, independent stores +SaaS e-commerce services emerge, so merchants have another option.

The development of domestic e-commerce SaaS is slow, one of the important reasons is stuck in traffic thinking, and some people even regard e-commerce SaaS as the so-called private domain traffic.

In fact, private domain flow is a very pull marketing gimmick. You can't think of attracting customers to your booth and chatting with them as your private domain. Because they turn around and go to another stall to talk longer.

In fact, businesses to establish and management, is customer loyalty, which has little to do with private domain flow.

It can be seen that traffic is not the main factor for merchants to choose e-Commerce SaaS; Do not jump out of the flow of thinking, e-commerce SaaS is difficult to make.

Create your own service blueprint
Shopify's best part isn't bundling a bunch of tools together; But to create a complete description of its service system service blueprint, which is its core competitiveness.

Shopify's service blueprint has two features: deep service and full process coverage.

First, the need for deep service. The logic of e-commerce SaaS is to help merchants operate more efficiently by providing them with complete services. So depth of service is necessary. The capabilities of a SaaS service are largely determined by the depth, or atomicity, of the service.

Implementing deep services doesn't have to be done all by yourself. It can be provided in conjunction with other SaaS, or it can be done by the developer through an API.

In-depth service for merchants' experience means that they don't have to worry about the environment and facilities of online stores and focus on their own business.

And the need for full process coverage. If only one business link to provide in-depth services, it can not well meet the needs of online business.

Because an online transaction is an intense process. Therefore, the core part of the service blueprint is best completed by one e-commerce SaaS provider, rather than several SaaS cobbled together.

This is not only complicated to implement, but also can increase the integration cost of the business, and fluency can greatly affect the user experience.

So we see that Shopify's core apps are made by itself; Non-core, personalized applications can be provided by other SaaS.

Start ecological construction
The so-called ecosystem includes SaaS ecosystem and service ecosystem, such as Shopify's 6000+App, and numerous partner services.

Ecology is important for all SaaS; E-commerce SaaS, in particular, is indispensable.

The industry ecosystem of SaaS in China is still in its early stage, especially for e-commerce SaaS. All services are done by themselves, which is difficult to scale up.

Opportunity and Competition
The opportunity of domestic e-commerce platform is not big, but the space of e-Commerce SaaS is great, will become a new hot spot of SaaS. For example, Youzan has gone far in the direction of e-commerce SaaS.

With the end of the traffic era, it is believed that there will be more SaaS service providers entering the field, and there will be more industry ecosystem SaaS and service partners.

Another question I often get asked is: will the existing e-commerce platform giants move into e-commerce SaaS?

Frankly, it's not impossible. Amazon recently launched an internal Project called Project Santos that takes direct aim at Shopify.

However, I think e-commerce platform and e-commerce SaaS are not compatible with each other. For example, for a new merchant, should it go to e-commerce platform or e-commerce SaaS? There's no basis for it.

The situation is similar at home. However, for some e-commerce fields that do not depend on traffic (such as overseas e-commerce), e-commerce platform giants may layout and enter.

However, for e-commerce SaaS, this is not a worry. Because the two are different business models, the giants have no particular advantage.


What do we expect the new world of "Web3" to look like?

From 1989, Bernas put forward the concept of the World Wide Web to now, has experienced Web1.0, Web2.0, Web3.0, now the concept of Web3.0 is becoming the eyes of investors. In this article, the author combined with practical experience on Web3 launched a series of narration, interested partners come to have a look

We have massive and low-cost access to advanced technology through centralized networks, but the downside of this approach is that it stifles innovation.

The enterprise that owns the network has unilateral power, such as who can get the right to use the network, which functions are supported, how to distribute the economy, etc.

That will make it harder for other groups like startups and creators to grow their businesses because they have to worry and focus on central platforms changing the rules and taking away their users or profits.

Delegating power to communities rather than individual businesses is what Web3 hopes to address.

1. What is Web3

I prefer to think of the term "Web3" as an evolution of what we used to call the "crypto world" with a more decentralized meaning.

Interestingly, people are more receptive to the term because it sounds less rebellious and more technologically revolutionary.

So what is Web3?

In the 1980s, when the Internet was in its earliest days, the way people interacted with the Internet belonged to Web1: Internet websites published information and consultation, and ordinary users could only browse as passive receivers of information.

The leading news portals at that time were Sina and Yahoo, also known as the PGC era (website professionals produce content).

This model is like presenting newspapers/articles/books electronically and delivering them to all Internet users beyond the time and space constraints.

