
To pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease,the incidence of stomach disease in China is on the rise.

The rate of disease in the Chinese stomach is rising. The incidence of gastric cancer in young people aged 19 to 35 has doubled from 30 years ago, and it has become a "new disease" and "heart disease" for many young people.
There is a group of people around us who have a stomachache and stomachache at work. Some work a busy stomach also can often ache, eat what have no appetite; Others even become the "old disease" of chronic gastritis and need to carry medicine with them. Intense work and life, too much pressure makes people with stomach trouble more and more.
To pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease,the incidence of stomach disease in China is on the rise.

To pay attention to gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Gastroesophageal reflux is due to the abnormal gastric contents reflux to the esophagus, causing the mucosal injury and chronic syndrome, this is a very common gastrointestinal diseases, a high incidence in the crowd, even healthy people after the improper diet, sometimes also can appear the phenomenon of heartburn and reflux.

About 30 percent of people report symptoms of reflux almost every day, while 40 percent report at least once a month, according to the survey.
Therefore, esophageal reflux disease and its symptoms are very common and should be taken seriously. With the improvement of the quality of modern life, the diet structure has changed, and the obesity population has also increased, which can lead to the increase of the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The expression of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Reflux stimulation causes esophageal symptoms: heartburn, chest pain, acid, belching, reflux, dysphagia, etc.
Symptoms other than esophagus: laryngitis, laryngitis, laryngopharyngeal foreign body sensation, throat congestion, chronic cough, asthma, aspiration pneumonia, snoring, etc.
Complications: upper gastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal stenosis, Barrett esophagus, etc.

Eight Suggestions for preventing gastroesophageal reflux disease.
1. Reduce the intake, the satiety causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax. Eat slowly and eat a small number of meals.
Dinner is especially unfavorable for food; Avoid eating four hours before bedtime. Patients with esophageal stricture, fast food intolerance, depending on the severity, select the pap, semifluid or liquid, the slow swallow a bite, or swallow soon by taking the soda for food.

2.Drink less acidic beverages, alcohol, etc., in order to prevent the lower end of the esophageal sphincter tension, especially the alcohol can reduce the frequency of peristaltic contraction of the esophagus.

3.Eat less food that slows the stomach. Gastric emptying delay not only indirectly increases the chance of reflux, but also causes abdominal distension and belching. This kind of food mainly includes some sticky food, such as zongzi, rice cake, yuanxiao, wine and so on.

4.Increase protein intake, stimulate gastrin secretion and increase the pressure of the esophageal sphincter. Therefore, some proteins can be appropriately added in the food, such as lean meat, milk, soy products, egg white, etc.

5.Eat less irritant, eat less chocolate, cook less spices, such as chili, curry, pepper, garlic, mint, etc.

6.Try to minimize the increase in abdominal pressure, such as over bending, wearing tights, and tying a belt.

7.Gastroesophageal reflux often relapse when the hypothesis, because the hypothesis when the reflux is horizontal movement, vertical than sit a bottom-up movement is easier, at the same time, when in a state of sleep, stomach mouth up and down the two doors of sphincter is in a state of relaxation, the role of inhibition of gastroesophageal reflux. Like sleeping on the bed, the bed mat can be 15~20 centimeters high, this is an effective way to reduce the counterflow, if necessary, you can also take a tablet before bed.

8.Medication should be administered under the guidance of a physician to avoid side effects of drug abuse.

Why do we have stomach trouble when we are young?

Why do we have stomach trouble when we are young?
1. In China, Because a lot of young people just graduated from school, soon to step into society, so the economic pressure will be bigger, because the job is not very stable, the guarantee of life in big cities is not completely, many people are often in the company have a cheap fast food, eat quickly will continue to work, so long the comprehensive nutrition, cause the body immune system problems, also can affect the function of intestines and stomach, resulting in some stomach trouble.

2.Because of life pressure and work pressure is too large, often can make young people feel very nervous, can't let up, so there will be work and rest time is not fixed, lead to increased the risk of stomach trouble, so can make a lot of young people intestines and stomach problems.


Reducing improper joint replacement can save billions of dollars.

According to a review published this week in JAMA, avoiding inappropriate knee and hip replacement can save about $12.7 billion.
Reducing improper joint replacement can save billions of dollars.

With an average medical insurance rate of $13,000 to limit the cost of knee and hip replacements, about $4.4 billion is saved each year.
The authors say the lack of patients with education, changes in equipment prices, and the use of inpatient and outpatient Settings can also help to increase the cost of these programs unnecessarily.
In 2014, the United States conducted 723,000 knee replacements and 505,000 hip replacements, costing more than $20 billion. That is equivalent to 226 knees and 204 hip replacements per 100,000 people, more than the replacement rate of other high-income countries. As more and more young people opt for joint replacement, the incidence of these operations is also increasing, the article said.

At the same time, the author says the United States of 205 knee arthroplasty a study concluded that more than a third of the patients are considered to be inappropriate, may save the cost of $8.3 billion.

See what drives costs and programs can help reduce overall health care costs. In some parts of the country, for example, compensation for knee and hip replacements ranges from $17,000 to nearly $60,000 in other areas. The price of the implant is also $4,000. A study in 2017 found that in expensive hospitals, the cost of knee and hip replacements was 2.1 times and 1.7 times the cost of hospitals with lower costs.

To control costs, the authors recommend limiting payment differences and treating patients with treatment options and risks in the decision-making process. Increasing the price transparency around the prosthesis will allow hospitals to compare prices and reduce the purchase price.

Moving more programs to the clinic can also save a lot of money. The authors cite the mobile surgery center's estimate that a quarter to half of knee and hip replacement can be performed in the clinic. Transferring only a quarter of the health care facilities to outpatients could save Medicare about $714 million a year.

CMS's integrated care joint replacement (CJR) bundle payment plan is another way to reduce costs. The model will tie the cost of hospitalization and the care costs of patients with knee and hip surgery after 90 days of discharge, and reward hospitals that exceed the cost and quality benchmarks.


