
Jingdong X Robot Challenge: mining talent talent innovation

Organized by the X Department of Jingdong Jingdong JRC X 2017 Robot Challenge finals officially ended. Since the start of October 2016, Jingdong X robot challenge in the seven city speaking tour, ten universities, 185 entries from 81 colleges and universities in the fierce competition after the first round, the semi-finals eventually decide the championship, Shenyang automation FreeDream research team and the University of Electronic Science and technology of the Robotalent team won the runner up and second runner up.
Jingdong X Robot Challenge: mining talent talent innovation

Vice president of Jingdong group, X division president Xiao Jun said: "the wisdom of logistics field is a fertile ground for innovation, and talent will be the future of the creator. This contest will be related to professional talents in Colleges and universities gathered through intelligent logistics application scenarios open Jingdong rich, and academics together to explore the future of innovation and the direction of development of the logistics field, to explore new ways of intelligent logistics development. At the same time, the Jingdong hopes to inspire the enthusiasm of innovation talents in Colleges and universities through the contest, cultivate and explore more innovative technology talents.

These teams from universities with innovative technology, will effectively plump smart logistics development system, reduce the operation cost in the storage areas. Experts said that the students whether application model, system architecture and machine vision, neural network, motion control, navigation and other aspects of the in-depth exploration and bold innovation, will to provide more paths to the intelligent development of logistics.

The development of cutting-edge technology cannot do without talents, University is the birthplace of talent, but also the Jingdong to continue to work in groups of users. Therefore in the exploration of intelligent logistics application. At the same time, the Jingdong of this kind of the most promising talent to attract and cultivate is particularly concerned. The Jingdong X robot challenge received 185 entries from 81 colleges and universities in the process, the national tour in the field to participate in the activities of the students a total of more than 49 thousand people. From the start to the finals, which lasted nearly 6 months, the emergence of a large number of outstanding talent and team success inspired college teachers and students in the field of research and development of smart logistics enthusiasm, provides a technical exchange and display platform for the majority of college students.

By the extensive participation of professional groups, Jingdong also launched for the University, logistics technology industry open plan, the establishment of a joint laboratory in Colleges and universities, to conduct a comprehensive exchange from technology and talent, promote cooperation with colleges and universities to attract more talents and team understand the Jingdong into the Jingdong, while strengthening the technical strength of a Jingdong a broad platform for the development of technology. The Jingdong hopes to continue to recruitment, training more excellent strength of insights and wisdom in the development potential in the field of logistics, joint development of intelligent logistics way forward.

Logistics has been one of the core competitiveness of the Jingdong, in the information era, intelligence is the inevitable trend of development of the logistics industry, the application and practice of new technology is the priority among priorities. Jingdong group CEO Liu Qiangdong stressed that the Jingdong strategy for the next 12 years - the Jingdong will firmly for technical transformation in the annual meeting, by technology in response to a rapidly changing world, "the next 12 years, the Jingdong only three things!!!". technology! technology! technology!

Jingdong after 12 years of accumulation of technology, especially with the self built logistics system of Jingdong large and robust, as well as in big data technology, artificial intelligence and other fields for the exploration and practice of the advantages in warehousing, sorting, distribution and other logistics links by picking robot, palletizing, packaging, inspection, has the most intelligent logistics application the scene becomes rich, universities and research institutions and industry practice, the ideal environment for new technology innovation and practice. The Jingdong to share the experience of intelligent logistics for team, but the academic circles of advanced technology and innovative thinking will also continue to strengthen the Jingdong in the field of logistics foresight and wisdom strength.

The Jingdong X robot challenge, the Jingdong provides a grasp of the pulse of the times for the majority of students, play the innovation stage. And in the process continue to build intelligent logistics system in the Jingdong will also be open and sharing attitude to attract more excellent talents, fully explore the young people will be the most dynamic potential. The crowd and the forces into the new ecological wisdom logistics. In the future, the Jingdong will continue with the wisdom of storage as the starting point, the artificial intelligence into the intelligent logistics system, developing new technology of intelligent logistics, absorb the training of technical personnel, to support the development of artificial intelligence industry, promote the industry in technology intensive direction of change, contribute to the transformation the social and economic development.

In addition, Xiao Jun said, hope that through this competition, from these students find some excellent talents, but during the race, but also to inspire the Jingdong very large, there are some students in the program, this kind of robot is very innovative, as we have this type of handling this, we still mainly two the driver, but also see a lot of robots, four wheel independent of this technology, technology is relatively mature, the Jingdong later will be around four wheel independent to do some solutions. At the same time, it will select some excellent project activities carried out in some support, perhaps the future will create more innovative achievements.

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