
Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

Choose one of your favorite flowers!
The flowers you love may be revealing your character, tulips, roses, daisies, poppies, violets, peonies, irises, daffodils, which do you like best?

Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

Your motto? “The early bird gets the worm!” Other people wonder at your mellow temperament and seemingly-endless energy, and they’re happy to come to you for solutions to problems they’re overwhelmed by.
You have a knack for empathy, and can often be found taking care of others.
Tulip - Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

You’re a traditionalist through and through. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have plenty of fresh ideas, but your taste is classic-chic to a tee! You love history and tradition, and can often be found poring over biographies of fascinating historical women.
You also have a deeply passionate romantic side, but you’re very private. Only a select few ever get to see that aspect of your personality.
Rose-Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

You’ve never cared much about the opinions of others. You live a wholly original life, entirely on your own terms.
You might share your life with someone else, but you’re fiercely independent, and you like it that way. You might be an artist or creative, or simply have an unquenchable creative spirit. And you put your passions before everything else!
Daisy - Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

At first glance, you seem whimsical and ethereal, but when people get to know you, they quickly realize that you have an inner wild-child. If you’re under the age of 30, you may still be living out the hard-partying youth of a bright young thing.
Poppy - Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

If you’re a bit older, you may have reinvented yourself into an Earth mama, with a tattoo or two leftover from the bad old days, and a pocketful of wacky and hilarious memories!

You can be quiet, and you can be subtle, but there’s nothing mousy or awkward about you. You prefer a mellow life of understated charm.
You make your home out in the countryside, or hope to one day, where you can pursue your passionate love for green things.

Violet-Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

You’re elegant and striking, to the point that you sometimes intimidate people who don’t know you well.
You’re a born leader in the workplace and in your select friend group, but once people get to know you, they quickly realize you have a soft side, and would do anything for a friend or loved one in need.
Iris - Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

You’re a dyed-in-the-wool romantic, and you’re proud of it! You’ve had your heart bruised a time or two, but it’s all worth it for the fairy tale ending.
When you finally found your Mr. or Mrs. Right — or if you’re still looking — they weren’t what you were expecting at all, but you couldn’t be happier. And you have every intention of living happily ever after!
Peony - Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

Busy as a bee, you always have a project in the works! You move fast and talk faster, but no one minds because they’re hanging on your every word waiting for the next punchline!
Daffodil -Personality Test: your favorite flower can reveal your character!

Your sense of humor is legendary, and your tongue is notoriously sharp. You love to be in charge, always spearheading the next big thing, and your fashion sense is, in a word, outrageous. But in a good way.


Jingdong X Robot Challenge: mining talent talent innovation

Organized by the X Department of Jingdong Jingdong JRC X 2017 Robot Challenge finals officially ended. Since the start of October 2016, Jingdong X robot challenge in the seven city speaking tour, ten universities, 185 entries from 81 colleges and universities in the fierce competition after the first round, the semi-finals eventually decide the championship, Shenyang automation FreeDream research team and the University of Electronic Science and technology of the Robotalent team won the runner up and second runner up.
Jingdong X Robot Challenge: mining talent talent innovation

Vice president of Jingdong group, X division president Xiao Jun said: "the wisdom of logistics field is a fertile ground for innovation, and talent will be the future of the creator. This contest will be related to professional talents in Colleges and universities gathered through intelligent logistics application scenarios open Jingdong rich, and academics together to explore the future of innovation and the direction of development of the logistics field, to explore new ways of intelligent logistics development. At the same time, the Jingdong hopes to inspire the enthusiasm of innovation talents in Colleges and universities through the contest, cultivate and explore more innovative technology talents.

These teams from universities with innovative technology, will effectively plump smart logistics development system, reduce the operation cost in the storage areas. Experts said that the students whether application model, system architecture and machine vision, neural network, motion control, navigation and other aspects of the in-depth exploration and bold innovation, will to provide more paths to the intelligent development of logistics.

The development of cutting-edge technology cannot do without talents, University is the birthplace of talent, but also the Jingdong to continue to work in groups of users. Therefore in the exploration of intelligent logistics application. At the same time, the Jingdong of this kind of the most promising talent to attract and cultivate is particularly concerned. The Jingdong X robot challenge received 185 entries from 81 colleges and universities in the process, the national tour in the field to participate in the activities of the students a total of more than 49 thousand people. From the start to the finals, which lasted nearly 6 months, the emergence of a large number of outstanding talent and team success inspired college teachers and students in the field of research and development of smart logistics enthusiasm, provides a technical exchange and display platform for the majority of college students.