Cashless and mobile payment applications has led to ATM transformation in Banks: smart devices are the main force.

As mobile payment spread, many people have been unwittingly got to go out with mobile phones, the habit of leaving her wallet, there are a lot of people don't remember when was the last time went to the bank to withdraw money, and at the same time, ATM machine utilization ratio is lower, the market on the voice of the ATM opportunity will not be eliminated gradually.

Mobile payment In China
Mobile payment In China

The reporter visits found, the ATM machine "meets the cold" phenomenon and can not generalize. "There has been a decline in demand for traditional atms, but the notion that atms are being eliminated is overblown." A member of the settlement management department of a share bank told reporters.A number of bankers interviewed said there was no obvious sense that the ATM was being phased out. Instead, the upgraded bank intelligent machines are replacing the labor, which brings more convenient and faster service experience to customers.

ATM self-service.
ATM self-service.

Traditional ATM machines are no longer popular.
In crowded areas, ATM machines, the scenes of long queues, seems to emerge in your mind, but now, popular commercial area, hospital, subway station, and community bank ATM machine become very little activity.
Recently, the Beijing reporter in xidan hanguang department store, observes discovery, very long time not only the ATM machine has few people to visit, even the cashier desk in the department store, customer queuing phenomenon also rarely appeared. Many of the brands' counters can be paid by 'scanning the code (qrcode)'. Occasionally, customers will use cash or swipe CARDS, and the staff will open the documents to the cashier for payment." Hanguang department store, a saleswoman told reporters.

In a large community in fengtai, the self-service network of the bank found that the utilization rate of the deposit and withdrawal in the 24-hour self-service equipment was much higher than that of the ATM.
In half an hour, the vast majority of self-service customers are saving money.
"During the Spring Festival, a large number of red packet were received, and the cash payment was seldom used. Therefore, it is convenient and fast to deposit in the ATM." A customer who used an ATM during this period told reporters.

It has been a win-win project for business districts, subway stations and office buildings. It is convenient for customers to add water and promote their brands.
ATM machine utilization rate significantly decreased in the past two years, business district, a lot of Banks for the rent cost, maintenance cost and other factors taken into account to remove some of the old equipment, but most of the bank's actions and not so fast, also in a 'wait-and-see'." A Chinese state-owned banker said.

According to the overall statistics of China's central bank payment system, the total number of atms in the country was 92.42 million by the end of 2016, an increase of 5.75 million over the previous year, with a growth rate of 6.63%.
By the end of the third quarter of 2017, the number of ATM machines in China was 94.77 million, up 4202 units from the end of last quarter, and the number of ATM machines per 10,000 people was 6.85, up by 3.53% year on year.
It is worth noting that in 2012 and 2013, the annual growth rate of ATM machines in China was about 25%.

Reporters to Beijing and some Banks in hebei to check whether the ATM machine is being phased out.
In this regard, many Banks have said that they still need ATM machines, but many kinds and functions are the direction of future development.
"Cash transaction service, ATM machine mainly do before now through bank technology updates, and the cooperation, ATM is becoming a comprehensive intelligent equipment trading, in financial field, can complete more complicated business, handling in the field of life service, can pay the utility costs, bus card prepaid phone, ticket booking, etc." A bank worker in Beijing said.

At a joint-stock bank headquarters, he says: "according to its understanding, at present the bank have no plan of new ATM machine in shopping malls, subway station, but new outlets must be equipped with 24-hour automatic equipment. ATM machines are not limited by time and are convenient for customers. They are necessary for a long time.

"There is also a reason for the decline in ATM machines due to the closure of branches due to comprehensive consideration." At the headquarters of the joint-stock Banks, he says, is "physical light-duty outlets are many Banks to take the train of thought, some branches off leaving only self-service ATM service, and some even removed with ATM, but looking from the existing data, and cannot accurately judge the ATM machines are pulling out of the market, and transformation is the development direction of the bank."

Intelligent equipment becomes the main force of transformation.
The increase in cashless applications does pose a challenge to bank atms, but it also accelerates the pace of its transformation. Under the background of financial science and technology, bank branch construction is developing towards "smart" and "light", and the upgrade and transformation of ATM machine is also the meaning of the problem.

A bank's ATM machine staff told reporters that the company ATM project team is committed to business functions update, only traditional deposit and withdrawal, transfer and check balances ATM machines are being upgraded to a more intelligent, more convenient self-service machine."Today's ATM ATM has added feature business modules in addition to its basic functions," the business insider said. That is, in addition to deposit and withdrawal, transfer, check balance, etc., also support time deposit, buy financial management and query financial evaluation and so on.

"Customer group is given priority to with elderly people in the city, they are keen to high interest rates of deposit or financial products, especially the old people not so proficient in operating, and have free time, more inclined to personally to the bank to transact business." The business people said.

Asked whether the bank ATM machine existence phenomenon, the declining use of hebei competent a subbranch of a bank settlement, said a deputy governor of the bank ATM machine not only has not been eliminated, instead became the main force of business.

"For example, in our bank for the one-year deposit and withdrawal business, the interest rate for manual handling at the counter is 1.95%, and the interest rate of the ATM machine is 2.10%. Since the use of self-service equipment to handle the deposit business interest rate is high, it is easy to be accepted by customers, and the upgraded ATM machine is very popular.
"In addition, our bank certificates of deposit and CD machine, recycling machine, card machine, electronic banking experience and so on, customers are not familiar with machine operation at the beginning, rather than in a long time some such as window, but the Banks with a large number of machines used to guide personnel, some customers have used a few times, can skilled operate by himself."

It is worth noting that the bank also has a "money cabinet" machine, an upgraded ATM. This device to save atms much higher recognition rate than the average, ordinary ATM machine only once in a less than 100 face value is RMB 100 yuan, and "till" machines at a time can even access to hundreds of thousands of yuan, for customers with large demand, can save a lot of time, also avoid a customer in front of the ATM machine operation caused a large number of customers waiting in line for a long time.