What has changed is only the way information is transmitted, but it is enough to make people sigh with technological progress.

Hiring special writers is easy to control the content quality of the website, but it also results in low production efficiency, less than a few articles a day. Coupled with the limitations of each person, the content of the Internet is small and narrow.

In Web2.0, people can not only passively receive information, but also actively create content, giving people the right to express, also known as UGC.

The current public account authors, toutiao Zhihu bloggers, douyin BIG V is due to the development of web2 era.

Once you start creating for all, information finally explodes. Two obvious problems with the explosion of information are the ease with which content can be copied and transferred (web1.0 also exists, but conflicts arise when there are enough information and editors), and identity and privacy leakage.

Both can be blamed on one problem: ownership.

Web3.0 addresses this problem through a series of blockchain technologies. By returning ownership to each creator, we own the content of the Internet and give users the rights they have.

Web3 makes users the owners of the Internet, rather than a monopoly.

To sum up, the accurate Web3 concept explanation I have seen so far is as follows:

The opportunity to upgrade the network to an economy centered around crypto assets, and to build systems where the incentives for network owners, network participants, and third-party developers are exactly aligned.

The biggest attraction of Web3 compared to Web2 is the new way of ownership redistribution and value capture. In this world of decentralized, the user is no longer to be selling goods (that is, the "flow"), but one can directly join the network and capture value of participants, each participant was actually owns all the property of the network (ownership), to participate in the formulation and vote of all the major decisions, can also how much contribution by capture much value.

In Web3 project, the essence of value formation is the flow of ownership, that is, the mutual flow of asset ownership, governance rights and privacy rights among individuals.

Value itself is "demand" and "supply", while demand and supply are all kinds of ownership of different individuals. Only when demand and supply flow with each other can "value" be formed.

The value of Web3 projects is not the ownership of users (such as their identity, assets, privacy, etc., which are only owned by individuals), but the flow of individual ownership, including asset mobility, governance participation, etc.

The current phase is similar to the Web2 Internet circa 1995.

As the Web3 infrastructure stack matures over the 2020-2025 period, we expect to see the first wave of viable Web3 applications around 2023, and expect Web3 applications to be as good as or better than Web2 by 2025.

Over the past year or so, the financial sector in the Web3 world has seen significant development: multiple DeFi protocols and their stacks, multi-chain cross-chain DeFi, and so on. After the financial sector, I personally expect to focus on the development of the following sectors:

Culture and entertainment: NFT, GameFi, Creator Economy, etc.
Underlying infrastructure services: native Web3 infrastructure/tools;
Governance: Community management tools/services;

2. The Web3 world
The most amazing thing about Web3 stacks is that they don't need any centralized coordination to be put together; they are an interoperable set of networks.

In this wonderful new world, there is a series of puzzle pieces that are increasingly complete.

First, the multiple public chains are the tracks that drive it all. Addresses and domain names are our passport to identity.

Cryptocurrencies (FT) and NFTs are the digital goods of this new world economy.

Currently, cryptocurrencies (FT) are highly interoperable, such as the DeFi protocol, where users can use a cryptocurrency to communicate with each other across protocols. That means there is tremendous convenience in the digital world.

NFT is our digital identity and proof of ownership in this new world, but NFTs is a central tool for the economy of creators, enabling them to connect directly with their fans and monetize their knowledge without an intermediary.

The NFT tracking advantage of blockchain technology itself could also help creators generate more revenue from subsequent transactions.

A basket of digital infrastructure is the guarantee.

Cross-computing, indexing, data management, hosting, storage and other critical services are essential software infrastructure, as are decentralized hardware infrastructure such as video, sensors, and so on.

In addition, privacy cannot be ignored. It not only protects users' personal data, but also fundamentally expands the application design space.

Given the backdrop of massive data leaks in the Web 2.0 era, data protection may become the core of Web3 technology innovation.

DeFi is a decentralized financial system.

DeFi refers to the decentralized application of the financial sector (savings, loans and exchange).

Cryptocurrencies themselves enable low-cost, real-time, borderless, point-to-point value transfer with very low barriers to entry.

At the same time, compare any DeFi savings rate with Wall Street's and you can see the difference, and it's on a decentralized basis.

Stablecoins and central bank digital currencies.

Staboins offer the advantages of cryptocurrencies with little volatility, helping to enable the real landing of on-chain transactions and payments, including digital currency global cross-border payment systems and other broader financial services.

The central bank digital currency is a necessary means for the digital economy of all countries and the most direct way for them to join Web3.

