
How to become a slash-youth, for make money and Freedom of life?

The word "slash youth" has been particularly popular in the last two years.
The word "slanting" comes from the English word "Slash", a concept coined by the New York times columnist Marci Alboher in 2007, "One Person/multiple careers" :
A New Model for Work Life Success.
In her book, she notes that more and more young people are no longer satisfied with the boring lifestyle of "single occupation".Instead, start choosing a multifaceted life with multiple careers and multiple identities.
These people use slashes to distinguish between professions in their self-introduction,
For example, Lenny Platt, the lawyer/actor/producer, so "Slash" became synonymous with them.
After understanding to Slash the concept, I am very excited, before that, some of my friends are always struggling to expound his multiple identities, and now finally have their own positioning - I 'm a Slash!
If you're slash, talk about your multiple careers, show your results and share them with you.

How to become a slash youth?
In most reports, the way to become a slant is to work part-time.
Such as "Beijing evening news" introduction to slash the youth of the case is that a girl do accounting, like tinkering with flowers, go to the hotel to see a wedding in the wedding, after talked with my staff, found there lack of flower art teacher, she became a part-time wedding flower art teacher. Later, she was introduced to write a script, and she learned to write a script and took part in the work of a part-time playwright.
So she became a model for youth: accountant/florist/dramatist.

It reminds me of when I was in college, although there is no the word "slash youth", but there is a the elder brothers in should be completely is the criterion for slash youth today: he's at school do day rent rent residential building next to the room, also in the campus agent selling mobile phone top-up CARDS, and at the same time in the school promote China merchants bank, China construction bank credit card.
I remember one time when he was invited to speak at an event where he introduced himself to three areas: real estate, communications and finance.Today, this guy should be a slasher, right?
Slash-youth, is it a part-time job?
If we blindly want to do the slash youth and pursue the so-called plural life, then we are likely to go around a big bend in the pursuit of success.

Think of it, highly mobile, social division of labor in today's talent constantly refined era, more and more competitive, you must be in the field of a supremely well, is likely to get the real voice. Do not understand this point, blindly pursue the part-time job realization, on the surface is in the promotion ability, actually is shallow take the time to cash directly.

The slash is the result, not the cause.
So, to be extreme, it is not to say that one major is enough, but to learn all the core competencies that are relevant to a particular type of problem. This point, must be breakthrough professional.
Our professional division is the use of marketing, law, politics, history, literature, and so on, but the world is not run according to human segmentation. A marketing problem may involve legal, political, historical and cultural factors.
The perfect blueprint outlined by the "slash youth" is supported by powerful multi-skill skills.
On the way to the slash youth ", some people just learn some east, west, seemingly wonderful life in the pursuit of diverse, is actually in blind to shallow through rapid success.
In this increasingly competitive age, the true "slash youth" knows that it is necessary to excel in one area before it is possible to have a real say.

Some people's slashes are not good for the job besides the job.
Other people's slashes are the result of a multidimensional and progressive growth after learning about the self.

In fact, the real "slash youth", is the life of a group of carefully, they are unwilling to mediocrity, keep learning knowledge from various fields aspects constantly accumulate experience, and then, at the same time achieve the pluralistic value gain wealth on freedom.

And for everyone who is serious about life, it is possible to have a unique and wonderful life of slashes through the exploration of themselves and the unknown.

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