At the same time, deputy governor of the above said, toward the window where the branch is almost only business need to be dealt with artificial, individual business is only the passbook and report the loss of business, other business basic can be done on self-service equipment intelligent machines to their bank has brought great changes.


7.6 percent of Chinese college students consider themselves bisexual or homosexual,A survey of homosex students in China.

China family planning association issued college students and the present condition of the reproductive health survey, according to a report on sexual orientation, Chinese college students, the thought of himself as heterosexual students accounted for 89.5%, gay and bisexual accounted for 2.5% and 5.1% respectively.

7.6 percent of Chinese college students consider themselves bisexual or homosexual,A survey of homosex students in China.

The survey was conducted in 2015 with 17,966 valid questionnaires covering more than 130 universities in China, with an average age of 20.2 years. Homosexuality among Chinese college students is slightly lower than in the United States and Europe.

In recent years, the Chinese perception of gay has changed, at least from the point of the younger generation group, most people's attitude is not exclusive homosexuality exists in social life.

Before the interview, we subconsciously thought that foreigners would be very open, especially those from Europe and the United States, which should be very different from the Chinese. But that is not the case.
The five Russian girls interviewed said they did not like gay people and had few gay people around them. A foreign student from the United States says some of his gay friends still face public opinion and pressure to make intimate moves with their male friends in public. But all respondents said that everyone should have the right to love.

Homosexuality is still the boundary of society when society is not universally accepted.

In the sad and sad stories we hear, they are not only struggling, but also under pressure from family and public opinion. Gay in the past, people regarded as a kind of disease and abnormal behavior, try by electric shock "aversion therapy", intake of male female hormones and brain lobe resection surgery such as appalling change sexual orientation.

Based on treatment of inefficiencies, most gay people are no longer seeking medical help, they or latent in the other side of the city to show the other side of the unknown, or hit a nominal marriage life.
Conservative estimates suggest that more than 16 million Chinese women have married gay or bisexual men.

Some gay people divorced, married, divorced, and eventually chose to go home.

The prevailing view in the United States and Europe that homosexuality is a disease is not a disease, nor is it treated, and that is supported by the medical community. In 1992, the world health organization (who) confirmed that homosexuality was a natural phenomenon for minorities and did not include it as a mental disorder.

China removed homosexuals from the list of mentally ill people in 2001.
We look forward to a more inclusive social environment.

Xiaomi has launched an ultra-cheap Internet dishwasher and responded to the plagiarism scandal.

In early march, millet will set out a lot with their own characteristics of products - 999 yuan of small tiles of the robot, cloud m series of dishwasher, Internet and cloud m Internet intelligent refrigerator iLive. The price of dishwasher and freezer is 1999 yuan, it is the price that kill red eye again ~ but people still have no time to be surprised, unexpectedly appeared the problem of suspected infringement? How did Yunmi respond?(Yunmi is xiaomi's ecological chain enterprise.)

Yunmi is using xiaomi's Internet technology to develop related brands.
The controversy comes after the dishwasher, which has been rumored to have copied the "Midea Group" company's  products.
Infringement projects include appearance patent, bowl basket patent, "door body structure", "dishwasher overflow hole structure" and so on.
And after the AWE (Chinese home appliances and consumer electronics fair) was checked out? Yunmi made a statement, saying that while the pudong intellectual property office in Shanghai did confirm the product, there was no infringement or removal.
While this may have led consumers to question the product, it still looks attractive.

It combines the three functions of washing dishes, sterilizing and collecting, and the three - dimensional spraying design of the dishwashers allows the bowl to be clean and clean without dead corners, and the sterilization effect can be achieved with 70 degrees of hot air drying.
The dishwasher uses embedded design, the style of simple collect is installed in the home to become fashionable adornment directly.
It is not only cheap and powerful, but the cloud meter dishwasher also boasts of saving water. It takes 20 liters of water to wash a set of dishes, and 7 liters of water can be achieved with a cloud rice dishwasher. In addition, since it is cloud meter, of course, it will emphasize the remote and timed operation of the App! That sounds very emotional.


Why does China deny that it is a developed country? Looking at this set of data, you maybe get the answer.

China's engel coefficient last year was 29.3 percent, according to the national bureau of statistics. Thus, it is said that our country has entered the ranks of rich or developed countries.But yesterday, MAO shengyong, a spokesman for the national bureau of statistics, made it clear: not like that.For measuring whether a country is developed countries, in addition to the engel coefficient and there are many indicators, such as the level of national income per capita, per capita GDP level, national income distribution, such as indicators, especially the per capita national income.In 2017, although China's economy is indeed the second largest in the world, per capita GDP is less than $9,000 at the average market rate.

Chinese Internet users are not calm, the comment area was captured in an instant and expressed their opinions.

screenshots of Chinese Internet users  post comments 

Part of the translation:
@像那个男人一样涅槃 : In the face of China, there is no such thing as undeveloped. When I was a child, I felt that the developed countries were good. Now there is no such thing as a developed country. Only the rest of China?
@落落无尘 : Engel Coefficient Engel s Coefficient is the proportion of total food expenditure in total personal consumption expenditure. The less a family income, household income and expenditure Used to buy food spending, the greater the proportion with the increase of family income, household income and expenditure Used to buy food spending ratio declines. PS: what if you add the mortgage? I'm over 85%.
@长宁华尔街 : Not developed countries, but why are prices so expensive?

Over the next five years, the gap between China's per capita income and that of the us, Japan and Germany is widening.


Why is it that a change in salary is less than 30 percent in job-hopping, equal to a "pay cut"?

Recruitment in the Labour market is a classic "information asymmetry" deal.
I remember when I was first year hiring, studied a large number of recruitment of words, to determine whether candidates have the corresponding ability, but in the second year, I just see degree, working background is the tough.
I found that when the other party was fully prepared, it was the age of applying skills on the Internet, and the ability to judge a person by a few minutes of conversation was not as good as looking at the constellations.
According to "information economics", your education and working hours are "public information" and your professional and personal qualities are "private information". In the case of information asymmetry, the best way for employers is to trust only "public information" and discount "private information".