Daos are the way to manage new domains.

The DAO is a community shared by network participants, managed by consensus rather than centralized leadership. It is a new model of network governance for people in a decentralized world. Participants make decisions and vote on proposals, and the statistics of votes and whether to implement them follow the logic of smart contracts, removing elements of human intervention and realizing true autonomy.

Gamefi and Metaverse are entertainment.

Games like Axie are examples of how decentralized technology can create new ways for creators to monetize.

In-game items such as tools and skins are NFT owned by the player and can be sold for real world money, traded on the secondary market, and passed between games. Players can also earn coins or NFT through quests and participation.

In Web3.0, production relationships, organizational governance, business competition, and value capture logic will all be restructured.

Like a world where all we have to do is keep an identity system and we can go anywhere.

This set of identities will hold all of a user's transaction data and asset data, and any application can access this information with one click if we agree.

With this identity, we can log in to any app with a click of a signature. The holding of NFT assets also allows all applications to identify user access (or other event) permissions.

In fact, this is already happening.

For example, the production of a product or content in Web2 is promoted from top to bottom, led by the team and making decisions, which naturally has certain authority.

In Web3, we encourage bottom-up innovation and community autonomy for all participants. Xiaomi "Sense of participation" period quite has this taste.

For example, the way projects compete has changed. Anything a user does on the chain is recorded and can be viewed by anyone.

It's like aggregating and publicizing all of web2's tightly guarded user data.

As a result, all project partners can target and incentivize seed users through open on-chain data analysis.

For example, Looksrare recently launched on the eve of its launch with an airdrop of users trading more than 1E on Opensea, perfectly tapping the core target users to achieve a cold launch.

This approach gives many start-up teams a fair chance to compete and acquire target users at low cost.

In addition, the migration cost of blockchain products is very low (as mentioned above, it is a set of identity system), so in the Web3 world, the products that remain will be useful and valuable to users.

In addition, on-chain achievements and data analytics will be important components of Web3, as it can map out an address's identity, user profile, and behavior patterns.

3. Trend of imagination

 The incremental market of Web2 enterprises has gradually peaked in recent years, and their growth businesses are all carried out around the stock market. Faced with this new industry, they will also be afraid of missing out. So, in 2022, there will be a lot of Web2 companies thinking about how to enter this new world and quickly build their new business models. Similar to the "Internet +" when the Internet was popular at that time, helping these Web2 enterprises to carry out "Web3 +" may be an entrepreneurial opportunity.

 The trend of good developers joining Web3 from Web2 is accelerating, and the use of development tools and blockchain infrastructure/middleware is increasing.

 The P2E model in Gamefi has creatively attracted many non-cryptocurrency users to the Web3 world (other products should also consider growth in this regard), and I think Gamefi has the best chance to be the first to break out in the Web3 world.

 Middleware/tools for software services will emerge. With the explosion of Web3 and decentralized organizations, there will be more emphasis on middleware. For example, provide first-class DAO management tools, covering software for token-holder relationships, governance, money management, and stakeholder management.

 User profile + decentralized identity. The abundance of on-chain and off-chain data can facilitate better data analysis, make user profiles self-aligned, and build a foundation for differentiated services.

It may take another 3-5 years for Web3 to reach mass adoption.

Before that, there will be an intermediate state of Web2.5, where decentralization and centralization coexist for a long time.


The most effective operation method of e-commerce site currently

The recommended website operation strategy, is very silly, but the cost is very low, but very effective, can be said to be always try; This sorting, with everyone communication;

1. lucky draw

Lottery is the most commonly used promotion method of group purchase website and newly launched B2C mall. It is often visible that registered members can draw lottery;

For this kind of activity, actually, it doesn't matter whether the prize is there or not;

The important thing is that the registered members have to use some of their own real Email, after the registration needs to be activated, so that their Email contact information to the mall operator,

Then he can send emails every day recommending promotions at his store.

In fact, there is no big prize, who knows, even if there is, you will certainly not win, most of these activities are just for show, the purpose is to attract registration and collect Email for future mass Posting.

2.  Auction (seckill)

Secakill auctions are the most popular online shopping activity these days, but anyone who knows anything about programming knows that you can control the results of secakill by tweaking the program.

Business operation seconds kill, generally divided into two kinds:

One is really seconds to kill activities, seconds to kill the goods are generally cost price, under the premise of the seller will not suffer a loss (deducting the cost, a few yuan a few hair), in order to go, the taobao most often organized;

The second is false seconds to kill, the so-called seconds to kill, the real customer simply seconds to kill, the time is up, the business seconds to kill the system can be pre-set to replace the list of vest can be;

But whether it is true or false seconds kill, will attract a lot of customers' eyes, the main purpose is to make publicity.

