
Every two seconds a wig is bought on AliExpress, the international version of Taobao

For many foreigners, freedom of wigs may be more important than freedom of cherries.
Chinese wigs have become one of the most sought after products by overseas consumers on AliExpress, a cross-border e-commerce retail platform under Alibaba, according to a recent report released by aliExpress.
One wig is bought every two seconds, making it the number one wig sold overseas.
The rise of social media and the popularity of online celebrities have led to a surge in wig sales on e-commerce platforms in 2012, according to Ni Qianqing, head of Alimai's fake hair industry.
In fact, the price of wigs is not cheap. A search for "wig" on AliExpress shows that top-selling wigs cost between $30 and $320, or about 200 to 2,200 yuan.
Orders for the wigs were almost all more than 1,000, with the largest at nearly 8,000.

There's even a game of Thrones version of The Mother of Dragons.

Wigs made in Xuchang, Henan province, the "wig capital" of China, are said to have been worn by celebrities in the US, including former FIRST ladies Michelle Obama, Beyonce and Rihanna.

According to the report, the biggest wig sales on AliExpress are in the United States, The United Kingdom, France, South Africa and the Netherlands.

In 2018, sales of wigs on the platform in Europe increased by more than 50% compared to 2017; The sales volume in Africa is increasing rapidly, reaching 300% in South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya and other countries.

Xu, manager of a wig company in Xuchang, told the Global Times that every household in Xuchang sells wigs, and most of them are run by families.

Among all kinds of wigs, wigs made of human hair are the most popular.

Look at foreign buyers' reviews of the goods:

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