In second-hand car trading, "appearance, range, use fixed number of year" belongs to the "public information" of high reliability, represents the car "fair value", "maintenance" belongs to only sell cars people know "private information", no matter who sell cars blow it up, car buyers are always be suspicious.
To protect themselves, buyers often assume that the other person is lying, offering a price for a bad car. In this way, you can buy a good car and make a profit. If you buy a bad car, you will not suffer a loss, which is a discount on "private information".

Similarly, in the recruitment, big companies high-profile, "work experience" belongs to the "public information" of value appreciation, generally from large companies to small industrial firms, will be on this a 20% increased wages.
On the contrary, the "work experience" of an unknown small company is "private information", jumping to a big company and offering discounts to employers.

Why is a pay rise less than 30 per cent a salary cut? It also has to do with information asymmetry.
Economists have built a model of "shoddy Labour". Here's how it works: a company with the most capable people is the most likely to jump ship, the least able to be fired, but job-hopping and dismissal are "private information" that can't be resolved.

As a result, any career change on the resume, especially in a company for less than two years, is suspected of being a "defective Labour force" in the "guilty assumptions" of HR.

In other words, your job change will cause you to lose value the next time you move, so the only way to do this is to raise your salary in advance. Add in the risk of job-hopping, with less than 30% of the increase in job-hopping, both of which should be cautious.
The combination of these two factors makes it often "nominal and real" to jump from a small company to a well-known company.

So is it worth it? We still need to look for answers from "information economics".
Let's start with the "second-hand car trade" : the mentality of the car buyer, regardless of the bad car, will be the bad car bid. In this way, the man who took the car was quitting: why, I love my car so much, you give me a 20% discount? Don't sell!

This way, can on the second-hand market transaction, the only bad car, time grows, car buyers to know here is not good, but the bad car is hierarchical, car buyers can only put all the bad car as a "more bad car" offer.

The adverse selection of this "bad currency to drive out good money" continues, leading to the collapse of the secondary market. As a result, information economists believe that, as long as there is "information asymmetry", the transaction will not be able to proceed.
In real life, second-hand car market is alive and well, this is because there are a large number of third party appraisal institution at work, they accumulated professional experience, to provide the actual usage of vehicle and the real value, "private information" into "public information", that is to break the "asymmetric information".

In the hiring process, you want to prove your value, and your thoughts are the same, so be sure to turn the "private information" of your personal abilities into "public information" that has credibility.

How do you do that? Let me start by analyzing the most "value-preserved" indicator of a job -- a degree.

The main function of education is to identify talents?

I don't know if you have ever thought that, since everyone knows that education is not equal to ability, why is it that in recruitment (especially in school recruitment), the degree of a famous university is the decisive factor?
An economist named Spencer, who studied the labor market, put forward a theory-educational signal transmission, and thus won the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics.
According to spencer, the main function of education in the university is not to cultivate talents, but to identify talents and to transfer the price to the market.
China has a story, "He Shi Bi" education as "He Shi", the jade stone break outside, see if it is jade, so, polish, finally affix its own brand - "production" XX university.
This is in China, the big company's campus recruitment, then take a fancy to you the cause of the 985, 211, not only because they are high quality of education, but also because in these schools recruit students, already help you to identify talent.

In China, the key is the Gaokao. After all these years, people have been making fun of the shortcomings of the college entrance examination, but it is still irreplaceable.Even if it's not science, it's better than you can judge a person by the interview.
In fact, three years of high school is basically a long process of talent identification -- no perseverance, being eliminated.
Not smart enough to be eliminated.

Think of why we have imprisoned ourselves in the world of books at the time when we should have been unbridled.
Why do people go to college and play, but you have to work hard to get a better school?
Because you want to "diligence, high efficiency, high intelligence quotient", and so on personal ability of "private information", into a anyone can read the "public information" - 985, 211 degrees, to open another more important "public information" - the famous enterprises work experience.

Turning "private information" into "public information" means that "value goes up", anything of value, and the need to get it all comes at a price.

The college entrance examination, you have spent three years;
Second-hand car transactions, to be paid to third-party evaluation agencies;
Small companies move to big companies at the expense of wages.

But because your work experience becomes more valuable and "public information", and you still have a chance to get your paycheck back to normal, it's still a rational choice.

Take advantage of the influential communication opportunities in the industry and enter the circles of people in the industry to make their own opinions.
Use the online professional BBS, influential platform to publish your own articles.
Use influential industry platforms to help others solve problems.
Participate in the industry's impact assessment...

Its core is to transform "own ability" into "public information" of high visibility.
Political theory: who monopolizes the right to interpret the information, who has the power;
Economic theory: you can make information credible, you control an invisible wealth.
If information is wealth, there are two ways to get it:
One is to make use of information asymmetry to make profit, like using various interview skills, to gain the trust of the interviewer;
One is to "socialize" the ability to use information to reduce transaction costs.
Which one do you prefer?


How to become a slash-youth, for make money and Freedom of life?

The word "slash youth" has been particularly popular in the last two years.
The word "slanting" comes from the English word "Slash", a concept coined by the New York times columnist Marci Alboher in 2007, "One Person/multiple careers" :
A New Model for Work Life Success.
In her book, she notes that more and more young people are no longer satisfied with the boring lifestyle of "single occupation".Instead, start choosing a multifaceted life with multiple careers and multiple identities.
These people use slashes to distinguish between professions in their self-introduction,
For example, Lenny Platt, the lawyer/actor/producer, so "Slash" became synonymous with them.
After understanding to Slash the concept, I am very excited, before that, some of my friends are always struggling to expound his multiple identities, and now finally have their own positioning - I 'm a Slash!
If you're slash, talk about your multiple careers, show your results and share them with you.

How to become a slash youth?
In most reports, the way to become a slant is to work part-time.
Such as "Beijing evening news" introduction to slash the youth of the case is that a girl do accounting, like tinkering with flowers, go to the hotel to see a wedding in the wedding, after talked with my staff, found there lack of flower art teacher, she became a part-time wedding flower art teacher. Later, she was introduced to write a script, and she learned to write a script and took part in the work of a part-time playwright.
So she became a model for youth: accountant/florist/dramatist.