By the extensive participation of professional groups, Jingdong also launched for the University, logistics technology industry open plan, the establishment of a joint laboratory in Colleges and universities, to conduct a comprehensive exchange from technology and talent, promote cooperation with colleges and universities to attract more talents and team understand the Jingdong into the Jingdong, while strengthening the technical strength of a Jingdong a broad platform for the development of technology. The Jingdong hopes to continue to recruitment, training more excellent strength of insights and wisdom in the development potential in the field of logistics, joint development of intelligent logistics way forward.

Logistics has been one of the core competitiveness of the Jingdong, in the information era, intelligence is the inevitable trend of development of the logistics industry, the application and practice of new technology is the priority among priorities. Jingdong group CEO Liu Qiangdong stressed that the Jingdong strategy for the next 12 years - the Jingdong will firmly for technical transformation in the annual meeting, by technology in response to a rapidly changing world, "the next 12 years, the Jingdong only three things!!!". technology! technology! technology!

Jingdong after 12 years of accumulation of technology, especially with the self built logistics system of Jingdong large and robust, as well as in big data technology, artificial intelligence and other fields for the exploration and practice of the advantages in warehousing, sorting, distribution and other logistics links by picking robot, palletizing, packaging, inspection, has the most intelligent logistics application the scene becomes rich, universities and research institutions and industry practice, the ideal environment for new technology innovation and practice. The Jingdong to share the experience of intelligent logistics for team, but the academic circles of advanced technology and innovative thinking will also continue to strengthen the Jingdong in the field of logistics foresight and wisdom strength.

The Jingdong X robot challenge, the Jingdong provides a grasp of the pulse of the times for the majority of students, play the innovation stage. And in the process continue to build intelligent logistics system in the Jingdong will also be open and sharing attitude to attract more excellent talents, fully explore the young people will be the most dynamic potential. The crowd and the forces into the new ecological wisdom logistics. In the future, the Jingdong will continue with the wisdom of storage as the starting point, the artificial intelligence into the intelligent logistics system, developing new technology of intelligent logistics, absorb the training of technical personnel, to support the development of artificial intelligence industry, promote the industry in technology intensive direction of change, contribute to the transformation the social and economic development.

In addition, Xiao Jun said, hope that through this competition, from these students find some excellent talents, but during the race, but also to inspire the Jingdong very large, there are some students in the program, this kind of robot is very innovative, as we have this type of handling this, we still mainly two the driver, but also see a lot of robots, four wheel independent of this technology, technology is relatively mature, the Jingdong later will be around four wheel independent to do some solutions. At the same time, it will select some excellent project activities carried out in some support, perhaps the future will create more innovative achievements.

Quora selection: able to quickly grasp the useful skills

What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?
What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?

Get 4.6k answers
@Cyndi Perlman Fink
How to buy strawberries...
Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they will taste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.

Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you're smelling the strawberries, let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.

Get 3.2k answers
@Akshat Jain
When a kid, table manners always confused me. Which hand to use for what while eating. Then, this simple hack helped.
Left (4 letters) hand for 4 lettered things – fork
Right (5 letters) hand for 5 lettered things - spoon, knife, glass

Get 1.7k answers
@Arpit Pareek

How to Fall Asleep Faster: I hate it when I am lying in the bed, trying to sleep. It used to take me too much time to get to sleep. I searched internet for few tricks to fall asleep faster. The next time you are lying awake in bed Unable to sleep, you can trick yourself to sleep by trying these natural tips:
Try to stay awake: Challenge yourself to stay awake – your mind will rebel! It's called the sleep paradox.
Keep your eyes wide open, repeat to yourself 'I will not sleep'. The brain doesn't process negatives well, so interprets this as an instruction to sleep and eye muscles tire quickly as sleep creeps up.
Rewind your day: Remembering the mundane detail in reverse order clears your mind of worries. Recall conversations, sights and sounds as you go. It helps you to reach a mental state that's ready for sleep.
Roll your eyes: Close your eyes and roll the balls up 3-5 times can do the job. It simulates what you do naturally when you fall asleep and may help trigger the release of your sleepy hormone, melatonin.

Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

  Have you seen the city of Guilin from the sky?Here, the use of unmanned aerial vehicle technology, from the sky overlooking the beauty of the city of Guilin, like the eyes of God to see her. 
  Guilin is a tourist city landscape China since ancient times. Guilin Scenery is listed as a world natural heritage by UNESCO. Beautiful and strange mountains and rivers, like a painting volume.

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

Full video - Lost In Guilin 
Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China.

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

photo Drones shooting, use God's eye to view of Guilin in China

What do you want to know about Guilin? Please send comment to me.

The world view of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

  Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history.The theory of traditional Chinese medicine in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period has been basically formed.
  The history of Chinese medicine begins about the second century BC because there are no clear records of medical techniques that are older that. There exist written descriptions about disease from the Shang Dynasty era (1600-1046 BC), but there isn’t a record of their medical techniques.

The first clear medical treatise is the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon,The world view of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

   The first clear medical treatise is the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon. In the text, the use of moxibustion or acupuncture to manipulate the Yin and Yang are described in ways similar to that practiced nowadays. This and later texts covered a variety of techniques based on traditional physical concepts, but now traditional medicine has a secondary role in China compared to Western medicine.

   Over the past hundred years, with the spread of Western medicine, widely used in China formation of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), western medicine, the coexistence of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Some doctors gradually realized that the traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine so trying to two each one has his good points, academic to Huitong, gradually formed a fusion of Chinese and Western medicine school.
Foreign people on the evaluation of Chinese medicine and mysterious, and some countries refuse to believe that Chinese medicine unscientific.
In fact, most of them use western medicine to evaluate traditional Chinese Medicine.
Chinese medicine is very mysterious, in fact, because many people do not understand it.
the Bencao Gangmu,The world view of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

  The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon 黄帝内经 (Huángdì Nèijīng) has been the most influential treatise for more than 2,000 years. The multi-volume treatise presents views on the function of the human body and the physical world that remain the basic ideas believed by traditional medicine practitioners. Yin and Yang are described, and so are the Five Phases of nature (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and Qi. It isn’t known how or where these ideas originated.
The Treatise on Cold Injuries 伤寒论 (Shānghán Lùn) and the Bencao Gangmu 本草纲目(Běncǎo Gāngmù) are two other essential books for traditional medicine practitioners. Both deal with drugs and herbs. The Treatise on Cold Injuries is ascribed to Zhang Zhongjing. It was published about the year 220 at the end of the Han Dynasty era (206 BC-220 AD). It is the first known treatise on drug and herbal medicine.
  However, in today’s China, some techniques, especially herbal medicine, exercise such as taiqi or qigong, and eating medicinal food, remain common.
Traditional medicine is relatively inexpensive compared to going to a regular hospital, and the government supports traditional medicine to an extent. However, in many areas of China, procedures such as acupuncture,moxibustion, and cupping are seldom tried. People generally favor going to modern hospitals when they are sick.Because of a variety of instruments of Western medicine, Chinese medicine is a variety of electronic equipment can not. And some disease is suitable for surgical treatment.
  Most people think, common disease, treatment can fast western medicine such as cold, common bacterial infections, with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.But the side effects than traditional Chinese Medicine . There are some special diseases without effective western medicine can be treated.Chinese medicine can cure these diseases.Through the analysis of traditional Chinese medicine combined with modern medicine, can get some answers.
  In China's medical profession, there are traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, so in terms of medicine also has the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine
However, the vast majority of people do not know, what is the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine?
Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly based on biological agents, including plants, animals, minerals, do not know what is the specific composition of the key role
Western medicine, both artificial, chemical synthesis, including organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals and biological products, has a clear chemical composition. This is the essential difference.
Therefore, the difficulty of traditional Chinese medicine research is how to analyze, determine the effective composition, and use modern medicine synthesis.
These are only in the study of traditional Chinese medicine, through scientific research can let more people understand Chinese Medicine.
However, traditional Chinese medicine more than these,More traditional Chinese medicine lies in the regulation of the human body.

China medical experts Tu Youyou, won the 2015 Nobel by the discovery of a new method of artemisinin for malaria.

