
To collect 'red packets' , by Using Alipay Mobile APP Scanning The word : '福'

2017 pay treasure everyone strategy: pay treasure to sweep the set f red envelope Last year Spring Festival, pay treasure to open a set wufu activity, is popular the circle of friends. Caused by dedication f it is difficult to collect a lot of net friend of public anger. Pay treasure to continue to play this year Spring Festival set wufu activities, given the activity theme is "sweep the set f robbed one hundred million yuan red envelope". A few days ago, Beijing south station ads posted "collection of wufu f years", "sweep the set Rob one hundred million yuan red envelope "text. Pepsi small plait beat to bring us to the next 2017 activity time and pay treasure to pay treasure to wufu red envelope sweep f set f robbed one hundred million yuan bonus activity is introduced.
2017 pay treasure wufu red envelope activity time
Latest learn about pay treasure to wufu activities play this year will be announced on January 13, its time to start on January 18, 2017.
Pay treasure to play set wufu activities
Entrance, open the pay treasure to the latest version, enter the scan - AR scan to participate in the activities of wufu.

For AR sweeps everyone this year, pay treasure this year will continue to last year's set of wufu plays, whether there is a dedicated f is difficult to collect the embarrassing situation of don't know, the message will be unveiled on January 13.
In addition to the AR and everyone, whether pay treasure will completely for the Spring Festival last year pay treasure of wufu plays, dedication f will become short boards? For this, the reporter contact alipay relevant personage, the other says "pay treasure to Chinese New Year red envelopes concrete play, we will communicate in January 13 New Year red envelopes formally announced at the meeting."

2017 alipay wufu activities will undoubtedly attract netizens micro wave, whether they asked professional blessing this year? Alipay set wufu activities is an effective marketing promotion, ali is more than 2017 alipay wufu continue to play! The entire content of the new game first exposure, to let your friend come to onlookers.

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