It reminds me of when I was in college, although there is no the word "slash youth", but there is a the elder brothers in should be completely is the criterion for slash youth today: he's at school do day rent rent residential building next to the room, also in the campus agent selling mobile phone top-up CARDS, and at the same time in the school promote China merchants bank, China construction bank credit card.
I remember one time when he was invited to speak at an event where he introduced himself to three areas: real estate, communications and finance.Today, this guy should be a slasher, right?
Slash-youth, is it a part-time job?
If we blindly want to do the slash youth and pursue the so-called plural life, then we are likely to go around a big bend in the pursuit of success.

Think of it, highly mobile, social division of labor in today's talent constantly refined era, more and more competitive, you must be in the field of a supremely well, is likely to get the real voice. Do not understand this point, blindly pursue the part-time job realization, on the surface is in the promotion ability, actually is shallow take the time to cash directly.

The slash is the result, not the cause.
So, to be extreme, it is not to say that one major is enough, but to learn all the core competencies that are relevant to a particular type of problem. This point, must be breakthrough professional.
Our professional division is the use of marketing, law, politics, history, literature, and so on, but the world is not run according to human segmentation. A marketing problem may involve legal, political, historical and cultural factors.
The perfect blueprint outlined by the "slash youth" is supported by powerful multi-skill skills.
On the way to the slash youth ", some people just learn some east, west, seemingly wonderful life in the pursuit of diverse, is actually in blind to shallow through rapid success.
In this increasingly competitive age, the true "slash youth" knows that it is necessary to excel in one area before it is possible to have a real say.

Some people's slashes are not good for the job besides the job.
Other people's slashes are the result of a multidimensional and progressive growth after learning about the self.

In fact, the real "slash youth", is the life of a group of carefully, they are unwilling to mediocrity, keep learning knowledge from various fields aspects constantly accumulate experience, and then, at the same time achieve the pluralistic value gain wealth on freedom.

And for everyone who is serious about life, it is possible to have a unique and wonderful life of slashes through the exploration of themselves and the unknown.


Creative gifts and uncommon goods in China,for your family and love.

In China, it is very choosy to choose gifts for friends.
The following gifts are especially suitable for family, relatives and friends.
1.Chinese knot(Chinese pinyin spell:zhōng guó jié)
A symbol of happiness, or a metaphor for love, or a call to friendship, or a celebration of life.
Chinese knot-That creative gifts and uncommon goods in China,for your family and love.

Chinese knot-That creative gifts and uncommon goods in China,for your family and love.

2.Chinese calligraphy and painting(Chinese pinyin spell:zhōng guó zì huà )
Calligraphy and painting symbolize auspiciousness and good luck, suitable for the living room at home, hanging in the office reception room.

Chinese calligraphy and painting

Chinese calligraphy and painting

Chinese calligraphy and painting

3.Personality bookmarks.(Chinese pinyin spell:gè xìng shū qiān  )

Personality bookmarks.

Personality bookmarks.

Personality bookmarks.


The problems of professionally trained programmers in China.

I do not know when I have heard the Chinese mention the word "programmer" in front of the Japanese, from the scalp to the heel. And Japanese companies trained to "coding program man" from the appellation, connotation and focus are completely different.

the problems of professionally trained programmers in China.

The China Technology Open Day delegation paid a week-long visit to Japan. The author followed the first two days to the Slush Asia conference and visited two enterprises, Gungho and Deloitte. Although they had lived in Japan for four years, But this kind of experience is very few, to China and Japan's technical strength has a lot of thinking.

If you've been a programmer for a long time, if you've made writing a program the most important thing in your life, you might find the content of this article unpleasant. It is hoped that through the observation and analysis of some phenomena, the reader will think. If you can get inspiration or reflection from it, then the purpose of this article will be achieved.

What is the difference between Chinese and Japanese programmers?

In China, professionally trained "programmers" may be referred to as: Java engineers, iOS engineers, engineers, and so on.These names refer to professional programmers and have been subdivided by language or tools.In Japan, however, such a term is almost impossible to see.

There are two professions closest to Chinese programmer: programmer (プログラマー)and IT engineer(ITエンジニア).However, they are not deliberately classified by programming language or tool.In addition, there are many professions that write programs, but their address and focus are not coded, such as:
1, Web designer. then, Partial design requires fine arts.
2. Web producer. Mainly planning, analysis, market survey, budget adjustment, etc.
3, system engineer. Mainly write system requirements and specifications, many arts students in the post.
These occupations are programmed, but are equivalent to part-time jobs.
A real full-time "programmer" who basically writes in any language, does anything, doesn't divide it into Java / C, front-end engineers, back-end engineers, and the like.
And programmer status is not high, the Japanese do not want to be called that.
At this point, readers must understand why I get numb when I hear the word "programmer".

On Japan's Professional status from the Perspective of salary.
Money, though not the best measure of value, must be the least bad.
To see a career in a country's status, the simplest is to compare the level of wages.
Simple numerical comparisons, but just a few numbers are interesting to understand a country. (the current exchange rate is 1 yuan, about 16 yen, if necessary.)

The salary that a university student gets after graduation is commonly 200,000 yen, before and after rise 20,000 or so.
The gap between the rich and the poor in Japan is very small. Everyone earns about the same. After entering the job, according to the efficiency of the company, the annual increase is about 5,000 to 10,000 yen. Because of the ability of a new employee, And the sudden sharp rise in wages is hardly the case.

According to the average salary of a lifetime, people who are really "programmers" are paid about 320 thousand yen a month. Compare the other professions.

Electrician - 280,000
Firefighter - 310,000
Nurse - 320,000
Truck driver - 330,000
High school teacher - 370,000
National University associate professor - 510,000
Announcer - 560,000
Lawyer - 640,000
A physician - 860,000
Ophthalmologist - 900,000

What is the most profitable job?
Obstetricians with a salary of 1 million 300 thousand a month.

