
What tea do men drink in China? Famous teas in China, The tea ceremony

As everyone knows,China is an old tea country.According to statistics from the international tea Commission (ITC) in 2011, China's tea output is 1 million 370 thousand tons, accounting for 33.7% of the world's total output of 4 million 67 thousand tons, ranking first in the world. But in fact, the Chinese are not the ones who drink most tea. The top three countries is Britain, Ireland, Turkey.

According to Euromonitor Survey (Euromonitor) statistics, every year in the world tea consumption per capita is highest in Turkey, the annual per capita consumption of 3157 grams; ranked second, third are Irish (2191 grams) and the UK (1942 grams); and China in per capita consumption of tea 566 grams, global ranked nineteenth.

Famous teas in China

Pilo Chuw
[Simplified Chinese is "碧螺春", ‍Pinyin  is "bì luó chūn "‍]

Pilo Chuw [Simplified Chinese is "碧螺春", ‍Pinyin  is "bì luó chūn "‍]

West Lake Longjing Tea
[Simplified Chinese is "西湖龙井", ‍Pinyin  is "xī hú lóng jǐng "‍]

West Lake Longjing Tea [Simplified Chinese is "西湖龙井", ‍Pinyin  is "xī hú lóng jǐng "‍]

Tie Guanyin
[Simplified Chinese is "铁观音", ‍Pinyin  is "tiě guān yīn "‍] 

Tie Guanyin [Simplified Chinese is "铁观音", ‍Pinyin  is "tiě guān yīn "‍]

Mount Huangshan Mao Feng
[Simplified Chinese is "黄山毛峰", ‍Pinyin  is "huáng shān máo fēng "‍] 

Mount Huangshan Mao Feng [Simplified Chinese is "黄山毛峰", ‍Pinyin  is "huáng shān máo fēng "‍]

Xinyang Maojian Tea
[Simplified Chinese is "信阳毛尖", ‍Pinyin  is "xìn yáng máo jiān "‍] 

Xinyang Maojian Tea [Simplified Chinese is "信阳毛尖", ‍Pinyin  is "xìn yáng máo jiān "‍]

Junshan Silver Needle Tea
[Simplified Chinese is "君山银针", ‍Pinyin  is "jun  shān yín zhēn "‍] 

Junshan Silver Needle Tea [Simplified Chinese is "君山银针", ‍Pinyin  is "jun  shān yín zhēn "‍]

Wuyi rock tea
[Simplified Chinese is "武夷岩茶", ‍Pinyin  is "wǔ yí yán chá "‍] 

Wuyi rock tea [Simplified Chinese is "武夷岩茶", ‍Pinyin  is "wǔ yí yán chá "‍]

Keemun Black Tea
[Simplified Chinese is "祁门红茶", ‍Pinyin  is "qí mén hóng chá "‍] 

Keemun Black Tea [Simplified Chinese is "祁门红茶", ‍Pinyin  is "qí mén hóng chá "‍]

Duyun Maojian Tea
[Simplified Chinese is "都匀毛尖", ‍Pinyin  is "dōu yún máo jiān "‍] 

Duyun Maojian Tea [Simplified Chinese is "都匀毛尖", ‍Pinyin  is "dōu yún máo jiān "‍]

Guapian tea
[Simplified Chinese is "六安瓜片", ‍Pinyin  is "liù ān guā piàn "‍] 

Guapian tea [Simplified Chinese is "六安瓜片", ‍Pinyin  is "liù ān guā piàn "‍]

Yunnan Puer tea
[Simplified Chinese is "云南普洱茶", ‍Pinyin  is "yún nán pǔ ěr chá "‍] 

Yunnan Puer tea [Simplified Chinese is "云南普洱茶", ‍Pinyin  is "yún nán pǔ ěr chá "‍]

The tea ceremony
Drinking tea can make people happy and healthy.
Research shows that the world's longevity in tea and tea consumption area. Shizuoka city famous tea, tea consumption is very big, therefore Shizuoka life expectancy is very high, much higher than the average life expectancy of Japanese, the former Soviet Union in the Caucasus is a world famous "longevity village", local people longevity secret is drinking red tea fungus.
Modern science has proved that tea contains rich nutrients, tea can meet a variety of vitamins and trace elements in the body, the tea also has strong anti-aging effect. Tea can cure the disease because of containing and human health is closely related to the caffeine, tea catechins, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and other substances Japanese medical study found: "China suffering from atherosclerosis and heart disease rate lower than in the west, in addition to genetic factors, lifestyle, diet, and Chinese love tea"
Traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine show that tea has good effect on losing weight. Tea can significantly improve the oxidative decomposition of body fat rate, lower cholesterol and blood lipids, make people thin aerobics, because of tea catechins, tea polyphenols and some enzyme activity can accelerate the combustion of fat body, reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body.

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