3.  big sales, discounts, big fights

Case: The book war between Dangdang and Jingdong Mall;

Some time ago dangdang and Jingdong mall book war, it can be said that the city is full of wind and rain, but in the end who is the winner who is the loser, really important?

If you carefully study the discount books of the two shopping malls, it is not difficult to find that Dangdang discount books, Jingdong Mall will not discount, Jingdong Mall discount books, Dangdang must not discount;

Both stores are playing the "error difference", taking out a book to advertise a discount, in fact, most books are profitable; Real industry people all know that the procurement of books are on jins, jins on tons of procurement, and then on this to sell, how can lose money?

It can be said that false promotion is true;

However, dangdang and Jingdong mall quarrel, the price of the hype, but let the two companies and the BOSS to earn all the fame and traffic, the income of the quarrel than the promotional activities to bring more traffic, really doubt, the two bosses discussed the hidden rules in advance.

4. All free shipping, promotion

Great promotional activities hit the slogan of the whole audience package mail, but seriously look, the price is about 100 yuan, 100 yuan above, I stupid, is not originally full of ** on free freight?

It doesn't matter what the slogan is, women are all crazy about shopping, the important thing is to let the loser beauties have a reason to spend money, you tell her, let her because of "cheap", "discount", "promotion", "free shipping" these reasons, spend money out.

5. At a discount

Many sales promotion activities with several discount promotion, such as 3 discount, 5 discount, 7 discount and so on, but if you go to a careful study, the key problem is in this "up" above;

Taobao supermarket opening activities, breeze paper 3 fold up promotion, I am very happy, bought 3000 yuan of paper, thought a big profit, go back to the supermarket, silly, with the supermarket price is about the same;

Call taobao supermarket to ask, customer MM very politely said, we xx paper original price 30, the current price of 9 yuan, is indeed 3 fold ah, activity is 3 fold, but this paper is 3 fold, other discounts slightly less;

Everyone in the industry knows that the wholesale price and channel price of leather goods, clothing and cosmetics are about 40% or even 20% of the retail price.

Shops rarely sell at the retail price; So it is often found that buy a suit, marked thousands of yuan, actually sell hundreds of yuan; But if the discount price is according to the price of the nameplate discount, what does it matter, originally discount stores are selling discount prices

It doesn't matter how much the discount is, what matters is how much the average discount is, and more importantly, how does the discount work out?

6. Shopping cashback

Great mall activities, buy 100 back 100, buy 500 back 1000.

In fact, cashback is in the member account of the mall, and most of the cash coupons can not be used up all at once, but can be used up several times. Cashback not only won't make the merchants suffer losses, but also allows customers to come to the mall several times.

7. coupon
In fact, the role of promotional coupons, similar to cash back, are a way for businesses to attract customers.


Either way, there will always be people who will buy it, even though they know it won't really save money, because many people, especially women, really need a reason to spend money.

No matter what kind of sales promotion, are in the use of human psychology, with the customer to play psychological warfare, once the customer's psychological defense is broken through, this is a really successful marketing activities, no matter the promotion is real promotion or false promotion;

Sometimes drunk weng's purpose is not wine, and people greedy for small cheap psychology, the psychology of curiosity, lucky psychology.


The latest 2022 global cross-border e-commerce platform ranking top 10 China's foreign trade websites

 Today, we will sort out the top 10 global cross-border e-commerce platforms in 2022. What are China's foreign trade websites?

1.Tiktok- traffic channel + C-terminal e-commerce platform

TikTok is the most visited Internet website in the world in 2022, and also one of the most successful cases of Chinese e-commerce going overseas. In 2022, Tik Tok's global store layout will surely see the birth of another group of new forces. The successful globalization of short video + live broadcast with goods in China is a new trend that cannot be underestimated. TikTok has repeatedly topped the App Store or Google Play charts in the US, India, Germany, France, Japan, Indonesia and Russia. TikTok has offices around the world, including Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, Jakarta, Seoul and Tokyo. Its Fanno e-commerce platform is also worth watching.

2. Amazon- B2C e-commerce platform

Amazon is one of the largest online e-commerce companies in the United States, located in Seattle, Washington. Amazon is one of the earliest companies operating e-commerce on the Internet. Founded in 1994, Amazon only engaged in online book sales at the beginning, but now it has expanded to a wide range of other products, and has become the online retailer with the largest variety of goods in the world and the second largest Internet enterprise in the world.