As you can see from the above data, the programmer or the IT industry does not take any advantage, as much as the truck driver.
What's more popular is the medical industry, the education industry, the judicial industry. The most profitable part is to become a doctor, even the most time dentists, the monthly salary is also 600 thousand, far beyond other industries.

Where there is money, talent will naturally gather.
China's hot money has poured into the Internet industry, resulting in excessive influx of talents. No matter learning news, electronics, machinery or management, they all want to go to Internet companies.Although the development of an industry has also hindered other industries.
In Japan, salaries are the same in most industries, so talent is equally distributed across industries.Since programmers don't have a special salary advantage, they won't gather top talent, nor will they break down into "Java programmers," "C programmers," "iOS programmers."
Therefore, write code has a huge image difference between China and Japan.
China is more extreme, either paying special attention to it or devaluing it.
Japan, on the other hand, is more balanced, treating it only as a very common occupation.
So, if Chinese students promote programming in Japan, it's generally counterproductive.
You can promote design, creative, planning, communication,But don't easily preach your programming skills, or you're in the dust.

What is the most important ability of Japanese enterprises?
There is often a situation in China:
A front-end engineer, who thinks he can only do the front-end, and can't do anything other than the front-end.A "Java engineer", he thinks he can only Java, the others do not want to do.
It was as if he had confined himself to a cage.
There are many people very confused, said that do not know which direction to develop, is to do front-end? Or linux? Or Node.js development? Incredible, can't we all develop? In other words, "give you a job, whether it's front-end, back-end, left-right, you can do it."
General-purpose and versatile ability [ユーティリティ性] is the most important ability of Japanese enterprises.In an enterprise, it means "the ability to respond to a variety of tasks." in the Chinese vernacular, "give you a job and you can do it."Therefore, Japanese companies recruit people, very little attention to the programming ability of candidates.
Japanese company training is very comprehensive, whether you are engineering arts, it will not take long after entering the job learned.Many companies also tend to find people who can't program to write programs.  And, to be honest, programming today is almost a basic skill, and programming languages are getting simpler and simpler, and anyone can learn, it's no big deal.

What Japan calls "universal ability" is a comprehensive index of technical, willpower, physical, thinking, emotional control, and social power.With this capability, it should be said that any project can be completed, far more important than the Chinese programmer's ability to master a certain framework.The highest level of learning a computer is not to master how many tools are used, but to have careful analysis and accurate judgment, so that any work done is faster than others, that is, "keeping a horse" is more efficient than most people.

There is a strange thing in China.During the interview, the technical officer may ask a very detailed question, such as how to call a function.Strange, can't remember these can't do development?
Can't use GOOGLE to get the answer? Programming needs all kinds of documentation, but there are people who rely on memory to develop it.In addition, in China, many training institutions teach only the use of a tool without exploring a pattern and a way of thinking. Education students "how to find solutions", I am afraid this is worth reflecting on the education of enterprises, and may find a good business model.

All in all,To learn any skill, one should learn that the more you learn, the more you can learn more skills and the more things you can do.


"Transformers" will appear in Tianjin industrial exposition 2018, China. Brand exhibition

Tianjin GongBoHui held 13 consecutive, brand exhibition, technology exchange and trade cooperation, promotion in a body, is famous for its effectiveness and the exhibition in the industry, has become the authority of the upstream and downstream enterprise procurement of equipment and raw materials industrial manufacturing platform and the equipment manufacturing industry at home and abroad to understand market trends, the latest release information window, is a famous brand in the field of equipment manufacturing in China.

The 14th tianjin GongBoHui with "made in China 2025" programme of action as the main line, to start the first phase of tianjin meijiang convention and exhibition center, 2 period all pavilions, exhibition area of 90000 square meters, is equipped with the machine tools, robots, automation, such as the laser sheet metal, auto equipment and intelligent manufacturing professional exhibition, from more than 20 countries and regions in the world nearly 1000 well-known brand appearance.

On March 15, an audience member shook hands with the model's "transformers robot". On that day, the 14th China (tianjin) international industrial exposition opened in tianjin. The exhibition is equipped with the professional exhibition area of CNC machine tools, industrial robots, automation and intelligent manufacturing, attracting nearly 1000 famous brands from more than 20 countries and regions.

Tianjin industrial exposition,Artificial intelligence robot:
The audience watched the industrial robots fully automated stacking.

view more please visit homepagesite:

These points may be helpful for your job interview, In the programmer industry of China.

I want to share with you some details of the interview today. I hope it will help you.
These points may be helpful for your job interview, In the programmer industry of China.
These points may be helpful for your job interview, In the programmer industry of China.

1. Try not to mark the expected salary on your paper resume.
With regard to the expected salary, we will all make a very clear remark on the recruitment resume, so that the paper resume can no longer be written down on the expected salary. In the programmer industry, the first round of interviews is usually a written test. Or the company directly calls a technician to interview you.

If we start with the expected salary on our resume, let's assume that if you're doing well in the interview, the interviewer looks at the salary requirements you put on your resume, if you expect a salary much higher than his current salary. This is very bad for you. Don't ignore that people have a certain degree of subjective consciousness. In his eyes, your technical level is not as good as that of him, and you expect your salary to be above him. Just ask what others will think. Isn't this a sign that the expected salary is adding to your troubles?

2.Major key knowledge points should be firmly grasped.
There is no doubt that the basis of professional knowledge should be fully prepared, if time is tight, there is no time to make full preparation, at least we should have a rough look at the past, if you are a god, please ignore it.

3, to answer the questions of the interviewer
The general programmer's eloquence ability is relatively weak, if so, suggest that you should learn to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses in the interview process, for the interviewer put forward questions, whether technical issues or talk about life, should be targeted, grasp the key.