  China medical experts Tu Youyou, won the 2015 Nobel by the discovery of a new method of artemisinin for malaria.
Ancient Chinese texts inspired Tu Youyou's search for her Nobel-prize winning medicine.This is the highest award of Chinese Medicine.
With the application of artemisinin drugs, the mortality rate of malaria patients is significantly reduced, so that the lives of millions of people in developing countries, especially in developing countries, have been saved!

Mission 523 pored over ancient books to find historical methods of fighting malaria.
When she started her search for an anti-malarial drug, over 240,000 compounds around the world had already been tested, without any success.
Finally, the team found a brief reference to one substance, sweet wormwood, which had been used to treat malaria in China around 400 AD.
artemisinin,The world view of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Ancient medical books have used it to treat malaria herbal medical records, just do not know the effective components of the "artemisinin" kills the parasites.This also shows that traditional Chinese medicine is not a mystery, and many medical technology, but also through scientific analysis and exploration.
artemisinin,The world view of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

The plant, which is common in southern China, is the origin of artemisinin for malaria treatment.
and it grown in Chongqing, Youyang, China, was found to contain the highest levels of artemisinin.

  In Europe, in the most prudent use of medicine in Germany, traditional Chinese medicine has a large number of loyal fans.
In Germany, the Chinese medicine is a kind of noble enjoyment, the cost is 10 times higher than Western Medicine.
In Germany, traditional Chinese medicine in the face of the disease, often a chronic disease of Western medicine, such as psoriasis and other skin diseases, insomnia, arthritis and so on
Chinese medicine stresses both inside and outside the tune, coupled with the use of pure natural plant medicine, as long as the scientific guidance, even if long-term use, side effects are also very small, so many Germans are optimistic.
  The Germans generally believe that Chinese herbal medicine in China for thousands of years, the vast majority should be safe . The German government has proposed to allow the use of Chinese herbal medicine, but in practice, the traditional Chinese medicine to track inspection, testing, once found serious side effects of herbal medicine, immediately banned.
  At present, Germany's more than 70 thousand pharmacies, pharmacists must have a license to operate Chinese Medicine.
At present, there are about 3000 Chinese doctors in Germany, but qualified to prescribe Chinese medicine, but only a few hundred, many hospitals or clinics to be invited to see a Chinese doctor.
  Due to a variety of regulatory system with international standards still need to run in, the road of internationalization of Chinese medicine seems to be very long
An industry source said that due to regulatory and international docking, the current Chinese medicine to enter the international market is very difficult.In China, because of the contribution of Chinese medicine, people have more choices to treat some illness. It makes a lot of foreigners envy.China is also trying to get Chinese medicine to the world.

India Mi-Fans evaluation Mi Phone Redmi Note4 Chapter

Mi Phone is very successful in China and throught hunger marketing, it rapid expand the market.
In 2016, the development of India is very eye-catching.
Today, I take you to see evaluation of India Fans for the Redmi Note4.

Mi Phone Redmi Note4,Electronic business platform in India (Flipkart) screenshot
Mi Phone Redmi Note4,Electronic business platform in India (Flipkart) screenshot
Buyer 's Evaluation screenshot,India Mi-Fans evaluation Mi Phone Redmi Note4 Chapter
Buyer 's Evaluation screenshot 1

--It seems that the mi-fans in India also deeply hurt by buying.
--So this is more than and 300 points, ranked at the very top, we can see is the voice of the masses.

Buyer 's Evaluation screenshot,India Mi-Fans evaluation Mi Phone Redmi Note4 Chapter

Excellent Phone in this Price. 
1. Battery Life Excellent.
2. Camera quality is Good.
3. Processor lightning Fast.
4. Screen Quality is Excellent.
5. 64 GB and 4 GB Combination is perfect.
Just go for it. If you need only camera phone than don't go. But if you need all-round than go for it. You can't get better combination in this Price at this Time. I write this Review after 10 Days.

-- Full of praise!

Buyer 's Evaluation screenshot,India Mi-Fans evaluation Mi Phone Redmi Note4 Chapter
I recieve my product on 2 feb at 8:30 pm,phone working absolutely fine..
--Don't hesitate to bring your friends to buy it!

