
Why does China deny that it is a developed country? Looking at this set of data, you maybe get the answer.

China's engel coefficient last year was 29.3 percent, according to the national bureau of statistics. Thus, it is said that our country has entered the ranks of rich or developed countries.But yesterday, MAO shengyong, a spokesman for the national bureau of statistics, made it clear: not like that.For measuring whether a country is developed countries, in addition to the engel coefficient and there are many indicators, such as the level of national income per capita, per capita GDP level, national income distribution, such as indicators, especially the per capita national income.In 2017, although China's economy is indeed the second largest in the world, per capita GDP is less than $9,000 at the average market rate.

Chinese Internet users are not calm, the comment area was captured in an instant and expressed their opinions.

screenshots of Chinese Internet users  post comments 

Part of the translation:
@像那个男人一样涅槃 : In the face of China, there is no such thing as undeveloped. When I was a child, I felt that the developed countries were good. Now there is no such thing as a developed country. Only the rest of China?
@落落无尘 : Engel Coefficient Engel s Coefficient is the proportion of total food expenditure in total personal consumption expenditure. The less a family income, household income and expenditure Used to buy food spending, the greater the proportion with the increase of family income, household income and expenditure Used to buy food spending ratio declines. PS: what if you add the mortgage? I'm over 85%.
@长宁华尔街 : Not developed countries, but why are prices so expensive?

Over the next five years, the gap between China's per capita income and that of the us, Japan and Germany is widening.

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