4. At ordinary times, we should cultivate the ability to think independently and solve problems alone
Some developers, a problem, like to immediately find the answer through the search engine, think that high efficiency, in fact, independent thinking is a very interesting work.
Development process, will inevitably encounter a variety of problems, at this time, it is recommended that you first think, it is not clear in search engines or other methods to solve.
I believe there are a lot of people around you who are more likely to learn to accept knowledge passively, get used to others, and always turn to others for reasons when they encounter problems.
There are also people around you, I believe: they always have their own views on problems, and they have new ideas and deep ideas.
It is the charm of independent thinking that those who can think independently tend to solve problems more realistically.
If you are an interviewee, what kind of job applicant are you more likely to choose?

What do you want to see in China, recruitment information, please leave a message.

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Girls failed in 41 interviews, Interviewer: you have kids. Why are you still working?

Two days ago, Moments saw such a complaint in WeChat:
Go to the interview, unexpectedly all the companies ask me, "when to have children?
And one company said, "can you promise not to have children for three years?"
I do not want to live, but also can not promise to him ah!"

Many companies' hiring conditions say naked as long as men, single better, no single, who is on duty? Who's going to make a long run? Who's going to work in the field? It's nothing new for married unbred women to find a job.

I've seen this piece of news before:
Almost all businesses are wary of women during the reproductive period。
An unmarried woman means that she has to get married and take a marriage leave in the future, and then take maternity leave after giving birth to a child, and then take another maternity leave after giving birth to a second child. A woman who has given birth to a child means that she will take maternity leave at any time. A woman who has already given birth to a second child will take maternity leave at any time. Safety is safer, but she's probably out of work.

As a result, data surveys indicate that:
When the ratio of men and women in the workplace is 1: 1, the proportion of women entering senior leadership level is less than 25%.
64% agreed that men were more likely to be promoted in the workplace. 71 percent said the workplace ceiling was more severe among women.
Global women are 10 years behind men in wages, and the global gender pay gap is at least 118 years away.
When every girl goes to an interview, she hears the question: are you married? You got a date? When are you going to have a baby? You can't ask for a few days off every month. Can you nurse and get to work?

And most companies, after a lot of consideration, "let women go home and bring their children," after all, "We're working under a lot of stress, and you may not be able to balance it."

Especially after the implementation of China's comprehensive two-child policy, many employers are worried that women have a second child and raise the cost of employment, which affects women's performance at work, and thus gives women fewer opportunities for promotion and development.

Basically, our mothers are the hardest generation in the original jungle, with no modesty at all. And all sorts of single writers who haven't given birth to children are simply saying, "you can have a family and a career."

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, wrote a best-selling book, step forward, to encourage women to break through the gender barrier and take a step forward in the workplace.
The value of a woman can be earned on her own.


Huawei nova 3e new machine real hand: first Kirin670, Liu Hai comprehensive screen appearance gorgeous!

With the rise of the young market, huawei has become more attached to the young nova series and wants to rely on it to compete in the offline and OPPO, vivo and other competitive markets.
As early as March 12, huawei's official microblog officially announced that huawei's nova 3e will be released in changsha on March 20.
It is the international version of P20 Lite, and the first "liu haiping" new machine released by huawei in China. Now, the Internet has exposed the top hand of huawei nova 3e, video.
In front of huawei's nova 3e, there is a little "bangs" on the front of the front, with a small "bang" on the front, but it's a good screen.
On the back is the white glass fuselage, rear vertical double photo and fingerprint identification, the whole machine modelling is more round, the appearance level still is the main feature.
According to the previous exposure configuration, the machine will be equipped with a 5.6-inch 1080P screen, or a starting qilin 670 processor, with 4GB of storage, a 3350mAh battery built-in, and an EMUI 8.0 system based on android 8.0.

In addition, the whole machine modeling is relatively round, single hand operation without pressure, the handle should be good. The back is taken with a vertical double shot, and then the fingerprint is placed. In addition, it can be noted that the HUAWEI Logo in the lower left corner also adopts the vertical arrangement, which echoes the camera.
In terms of configuration, according to the previous report, huawei's nova 3e will adopt a 5.6-inch display screen, with a resolution of 2160x1080, or a starting kirin 670 processor. The new U is designed with 12nm process, dual-core A72+ 4 nuclear A53 design, GPU for Mali G72 MP4, and integrated NPU AI operation unit. Battery capacity 3350mAh.
In addition, huawei's nova 3e will be endorsed by the 95-legged goddess guan xiaotong.
Does this kind of huawei nova 3e move your heart?


English physicist Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76, mourn!

Hawking is a great scientist, an extraordinary man, whose work and achievements will last for years.
He also had a few predictions that affected all of humanity in his life.
Mourn for this unusual scientist.
Born January 8th 1942, Oxford, England
Died in Cambridge, England, March 14th 2018
more about this scientist visit  home site :


French brother complains that he can't use the WeChat,Look what Tencent's boss Pony Ma said.

A few months ago, a video of a French guy was hot on the Internet. The boy cried out that France was behind in the payment field. The locals also used cash and bank cards. Only when they went to Starbucks could they use Apple Pay.
After living in China for eight years, he used WeChat Pay instead of his wallet or cash.
He also praised WeChat's ability to order takeout, buy train tickets, take a taxi, and do almost anything.
At the end of the video, he hoped Pony Ma would see the video, pleading for WeChat technology to be introduced to France to save the region from the water and fire.

Pony Ma, Tencent's chief executive, said in an interview recently that he had seen the video: "it was forwarded to me by hundreds of people. My biggest complaint is that I don't think he's too old. Why call me uncle?"

At the same time, Ma Huateng said that China's mobile payment for mobile phones has also encountered difficulties in overseas development: "The enterprises that really want to make cross-border payments, including the need to apply for similar mobile payment third-party payment licenses in the local area, are in fact very slow and difficult. It is also relatively high.
We went out and explored a round before we knew that China's third-party payment was so advanced that there was no such advantage overseas. "

Take Malaysia, for example, Apply for a third party's payment license, which is very difficult to apply for.
However, after obtaining the license, we also found that many local infrastructures have yet to be built, and some banks cannot provide interfaces. If we can not achieve interconnection, many progress cannot be further promoted.
We have realized the importance of this aspect and are also promoting technological transformation among banks.