Buyer 's Evaluation screenshot,India Mi-Fans evaluation Mi Phone Redmi Note4 Chapter

--Design is better than redmi note3.
--Sensible ah, friend, I commit you know the true worth.

Buyer 's Evaluation screenshot,India Mi-Fans evaluation Mi Phone Redmi Note4 Chapter
--Very serious buyers, very pertinent evaluation.

Recently, the news that China's mobile phone sales ban in India.
The main reason is the patent problem. Currently Mi Company - Lei Jun said that the company's intellectual property rights structure, one is its core technology research and development, on the other hand, the technology license of intellectual property rights and a series of industry giants reached, millet company step by step and the world into the rules of the game.

Turkey beauty girl-students came to China to learn martial arts, after-school do live streaming

She is from Turkey, which has a very good name: 美玉 (means:Beautiful Chinese jade,Call her Jade in the post) and is now the Wuhan Sports Institute Wushu Professional Graduate Students in the second grade.

learn Chinese Jade identification,Turkey beauty girl-students came to China to learn martial arts, after-school do live streaming
Learning Chinese Jade identification
Because of her excellent academic performance, so get the Chinese government scholarship, has been studying in China, living for two years.
Today, she is not only fluent in Chinese, Her way of life has become Chinese-style.
In addition to her martial arts, also love China tea, learning jade identification, still  use spare time to doing the network anchor(or do live streaming, means is Camgirl), to Chinese friends on Turkey culture and his students at Wuhan Sports Institute.
She also became a daughter of a Chinese mother,She called her mother in China and that Chinese mother loves her very much.

Learning Chinese tea,Turkey beauty girl-students came to China to learn martial arts, after-school do live streaming
Learning Chinese tea
She practices Tai Chi in the campus, attracted a lot of teachers and students stopped to watch."China martial arts brought me a lot of change." she said ,She likes Chinese martial arts very much, especially Taijiquan.

Practice Taijiquan,Turkey beauty girl-students came to China to learn martial arts, after-school do live streaming
Practice Taijiquan
Jade is a network live anchor, has just participated in 1 months, now has a fan of more than and 300. She said, I don't love to draw fans with sexy on the web, I want to use this platform to introduce Turkey's local customs,culture and practices.
With friends in the Jiedaokou of Wuhan, to share the taste of home at a Turkey's restaurant
With friends in the Jiedaokou of Wuhan,
to share the taste of home at a Turkey's restaurant

 In life, Jade also made friends with a retired worker in school, as his Chinese mother.
Usually have a rest time, they often travel together and Jade to follow her learning Chinese tea.
Using Selfie stick, For Chinese users to introduce Turkey local customs and practices.
Using Selfie stick,
For Chinese users to introduce Turkey local customs and practices..


Chinese delicious food Hunan cuisine Of China style Food (3)

Here are some of the local cuisine with Chinese characteristics (I call it China-style). If you want to eat authentic Chinese food, it is recommended that you come to China's cities and try.
Many foreign friends, understanding of Chinese food influenced by Western China Restaurant. In fact, Western Chinese restaurants in order to cater to local tastes, they provide food is not authentic Chinese cuisine and More like McDonald's fast food.
If you have a chance to travel or study in China, trying to taste Chinese food is a good choice.
This is the third article on Chinese cuisine.
Related articles : Chinese delicious food——WuHan Food

Hunan cuisine is one of the China eight cuisine.
Eight Cuisines: 
Hunan cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine , Guangdong Cuisine  , Fujian Cuisine   , Jiangsu Cuisine  , Zhejiang Cuisine  , Anhui Cuisine

Today, we introduce Chinese local Hunan cuisine to everyone.The representative city here is Changsha. (To see location on google map)

1.Hunan dishes meat
[Simplified Chinese is "湖南小炒肉", ‍Pinyin  is "hú nán xiǎo chǎo ròu "‍]

Hunan dishes meat, Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food

It is characteristic of hunan province traditional famous dishes, belongs to the department of hunan.
With pork shoulder meat, hot peppers, garlic and other ingredients.
Hunan cuisine dishes meat, spicy and refreshing, succulent fresh, the meat smells.