3. Alibaba- B2B e-commerce platform

Founded in 1999, it is the first business section of Alibaba Group. Its business covers more than 200 countries, with more than 26 million active overseas buyers. It is a very well-known B2B export platform with RFQ business opportunity matching, guaranteed transaction, foreign trade collection and other services. The business composition comes from the world, forming the global buy, global sell layout.

4. FOBGOODS- B2B business information display platform

FOBGOODS is a strong growth of B2B business information display platform, due to the low occupancy threshold free in hair products, favored by a lot of merchants, known by various media as the strong growth of the global B2B business information display platform, mainly to Europe, America, Japan and South Korea in the huge trade is given priority to, a lot of enterprises is not only foreign trade platform, him Also as a free independent station, and Alibaba international station is different: Google, Tiktok drainage, and logistics providers, service providers can also release content for free, should be one of the novice foreign trade preferred B2B platform in recent years.

5.Shopee- Southeast Asia B2C retail e-commerce platform

Shopee is an e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia. The parent company of Shopee Shrimp Skin is Sea, which is the largest Internet company in Southeast Asia. It is also the only Southeast Asian Internet company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Tencent owns 39.7 percent of SEA. With the support of Tencent, SEA has been working deeply in Southeast Asia for many years, providing One-stop cross-border solutions such as flow, incubation, logistics, payment and language for Chinese sellers.

6. Aliexpress - B2C FMCG e-commerce platform

Aliexpress is mainly based on the Russian market. Alibaba helps small and medium-sized enterprises to contact retailers of terminal wholesale, so as to build a comprehensive online trading platform for foreign trade integrating orders, payment and logistics. Overseas markets are concentrated in Russia, Brazil, the United States, Spain and Turkey. The platform was launched in April 2010 and officially opened overseas eight months later. It is the only online trading platform under Alibaba aimed at the global market, and is called the "international version of Taobao" by the majority of sellers. Aliexpress, however, will be banned from selling many of the products it is allowed to sell on Taobao, such as weight-loss pills. So seller friends need to do a good job in the shop before the full understanding.

7. Made in China network -

Made in China was founded in 1998 and headquartered in Nanjing. It is one of the oldest cross-border B2B foreign trade platforms. Made in China collects many products, faces global procurement, provides information exchange and trade trading platform, and creates business opportunities for users and businesses.

8.Ebay- B2C Us e-commerce platform

Ebay was founded in September 1995 in SAN Jose, California, USA. It is an online auction and shopping site that manages the online shopping of goods. Millions of furniture, collectibles, computers, and cars are listed, sold, and sold on eBay every day. EBay offers a personalized shopping experience and a connection between consumers and global products through mobile applications. Mainly for c-terminal, the main market in the United States, Europe and other developed countries.

9.Shopify- independent site

Shopify is a Canadian e-commerce software developer founded by Tobi Lutke and headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. Shopify is a one-stop e-commerce service platform with SAAS software, providing technology and template for e-commerce sellers to build online stores, and managing all-channel marketing, sales, payment, logistics and other services. Shopify went public on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges in 2015. It is worth noting that Shopify itself has no traffic and needs to divert traffic from traffic channels like Google and Tiktok. As Tiktok opens its own stores, it is sure to reduce traffic just like Taobao did.

10. Global Resource Network - B2B cross-border trade platform

Global sources is a company located in Hong Kong, mainly the face of a global professional exhibition, the organizer, global sources web site is a professional B2B trade platform, its depth from the global resources is an early time, in the traditional trade very well known website, through the exhibition, trade platform, and magazines and other multi-channel connecting buyers and suppliers, There are now more than 10 million buyers and users.

On the whole, Chinese enterprises have made rapid development in cross-border e-commerce. Among them, 7 Chinese enterprises, in addition to alibaba international website, Made in China and AliExpress and other old well-known platforms, have also brought up new cross-border e-commerce forces such as Tiktok and FOBGOODS. Businesses can make full use of the interoperability of multiple platforms to seize the dividend period of new platforms and the boom period of cross-border e-commerce.

These is to share the latest global cross-border electric business platform, in 2022 as a whole, as countries develop the made in China, China sea sea strong policy background, the development of China's electric business platform will peak in the next 10 years, the same outbreak continued, offline payment transfer line will be continued and irreversible process, believe, RCEP, which will take effect on January 1, 2022, will bring more beneficial information to cross-border e-commerce.

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