At the time of the two sessions in 2018, the NPC deputies said in their speeches,
Pony Ma said that the past five years have been a golden period for the development of the global Internet and technology industry, and China has seized the opportunity to achieve rapid development, catching up with the United States and becoming the world's second-largest innovation center for Internet and technology.

In 2015, Pony Ma put forward the "Internet" to promote economic development, I was fortunate to be included in the Government's action plan, which is now being implemented in various places, has been more than two years, the effect is very significant.
In 2018, a year later, what have we observed? We are seeing more and more big data, cloud computing, especially this year, which has expanded to government affairs, smart cities and so on.

Alibaba Jack Ma and Google CEO argue about one thing in Davos, but the results are thought-provoking?

Artificial intelligence (AI) was the main topic of discussion in Davos this year. Ma Yun and Google CEO Sandar Pichai are engaged in a debate about artificial intelligence.
Two top business leaders have their own opinions and words. Let's take a look at their views on artificial intelligence!!!

The contemporary physicist Hawking warned that artificial intelligence (AI) may destroy humans. Tesla CEO Elon Musk fears that robots will kill humans.

But now the development of artificial intelligence seems irresistible. The topic is one of the most watched topics at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The World Economic Forum stated that:
This is a historic moment for artificial intelligence.
All the technologies come together: big data, the rapid development of hardware, powerful artificial intelligence algorithms, and open source community tools to reduce barriers to entry into the intelligence world for startups.
The end result: artificial intelligence is moving from research laboratories to our everyday lives, from urban travel, to cars, to energy, to the Internet.

In 2018, everyone began to see the commercial value of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is added to more and more things every year, and it is getting smarter. This undoubtedly accelerates human innovation.

But as artificial intelligence becomes more powerful, more autonomous and more widespread in its use and impact, the unsolved problem of artificial intelligence security becomes critical.

Risks include bias, poor decision-making, low transparency, unemployment and malicious use of artificial intelligence, such as autonomous weapons.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos (WEF), Ma Yun, the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, the two leading business leaders, and Google CEO Shandar Pichchai launched the topic of artificial intelligence.

Ma Yun, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, said: "Artificial intelligence, big data is a threat to humans. I think that artificial intelligence should help humans. Technology should do something for humans."

"computers look smarter than humans," Ma said. "they don't forget that they never have emotions. But computers can never be as smart as humans. Artificial intelligence and robots will replace a lot of work, because machines will do it in the future."

On the other side of the argument, Google CEO and CEO Sandal Pichchai is very optimistic. He said that "artificial intelligence may be the most important job for human beings. I think this is more profound than the invention of electricity or fire." He said that artificial Intelligence can eliminate many of the constraints currently faced by the world, including the ability to make "clean, cheap and reliable energy" a reality.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai recalled his childhood in India and talked about the power of technological change: "I grew up, we didn't see the phone there at one point, until five years later, we saw the phone. It fundamentally changed our lives. I still remember the joys of technology. I think artificial intelligence is real, effective, and it connects us to the world. "

He acknowledged the risks, but said: "whenever you use emerging technologies, you need to learn and maximize their use, while minimizing technical shortcomings."
What do you think about the debate between Jack Ma and Google CEO artificial Intelligence? Welcome to share your message, welcome to forward.

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How many flavors does the old godmother(Lao Gan Ma of Chinese brand) have? What are the best three?

How many flavors does the old godmother(Lao Gan Ma of Chinese brand)  have? 
What are the best three?
Evaluation from China
Lao Ganma, family photo of product line:
1. Chili oil

This is the usual buy of the old godmother, Germany's Asian supermarket prices around 2 euros. The main raw materials only chili, because the pepper oil is wet and dry, so the taste is good. The aftertaste is sweet, but sweet. Monosodium glutamate is very strong. I usually use it as a seasoning. I usually splash my own oil into chili oil, but my chili oil is only spicy and has no other flavor, and German friends generally can't accept it. It's too spicy. The old godmother's chili oil is just fine.
Common practice or method of eating: spicy oil dipping, mixing rice

2. Spicy and crisp oil pepper
The taste is basically the same as the previous one, but the chili is prebaked so it's crispy. I usually eat rice.

3. Mushroom oil pepper
I haven't eaten it. The picture isn't on

4. Pork shredded soy sauce chili peppers

This variety looks like the German supermarket didn't sell it. I don't know.

5. Peppers with peppers

This is definitely a popular style, and the German Yachao often promotes it in 1.99 euros. The unique feature of Laogan Ma is the hot three diced inside: peanuts, turnips, fried bean curd (I don't know how to say it in Chinese). Because there are three diced peppers in it. So it tastes better than pure chili oil alone. I often miss half the bottle when I accidentally look at Youtube.

6. Dried shredded pork with oil peppers
Germany does not sell, do not make an evaluation.
7.flavored chili peppers
Domestic supermarkets have not seen, do not do evaluation

8. flavored fermented soya bean
German supermarkets also do not sell.
9. Chicken oil pepper with flavor

Before Indonesian friend did not understand Chinese bought a can, the feeling is similar to normal chili oil, mainly expensive, it will be more than several other models will cost about 70%.

10. Flavor of Douchi
Common practices and meals: fried twice-cooked pork, fried twice-cooked pork!

Relevant evaluation

--Dry shredded pork oil pepper! There is no second place.
As a matter of fact, the taste has been tried for the first time recently, because Han Chao, who is too lazy to go to Yachao in China, sells only one kind of old godmother in the vicinity of his home.
A lot of meat shredded, eat the first bottle still thought that won the prize, almost went to buy lottery tickets, the chicken shredded in the past very little meat dripping
Immediately start the second bottle, or so reliable, the bottle content marked 10% pork, ha ha, soon to start the third bottle.

--Chicken chilli best eat, there's no second.

Recommended ranking
1. Oil pepper
2.Flavor chicken oil pepper
3. Mushroom oil pepper


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