2. Steamed fish head with peppers 
[Simplified Chinese is "剁椒鱼头", ‍Pinyin  is "duò jiāo yú tóu"‍]

Steamed fish head with peppers, Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Chilli fish head is a hunan famous Chinese and foreign. Red pepper, green caraway, chopped green onion black tempeh, white, yellow ginger, fragrant air of minced garlic with big fish head, is absolutely gorgeous and moving, the appetite of hold up person. Whether it is visual, taste and smell is excellent!

3.Stir-fried smoked pork with bamboo shoots(Winter bamboo shoot Fried bacon)
[Simplified Chinese is "冬笋炒腊肉", ‍Pinyin  is "dōng sǔn chǎo là ròu "‍]

Stir-fried smoked pork with bamboo shoots(Winter bamboo shoot Fried bacon),Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

It is one of the traditional dishes of bamboo shoots of Han nationality, is a typical Hunan in cooking.The fragrance of bamboo shoots mixed with the smell of bacon, light salty and spicy and delicious wax blending, overflow phase, too wonderful for words.The bamboo shoots as a delicacy and bacon flavour.

4.DONG-AN Chicken
[Simplified Chinese is "东安鸡", ‍Pinyin  is "dōng ān jī "‍]

DONG-AN Chicken,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Because the origin in Hunan County of Dongan, so have the name of dishes.
This dish has bright color, fresh meat, sour and refreshing, fat but not greasy, eat much patience, aroma, rich nutrition, fragrant, sweet, sour, spicy, crisp and tender taste six.

5.Yongzhou Fried duck
[Simplified Chinese is "永州炒血鸭", ‍Pinyin  is "yǒng zhōu chǎo xuè yā "‍]

Yongzhou Fried duck,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

It is the characteristics of a traditional dishes , at the  area of Yongzhou ,Hunan , and is also a home cooked dishes.
Do duck are such practices, add duck blood and acid pepper, peanut.
According to the personal taste and the different ingredients, with delicious appetizers, characteristics of cooling blood, loved by the public.

6.Xiangxi acid meat
[Simplified Chinese is "湘西酸肉", ‍Pinyin  is "xiāng xī suān ròu "‍]

Xiangxi acid meat,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Xiangxi acid meat,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

It is the Xiangxi Miao and Tujia traditional cuisine (Hunan ethnic minorities's cuisine) , spicy and sour in the Xiangxi autonomous prefecture has done the best, hence the name. The Yellow spicy dishes, slightly sour, fat but not greasy. Soft and juicy, have a distinctive flavour.

7.Salted egg yellow braised eggplants 
[Simplified Chinese is "咸蛋黄炖茄子", ‍Pinyin  is "xián dàn huáng shāo qié zǐ "‍]

Salted egg yellow braised eggplants ,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Salted egg yellow braised eggplants ,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

It is a delicious dishes, main material is salty yolk and eggplant .

8. Spicy chicken 
[Simplified Chinese is "麻辣子鸡", ‍Pinyin  is "má là zǐ jī "‍]

Spicy chicken,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Spicy chicken to originate from qing dynasty stagnation, is a strong local flavor of food, one of hunan.
Spicy chicken usually choose female chickens as main ingredient, with chili for supplementary material, the Fried oil refining, again with wine, and yellow vinegar, garlic and other spices.
that a dish, chicken golden color, outside the coke in tender, delicious. 

9. Spicy shrimp 
[Simplified Chinese is "香辣虾", ‍Pinyin  is "xiāng là xiā "‍]

Spicy shrimp,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Spicy shrimp,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

10. Stinky tofu in changsha
[Simplified Chinese is "长沙臭豆腐", ‍Pinyin  is "zhǎng shā chòu dòu fǔ "‍]

Stinky tofu in changsha,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Stinky tofu in changsha,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Thankfully, Changsha's favourite tofu definitely tastes better than it smells.
Changsha  stinky tofu is a traditional hunan changsha characteristics.
Color black, outside the coke in soft, fresh and spicy.
Burn but not paste, tender but not greasy, fragrant smell and bad smell, fine smelling aroma tempting.

11.Hunan rice noodles
[Simplified Chinese is "湖南米粉", ‍Pinyin  is "hú nán mǐ fěn "‍]

Hunan rice noodles,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

Hunan rice noodles,Chinese delicious food : Hunan cuisine Of China-style Food (3)

It is one of the people of hunan's favorite breakfast.
Hunan snacks also many, welcome to changsha to taste them.


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