
7.6 percent of Chinese college students consider themselves bisexual or homosexual,A survey of homosex students in China.

China family planning association issued college students and the present condition of the reproductive health survey, according to a report on sexual orientation, Chinese college students, the thought of himself as heterosexual students accounted for 89.5%, gay and bisexual accounted for 2.5% and 5.1% respectively.

7.6 percent of Chinese college students consider themselves bisexual or homosexual,A survey of homosex students in China.

The survey was conducted in 2015 with 17,966 valid questionnaires covering more than 130 universities in China, with an average age of 20.2 years. Homosexuality among Chinese college students is slightly lower than in the United States and Europe.

In recent years, the Chinese perception of gay has changed, at least from the point of the younger generation group, most people's attitude is not exclusive homosexuality exists in social life.

Before the interview, we subconsciously thought that foreigners would be very open, especially those from Europe and the United States, which should be very different from the Chinese. But that is not the case.
The five Russian girls interviewed said they did not like gay people and had few gay people around them. A foreign student from the United States says some of his gay friends still face public opinion and pressure to make intimate moves with their male friends in public. But all respondents said that everyone should have the right to love.

Homosexuality is still the boundary of society when society is not universally accepted.

In the sad and sad stories we hear, they are not only struggling, but also under pressure from family and public opinion. Gay in the past, people regarded as a kind of disease and abnormal behavior, try by electric shock "aversion therapy", intake of male female hormones and brain lobe resection surgery such as appalling change sexual orientation.

Based on treatment of inefficiencies, most gay people are no longer seeking medical help, they or latent in the other side of the city to show the other side of the unknown, or hit a nominal marriage life.
Conservative estimates suggest that more than 16 million Chinese women have married gay or bisexual men.

Some gay people divorced, married, divorced, and eventually chose to go home.

The prevailing view in the United States and Europe that homosexuality is a disease is not a disease, nor is it treated, and that is supported by the medical community. In 1992, the world health organization (who) confirmed that homosexuality was a natural phenomenon for minorities and did not include it as a mental disorder.

China removed homosexuals from the list of mentally ill people in 2001.
We look forward to a more inclusive social environment.

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