
African friends studying in China, doing Chinese daigou means overseas purchasing, procurement service or on behalf of.

Wali from Africa, who was given the opportunity to study in China two years ago. As soon as I arrived in China, I felt that business opportunities were everywhere. I felt that everything was good as long as it was Chinese. Take advantage of the trend to start daigou(means overseas purchasing, procurement service or on behalf of).I bought fakes for the first time, but his thoughts on China have not changed. It is really very simple and very passionate about China.

Wali was born in a true prince of the Benin tribe. Two years ago, because of his thick family and his top-notch in study, he was fortunate to be an exchange student to study in China. In the first year of his arrival in China, he saw business opportunities everywhere. So I decided to study Chinese in half a year. After half a year, he not only learned fluent Chinese, but also mastered six languages including Japanese and Korean.

"I am amazing? I am totally trying to make money and do Chinese daigou to learn, so I can bargain with Chinese aunts." Obviously, Walli feels that learning so many languages is not awesome because In his mind, he executed the money. In the second half of the year, he began to contact a wide range of friends in Africa. He strongly praised how good China is and can buy good goods from China.

The first shipment was a Chinese lipstick. The price of 12 lipsticks was 120, but when I sold it, I earned about 300 yuan. He also felt very good. He didn't know that the university's classmates told him: "You bought fakes. "". For a time, he was a little embarrassed. "I don't care. In my eyes, everything in China is a good thing, there will be no problems." I really don't know how simple the African prince is! Do you have anything to say to him?

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